Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1243 animals with human skin

Cheng Yu's question, let Si Xingfu sniff.

Why kill a person and blame him?

Isn't that easy?

Because he didn't have a good reason to kill.

The other side is not a nobody, but a brigadier. He has a high position in the army.

Even the emperor does not have the right to arbitrary execution.

"The first reason to blame Gunan oak is that there is no proper reason. The second reason is that Gunan oak is just in time." Gu added.

Ye dujun probably didn't figure out how to explain Wang qiaosong's death, and Gu Nan oak hit the muzzle of the gun.

So, he will be wrong.

At the same time, he made a great effort to capture the ancient South oak, but at the same time, he let the water go. He didn't even search the place where the ancient South oak was most likely to go.

If it wasn't for ye Wu, the ancient South oak would have escaped from Shanxi very smoothly, and ye's overseers would have protected him secretly.

But the ancient South oak, oneself is clear.

When he was found by Ye Wu, he was not happy, but worried.

As if, at that time, he really fell into the law.

"Gu Qingzhou, so to speak, Gu Nan Xiang is quite unjust. What are you going to do later?" Cheng Yu asked again.

Gu Qingzhou said: "it depends on what governor Ye means. By the way, is governor ye back today? "

"Come back." "If you don't find Ye Shan, you should come back. Shanxi is so busy. Where can he walk for a day and a half?"

When ye Wu returned home, she asked the adjutant if the governor had returned.

In such a cold winter, miss three ran with sweat on her head, and her temples were wet.

The adjutant did not know, so he told her truthfully, "the governor has just come back."

"I'll see." Ye Wu is going to study outside.

The deputy said, "miss three, the inspector is not in the study. He is out."

"To the camp?" Ye asked.

She was sweaty and fierce, as if to fight.

When the adjutant saw Ye Wu, who was rarely angry, he was a little strange at the bottom of his heart, thinking that miss three had always been in a good temper. What happened this time?

After a moment's wandering, the adjutant replied, "the governor has brought something to comfort the remains of a brigadier Wang."

Leaf Charm in the Heart Deng, cold straight to the pores drill.

With teeth shaking, she said to the deputy, "pay more attention. When the inspector comes back, he will tell me to tell my maid and inform me in time."


Ye Wu has been waiting for a long time.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, the maid came to report: "miss three, the adjutant said that the governor was back."

Ye Wu gets up quickly. She wants to stop ye dujun and have a good talk before he enters the backyard.

Governor Ye is very tired today.

When he came back from Chengdu, he couldn't find Ye Shan, which made him extremely disappointed. It was even more sad to see Wang qiaosong's orphan.

He is in a bad mood.

"Ah Wu, why haven't you slept?" Ye didn't want to quarrel with his beloved third daughter, so his voice softened. "I'm tired too. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Ye Wu did not move, but stood in the rustling wind: "father, didn't you go to comfort the remains of brigadier Wang, how tired can you be?"

"How to speak?" Governor Ye's voice sank.

Ye Wu is looking for fault.

"Father, I've found out about Conan oak." Ye Wu's voice stopped. "You don't have to hide in front of me anymore. Let's talk about it."

At first he was shocked, and then he thought of Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou.

Ye Wu's words have a source, and ye dujun will not be surprised.

"Come to the study." Ye dujun said.

Two people went to the outside study, after holding off the adjutant, ye dujun looked at Ye Wu and indicated that she could speak.

On the contrary, ye Wu could not calm down.

"Father, I already know that koonan oak is not the real killer of Wang qiaosong." Ye Wu raised her rare solemnity, "it's your father who shot Wang qiaosong."

"Nonsense." Governor Ye frowned. His voice was not high or low. It was not a retort, but a hint.

"Do I have any nonsense? Father, you know it in your heart!" Leaf Charm end not to live, voice again stem live, "ancient South oak is innocent clearly!"

"Is it?" Governor Ye's face is condensed, which means that he cannot argue.

"Father, leave him alone. You know the truth." Ye Wu pleads.

Ye Du raised his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice: "ah Wu, military and political affairs are not as simple as you think. Ancient South oak is too deeply involved, which is related to the stability of the military. I can't promise you about it. "

He said it in such a serious way that no one could say anything against it.

But ye Wu can't help refuting. If she doesn't care, Gu Nan oak will really lose her life!

She couldn't help blurting out, "father, you feel guilty for shooting a man like brigadier Wang on impulse, but now you are wronged to death by Kunan oak. Don't you feel guilty at all?"

As soon as she said this, the room was quiet.

The expression on ye dujun's face changed several times. At last, he almost sneered and did not hide: "guilt?"

There was a little timidity in Ye Wu's heart, but she said boldly, "if it's not for guilt, why do you worry about coming back from other places? Go to see and pacify the widow and orphan of brigadier Wang in person. You just need to send your adjutant to take your place."

"Not guilt." As if sighing, ye said slowly, "it's not enough for Wang qiaosong to die ten times."

His eyes were full of frightful coldness, like the cold frost outside. "I went to Wang qiaosong's house to comfort his orphans and widows, not because of guilt, but because of pity!"

Ye Wu is confused: "father, what did Wang qiaosong do to make you so angry?"

"Do you know who Wang's wife is?" Ye dujun said.

Ye Wu shook her head.

Wang's wife is not a famous lady in Taiyuan. She doesn't usually come out to socialize with your ladies. Naturally, she doesn't know.

"Wang's wife is Luo Ping's daughter; Wang's brother is Wang Yuan." Ye dujun said.

At this point, governor Ye reached for his cigarette case.

He seldom smokes in front of his daughter, afraid of smoking them, but now he can't help it.

His mood needs the heat of the smoke.

He lit his cigar and took a deep breath. The house was full of the mellow smell of tobacco.

"I remember Luoping and Wangyuan." Ye Wudao.

Luo Ping is an old staff officer beside ye dujun. He has been with ye dujun for some years and died of illness a few years ago.

Ye Wu remembers that Luo Ping's daughter's marriage was facilitated by Ye dujun.

Wang Yuan, an adjutant beside governor ye, was assassinated before. Wang Yuan blocked the gun for governor ye and lost his life.

Therefore, governor ye rewarded Wang Yuan's family - Wang qiaosong, Wang Yuan's only brother.

Wang qiaosong was promoted from a small monitor to a brigade commander.

Wang qiaosong had a father-in-law who had been a consultant for many years, and a brother who was loyal and brave. If he made any mistakes, governor ye could not shoot him at once, or he would be said to be ungrateful.

If we can't explain it to the whole army, how can he let those soldiers die for him!

"It was because of this that he dared to be unbridled. But father, it's easy to grasp his handle. Why...... "Ye Wu doesn't understand.

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