Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1240 it's not me

Ye Wu is frightened by the strange spirit of Si Xingfu, and her thinking is too far away.

She gaped and forgot what she was going to say.

Si Xingfu takes back his sight.

The car went into the city very smoothly.

Ye dujun's men, who had already strictly guarded all the gates of the city, were afraid to inspect Si Xingfu's car.

Si Xingfu is a very important ally of Ye dujun. At the same time, ye Wu, the third young lady, sits in the car.

Goonan oak curled up in the trunk.

At home, Gu Qingzhou arranged the ancient South oak directly to huoyue's yard.

Huo Yue hasn't come back for many days.

There's no room and no servants. On weekdays, Huo Yue came to take care of food, drink and daily life.

"You talk first, I want to wash my face." Gu Qingzhou and the ancient South oak road.

She went back to her room with Si Xingqi first.

When he returned to his room, he shook his head.

He said that ye Wu: "the brain turns slowly, or not smart enough to learn your appearance."

"I'm not a good teacher," Gu said

"No matter how good the craftsmanship of carving master is, the wood itself is also good. Is it the master's fault that rotten wood can't be made into a tool? " I'm sorry.

"You are too harsh," Gu said

"You are too tolerant." Si Xingfu gently touched her head. "Light boat, you will be a kind mother in the future."

Gu Qingzhou: "..."

And leaf is enchanting, muddleheaded sit down, always feel what is wrong, but don't understand.

She also has a lot of questions about koonan oak.

Gu Nan Xiang first said, "congratulations on your engagement, miss three."

"Thank you very much," said Ye

Her thoughts soon shifted to the case of Gunan oak.

She is very interested in it.

"You said you had a festival with brigadier Wang. He's your officer, and you're not impulsive. Why do you have a quarrel with him? " Ye Wudao.

"It's a little disgusting." The contradiction between Wang and me is not a matter of two days. Because he's my chief, I've been holding back until a few days ago. "

Ye Wu nodded and motioned for him to continue.

"Wang qiaosong is lecherous. He has a wife and children in his family, but he still refuses to settle down." Gu Nan Xiang's voice was cold and steady. "On the street, he used vulgar words to hook up with the girl students he met on the road. Even in the military camp, he started to play tricks."

Wang qiaosong not only loves beautiful little girls, but also beautiful young men.

Some of the soldiers in the barracks are just enlisted and only 15 or 16 years old.

Most of them joined the army because they could not afford to eat at home, or because there was no one in their family. They were all weak and left to be slaughtered.

There is the handsome one, Wang qiaosong doesn't care about three seven twenty-one, get to his room.

Koonan oak has met several times.

He is honest and passionate, and loves fighting injustice, so he helped the young soldiers several times.

Wang qiaosong also hated Gu Nan oak. Although they were subordinates, the relationship between them became more and more rigid day by day.

Gu Nan Xiang was appointed by governor ye again. Wang qiaosong didn't dare to look for his misfortune.

About because of the help of Kunan oak, and because he was born tall, it was not easy to offend, the young soldiers gradually took him as a talisman.

Once harassed by Wang qiaosong, he ran to Gu Nan Xiang for help.

More times, the contradiction between ancient South oak and Wang qiaosong is even greater.

Some time ago, another thing was discovered in Kunan oak.

He thought Wang qiaosong was just harassing the soldiers, but he found that Wang qiaosong was more sick than he thought.

He didn't care whether the soldiers would like to or not. As long as he liked the people, he would use his identity to get people around and play with them.

And he also has a habit of abuse. Some of the young and beautiful soldiers were beaten to death by him.

Wang qiaosong is a brigadier general. His identity can help him cover his crimes perfectly.

As a man, being strong by a man, in the eyes of the world, this is a very humiliating thing.

The soldiers are still young and afraid of other people's strange eyes. They will seek the shelter of Kunan oak when Wang qiaosong is not successful, but they will not complain to Kunan oak after being humiliated by Wang qiaosong.

If it wasn't for the wrong reasons, and had been wary of Wang qiaosong in this respect, Gu Nan oak would not have found it.

Gu Nan Xiang goes to Wang qiaosong to confront him. Wang qiaosong denies it.

Most of the beautiful soldiers who had been bullied by Wang qiaosong refused to testify.

There is no evidence. Wang qiaosong is the officer of Kunan oak again. Kunan oak has no choice but to fight with Wang qiaosong.

Everyone heard Gunan oak threatening Wang josson: "sooner or later I will kill you!"

But before long, Wang qiaosong died.

Gu Nan Xiang has just had a quarrel with Wang qiaosong. Everyone is looking at him. His pistol is missing another bullet, and he just appears in Wang qiaosong's room.

Gunan oak knew he didn't kill josson, but he couldn't wash it.

Ye Wu didn't expect a brigade commander in the army to be so abnormal and cruel. Gu Nan Xiang's words made her sick and sick.

Reluctantly holding back his anger, ye Wu said, "where were you when Wang qiaosong died?"

"I'm in Wang's room." Gu Nan Xiang said, "I want to find evidence, and then report him to the governor..."

Ye Wu was surprised again.

At the moment, her mind is also floating a bit different.

Is Conan oak really pure?

"Wang qiaosong was killed in the room, and you look for evidence in his room Don't you see who killed him? " Asked Ye Wu. Her voice was unnatural.

Gu Nan Xiang raised his eyes and said slowly, "miss three, I didn't kill anyone. When I sneaked in, Wang was dead. "

Ye Wu coughs awkwardly, as if her mind has been exposed.

She finally understood why koonan oak ran away without saying a word.

If it's not killed by the ancient South oak, it really needs a little proof, but the ancient South oak doesn't.

"When you went in, Wang qiaosong had been dead for a long time, so no one heard the gunshot?" Ye asked.

Goonan oak shook his head.

"How many enemies does Wang qiaosong have in the barracks?" Ye Wu asked again, "who else could kill him besides you?"

"All the beautiful little soldiers are his enemies," said Gunan oak

"It can't be them." Ye Wu said, "they don't have the right to be near Wang qiaosong. They don't know the ghosts, and they are young, so they may not have the courage to kill people.

Besides, you are also their patron. Even if they want to kill josson Wang, they will not use you as a scapegoat. "

Gunan oak is humming.

He seems to have lost interest in talking about it all of a sudden.

Leaf Charm thought, tentatively asked: "ancient South oak, do you have your own guess? Do you know the killer? "

The ancient South oak saw the eye leaf charm.

The suspicious color of Leaf Charm's eye base is very deep.

In order to dispel her doubts, Gu Nan Xiang said a few more words, which made everything seem reasonable: "Wang qiaosong also embezzled military pay, and his head was suffering, and also had hatred with him."

In this way, Wang qiaosong has too many enemies.

"How easy to find out!" Ye Wu is in trouble.

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