Ye Wu doesn't quite understand.

Her father is a man of old.

Even if he found out that Wang qiaosong liked to play with soldiers in the barracks and embezzle and embezzle military pay, he would not shoot Wang qiaosong impulsively in the face of Luoping and Wang Yuan.

At most, it's locked up. It's going to slow down. See in Wang Yuan's face, roll up his official position, leave a life for him.

This is just like the style of governor Ye.

However, governor Ye changed his routine and killed him directly.

"Because Wang qiaosong is a beast!" "Ye dujun's voice is like a cold arrow," I was cheated by his bright surface in the past, but I didn't see that he was so vicious in his bones! "

After Wang Yuan's death, his wife died not long ago, so a pair of Wang Yuan's children were temporarily raised in Wang's house.

The two children were thirteen years old and eleven years young.

In the face of Luoping and Wangyuan, ye dujun took a lot of care of Wang qiaosong's family, because Wang Yuan's children were fostered in Wang qiaosong's family.

"I met those two children once. My brother's name is Wang Xizhou, and my sister's name is Wang Yue. Although Wang Xizhou was born weak, he was very open-minded and generous, and also had great ambition. He said that he would like to be a man like his father in the future. " "I asked him if he wanted to be a soldier, and he said yes," he said

But at that time, Wang Xizhou was only 13 years old, and governor ye could no longer let a 13-year-old boy enter the military camp, so this matter was put on hold for the time being.

"A few days ago, it was Wang Yuan's death day. I suddenly thought of Wang Xizhou, a boy who was sixteen years old." Ye dujun said.

The 16-year-old should give him a future.

He can first bring people to his side to be a service soldier and Practice for several years.

So governor ye went to see Wang Xizhou himself.

"I trust Wang qiaosong. He is the child's uncle. He will be kind to the two children. Who knows that he should do something worse than the brutes!"

Ye took a strong sip of his cigar, and continued, "a good boy, who has been keeping him for more than two years, has become timid. He has been talking to people for a long time, and has been holding back a sentence. When he touches his arm, he trembles. His face is as white as a ghost!"

Ye Wu suddenly understood something.

She feels cold.

The study clearly burned the dragon, warm as spring, but ye Wu felt the cold all around her.

She was a little shaky.

She understood everything her father said.

Thinking of the young and beautiful soldiers in the barracks who were attacked by Wang qiaosong, some couldn't believe that Wang qiaosong would use these means on his own nephew.

Ye didn't believe it either, so he even coaxed and frightened Wang Xizhou to expose all the things Wang qiaosong had done to them these years.

When Wang Xizhou and Wang Yue just lived in Wang qiaosong's house, Wang qiaosong treated them as friendly.

Gradually, Wang's true face was revealed. Wang qiaosong not only forced Wang Xizhou, he also did not let Wang Yue go, and he even let one of his brothers and sisters watch him abuse another for fun.

At first, the two brothers and sisters thought about running away, but each time they ran away, they were caught back, waiting for their more terrible abuse.

Wang Xizhou thought of death, but he felt that he could not die for nothing. Why not fight for his life before he died and send his sister out of this hell on earth?

Wang Xizhou plans quietly, but he is young, inexperienced and inexperienced. Where is Wang qiaosong's opponent, Wang qiaosong soon sees through him.

Wang qiaosong locked him in the basement with the wolfhound for a full month. He didn't dare to run or die until he released him.

Ye Wu has been abused by her mother.

She could not recall the taste.

Governor Ye's words made her cry.

She was out of breath with tears.

Ye dujun was distressed and said, "why do you keep it from you? It's because of this. It doesn't help to say you're sad. "

Ye Wu is still crying.

How desperate are these two children when they are facing such a hell on earth!

It's like her when she's young.

Before that, none of them found the wolf and tiger under the skin of Wang qiaosong!

"And his wife? His wife is the daughter of staff officer Luo Ping. Staff Luo is such an upright person, and her daughter who has been taught must not be worse. How can she be a tiger? " Asked Ye Wu in a hoarse voice.

Those two children were suffering under Mrs. Wang qiaosong's eyes. Didn't she think about saving them? How could she bear it!

"It's all the same." Governor Ye sighs.

Ye Wu is astonished, and her tears suddenly open. Is Wang qiaosong's wife such a cruel and abnormal person?

No, it's impossible. Staff Luo can't teach such a daughter!

Ye Jun Jun was just like Wang Xizhou when he heard "all the same".

After asking Wang Xizhou for a long time, he heard Wang Xizhou's timid voice: "my aunt and brother are the same as us."

Wang qiaosong not only violated and abused Wang Xizhou's brother and sister, but also abused his wife and children!

He is so good at surface Kung Fu that no one has found him for so many years.

Ye Wu finally understood why her father was so angry that he shot Wang qiaosong. He also understood why he said he didn't go to Wang qiaosong's house to express sympathy because of guilt.

Of course not because of guilt.

If you really want to say guilt, it's just guilt that you chose the wrong man for Luo's daughter, and that you didn't take good care of Wang Yuan's orphans.

Wang Yuan's orphan was given to Wang qiaosong by the governor Ye himself; Luo's daughter was also taken care of by the governor Ye himself, and Wang qiaosong was promoted by the governor Ye.

When he knew the truth, he was shocked.

He was wise all his life, and there were also places where he could not take care of them properly, which made such a small child and such a weak woman suffer for many years due to his wrong decision-making.

"He died a hundred times without pity!" Leaves are gnashing their teeth.

She also understood her father.

Under the wrath of governor ye, where can he control the military law and discipline?

He went to find Wang qiaosong and saw that he was flustered but quibbled. Governor Ye killed him without saying anything.

After the killing, he began to think about how to deal with it.

How much trouble would a brigadier cause if he was killed?

How to maintain the stability of Shanxi without the military heart?

"I shouldn't have gone to the barracks and shot him. I should have killed him outside, so I don't have to let goonan oak be the scapegoat!" "However, this is already the case. Let's deal with it as if I'm sorry for koonan oak," said Ye

"Father, is there no other remedy?" Ye Wu stopped crying, went to ye dujun's side, knelt on the ground, and put her head on his knee.

Such she, like an innocent little beast, can arouse all the softness of governor Ye's heart.

"Gu Nan oak is innocent, which is unfair to him." Ye Wu said again, "father, is there any other way?"

"If a man dies in the barracks, the killer of Wang qiaosong can only be a man in the army." Ye dujun said in a deep voice, "ah Wu, don't you understand.

Anyone can kill Wang qiaosong, but I can't. Now that people are dead, it is reasonable for Gu Nan oak to be the scapegoat, which is the most stable way. "

It's really unfair for Gu Nan oak to be a scapegoat. But ye, who shot Wang qiaosong, couldn't take it personally.

"Ah Wu, how do you think about it?" "I don't want you to quarrel with me about it all the time," said Inspector Ye

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