Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1241 do you really want to know?

Seriously, everyone in the camp may be the murderer of Wang josson.

"However, we should hurry to check." Ye Wudao.

The governor is not at home. He goes to Chengdu to find Ye Shan. This is the best opportunity for ye Wu.

She wants to take the opportunity to find out the truth and clean up the grievances for Gunan oak.

Women can't enter places like barracks.

Only one person can help her.

"Let the division head check." Ye Wu thought, "he is familiar with the generals in the army. My father is not here at the right time. Division chief has a way to find out the truth. "

Leaf charm to ancient South oak way: "you first rest."

Then she went to Gu Qingzhou.

She asked Gu to help, and Gu agreed.

Gu Qingzhou told Si Xingfu about it.

Si Xingfu just took a bath and fell asleep in bed.

He slightly frowned: "you take everything to yourself. Is it a good relationship between Conan oak and you?"

He said that he was not happy and twisted his waist to take care of the boat.

Gu Qingzhou took a breath of air-conditioning because of the pain. He was so angry that he took a bite on Si Xingfu's arm and left a circle of teeth marks.

"Revenge?" Si Xingfu looked at her with a smile.

"Dental acid." Gu Qingzhou has some grievances.

The flesh and skin of this man is too hard. It's embarrassing to bite him!

Seeing her like this, Si Xingfu laughed.

After talking and laughing for a while, Gu Qingzhou said: "I promised to help, not for the ancient South oak, but for the leaf charm."

"When can I help you?" he snorted

"The ancient South oak is Ye Wu's heart knot. If ye Wu wants to help him, I can't ignore it." Gu Qingzhou said, "go and have a look tomorrow."

Si Xingfu pondered, but suddenly said, "you can see that you can help Gu'nan oak in Ye Wu's face, but I would like to see that you can help Gu'nan oak in his own face."

Gu Qingzhou stares at him.

Knowing his wife's meaning, Si Xingfu said with a cheeky smile, "you guessed right. I still want to dig the ancient South oak to Pingcheng."

"It's not urgent. I'll wait until the case is clear." Gu Qingzhou said, "anyway, people are here. Ducks can't fly to their mouths."

Si Xingfu glanced at her slightly.

Gu Qingzhou felt a sense of crisis when he was worried. He tried to avoid it as soon as he rolled aside.

Who knows that Si Xingfu had been prepared for that long arm, and he took people into his arms.

Gu Qingzhou has become a duck to the mouth.

The next day, Si Xingfu went to the barracks of governor ye in person.

In the afternoon, Si Xingfu came back.

Ye Wu comes to listen.

"Now the whole camp is saying that brigadier Wang was killed by Kunan oak. No one is fighting for Kunan oak. They all say that if Kunan oak didn't kill him, how could he escape?" Si Xingfu road.

He was a little gloating.

Leaf Charm's heart, suddenly pulled up.

"What's the attitude of those beautiful young soldiers?" Gu Qingzhou asked, "what's the attitude of the leaders under Wang qiaosong?"

"I sent a close aide to contact some soldiers. At first, they were very secretive about this matter. Later, they asked a few more questions. They said that there was indeed a conflict between Gunan oak and brigadier Wang.

As for the cause of the conflict between the ancient South oak and the king's brigadier, they would not say. The words of those regiments are not easy to understand. They all said that brigadier Wang was a good officer and no one complained. "

That's not right.

Judging from these people's words, this king is totally different from the king in the ancient South rubber mouth.

As bad as Wang qiaosong was in the ancient South Oaks, so good was he among the people in the barracks.

"Do I really know koonan oak?" Ye Wu suddenly has a cold sweat on her back.

Ye Wu was frightened.

"Teacher." She suddenly broke off the conversation between Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou.

Gu looked at her and said, "what's the matter?"

"Have we all been cheated by koonan oak? My father thinks that he is the murderer. If we want to catch him, why do we... "When ye Wu said that, she stopped again.

She had doubts about it from the beginning.

Now, the doubts have not been solved, but have become more serious.

Wang qiaosong's people are dead and can't threaten them. Why do those people still speak for Wang qiaosong?

Those people are the victims of the ancient South rubber.

It's a little perfunctory to use the four words "Jiwei still exists".

"No, koonan oak didn't cheat us." Gu Qingzhou has a smile, "the person who killed Wang qiaosong must not be Gu Nan Xiang."

Ye Wu's heart seems to be a little wider.

She asked the question in her heart: "before Wang qiaosong died, she oppressed the soldiers and the leaders. Now Wang qiaosong is dead, and they are finally free.

By right, they should express their anger and hatred towards Wang qiaosong. But why should they help Wang qiaosong hide it and say that he is heaven and earth good? "

"Because they don't believe in their hearts that he was killed by koonan oak." Gu Qingzhou said, "they are afraid that others will suspect that the murderer is actually one of them!"

The death of Wang qiaosong was a great joy to them.

However, they are all people who have been in contact with the ancient South oak. They have some knowledge of the character of the ancient South oak, and they also feel that the ancient South oak is not like the murderer of brigadier Wang.

So they began to suspect that it was one of their own who finally killed brigadier Wang.

The feelings between oppressed people are always deeper than others. With this doubt, they can't help but cover for their own people.

If you don't let others doubt them, the easiest way is to let others think that they have no motive for killing people. So we all happened to hide his evil deeds for Wang qiaosong.

They pretended to have no quarrel with Wang qiaosong.

"Really... Really?" Ye Wu was stunned.

This is ridiculous.

If you don't say anything else, let's say that the soldiers, the ancient South oak, are their benefactor. They just watch the benefactor become a scapegoat? "

"I have said that the relationship between the oppressed people is always deeper than that of others. What's more, they don't want others to know what Wang qiaosong did to them. " Gu Qingzhou road.

He nodded and agreed to Gu's words.

"Miss Ye San, don't worry. Koonan oak is not the murderer." Si Xingfu road.

Ye Wu's heart is inexplicably peaceful.

"I believe," she said

So, who's the killer?

Ye Wu asked, "Si shizuo, did you find anything today?"

Si Xingfu smiled: "I found everything. But do you really want to know

Leaf charm is unknown again.

Si Xingfu feels that things are almost in front of her, but ye Wu can't see them. It's so anxious that she wants to scold her mother.

When he was about to say something, Gu Qingzhou coughed.

"Ah Wu, go to see the ancient South oak and talk with him." Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "this way, please give it to me first."

Ah woo.

She went to old South oak, thinking as she walked. Si Xingfu's attitude has always been very direct, but she can't catch it.

Thinking too hard, she suddenly understood.

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