Young General's Escaping Wife

1242. The murderer's mischief

Leaf Charm suddenly understood a doubt: the teacher's person is where to find the ancient South oak.

At Grandma's house.

"My father is covering the whole Shanxi Province. Why can't he find the simple hiding place of ancient South oak?" Ye Wu asked herself, "no, he didn't find it, he just didn't want to find it..."

after the idea became smooth, other things gradually emerged in front of her.

Her heart was like a fire.

She wanted to go home and see her father at once.

Ye Wu turned and went straight to the gate. Walking, the road seems to be longer, so she began to trot, trot has become a sprint.

The adjutant of Si Xingfu saw that Miss Ye San ran out of their house as if she were mad.

"Do you want to reply to my wife?" The adjutants looked at each other.

"I have to reply." Another way.

Therefore, he went to report to Gu Qingzhou and said that ye charming ran away.

"Secretary Xing Xuan eyebrows:" it seems that the little girl finally figured it out

Gu Qingzhou said, "you said that. She will definitely come back to her senses. She didn't think before, because she was in it, unlike us. "

Si Xingfu pinched her cheek: "you will help her to say good things."

Cheng Yu soon learned about it.

These two days, she was still bothered by the marriage with Zhuo's family. Suddenly, she heard that ye Wu hurried to this side. She thought she had a big scandal.

"... did Si Xingfu molest her?" Cheng Yu asks Gu Qingzhou.

Si Xingfu grinds his teeth: "are you looking for death?"

Gu Qingzhou has to fight in the middle.

She told Cheng Yu about Gu Nan Xiang.

The more Cheng Yu listened, the more interesting he felt, he stopped Gu Qingzhou and asked the East and the West.

"Who is the murderer? Isn't it really koonan oak? " Cheng Yu asked hastily.

"Not koonan oak." The secretary looked at Cheng Yu and said, "are you sure you want to know who the murderer is?"

"Want to know." Cheng Yu nodded in a hurry.

"It's very important. You have to promise me that you will never tell anyone about it!" Si Xingqi said solemnly, "otherwise, if anything happens, I will let you Cheng family take on it together."

"I promise I promise!" Cheng Yu is not happy. He tells Gu Qingzhou, "you see, we have known each other for such a long time. He still treats me as an outsider!"

"You are not an outsider, are you an outsider?" The Secretary asked.

Cheng Yu said, "your wife doesn't care about light boats? Want to change to me now? "

Si Xingfu's face sank and he wanted to kill people.

When Gu Qingzhou saw that the two men were quarreling, he would lose both of them and hurt each other. He mediated in the middle: "no quarreling!"

That's what they look like.

"Come on." Cheng Yu was silent for a while, then urged, "who killed Wang qiaosong?"

Si Xingfu lit his cigar.

He put on a long-term posture and asked Cheng Yu, "governor Ye's men have been looking for Gu Nan oak for several days, but we can't find it easily. Why?"

Cheng Yu is in a hurry: "where do I know?"

She listened to the story with her brain, not with it.

Si xingxu doesn't speak well. She has to think about it. Cheng Yu wants to tear his face.

What a nuisance!

Gu Qingzhou laughs and explains for Cheng Yu: "governor Ye deliberately avoids the place where Gu Nan Xiang will go. He wants to spare Gu Nan Xiang's life.

At first, I didn't expect that Kunan oak would be hidden in grandma's house. When I found it later, I was surprised how easy it was. At this time, we made a mistake. "

"Governor Ye deliberately spared the ancient South oak?" Cheng Yu asked.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

"That is to say, koonan oak did not kill?" Cheng Yu asked again.

Gu Qingzhou nods again.

"Who killed people?" At the moment, Cheng Yu's mind is more flexible. "You can't say it's governor ye, can you?"

Gu chuckled.

Si Xingfu shows an expression of approval.

Cheng Yu is a little scared: "really?"

"Who but governor ye can kill in the barracks quietly?" Gu Qingzhou said, "if it were not for him, he would not have failed to find the murderer.

Governor Ye's intelligence system is more terrible than you think. First, he did not arrest the murderer, but instead put the wrong thing on Gu'nan oak; second, he did not arrest the murderer while Gu'nan oak was right under his nose. "

It can be seen from this that ye dujun intended to blame Gu Nan Xiang.

When a brigade commander is killed, governor ye needs to give an account to the whole army.

The army should be stable. Governor ye can't kill without charge.

But he did kill Wang.

The charge was given to Gunan oak, and then he secretly sheltered Gunan oak from escaping, and the case never ended.

Who knows Ye Wu is involved.

That's why governor Ye was so angry when she asked.

He is afraid of Ye Wu's bad things.

Gu didn't know in advance until she easily found the ancient South oak.

It's a matter of course. She straightens it out.

She knew and also told Si Xingfu.

He spent the whole day in the barracks, which proved Gu's conjecture.

But ancient South oak, does he have his own guess?

That's why he always stops talking.

It's Ye Wu who didn't really see through it. It's Ye Wu who really wants to help.

This time, however, she helped.

"Take care of the boat, and your students will do something bad!" Cheng Yu gloated, "you are such a disgraceful teacher."

"Go away!" "Do you want to help next time?" he said coldly

Cheng Yu immediately silenced.

There are too many places for her to take care of her business with Zhuo Mo Zhi. She dare not talk back to the manager.

It's getting late.

Cheng Yu is still here.

"What are you doing?" she asked

"I'm waiting for dinner." Cheng Yu cheekily said, "you will not drive me back to xijuyuan and leave me alone?"

Si Xingfu turned a white eye.

Cheng Yu is generally lying on the sofa waiting for dinner, which makes him a little unhappy.

He put his long and powerful legs on the tea table and directed Cheng Yu, "go to the kitchen and say something, and cut a plate of fruit."

"When you ring the bell, the maid will bring it." Cheng Yu also rolled his eyes, "you just want to instruct me!"

"You eat what I live in, and I can't tell you to do something?" Si Xingli pointed out, "go, do you want to stay for dinner?"

Holding back his anger, Cheng Yu got up and went to the kitchen.

"You bullied her again!" Gu chuckled.

Then she looked at the feet of Si Xingfu on the tea table and frowned: "I still need to sit there for coffee every day!"

Si Xingfu just put his feet down.

Cheng Yu brings in the fruit and hands it to Si Xingfu.

Gu Qingzhou was surprised: "what kind of filial piety are you doing?"

Cheng Yu almost spits blood: "go away, you two, you both take advantage of me!"

She sat beside her in a huff, but refused to go.

After a while, Cheng Yu asked Gu Qingzhou, "you say, why did governor Ye secretly kill one of his brigadiers?

If that Wang qiaosong has committed a crime, isn't it easy for governor ye to find an excuse to deal with him? "

This point, Cheng Yu is very confused.

The whole Shanxi Province is covered by Ye dujun's hands. How funny is it for ye dujun to kill a person and to blame him?

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