Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1245 a way of life

Ye Wu was really thinking.

Governor Ye gently touched the hair of his little daughter: "ah Wu, you are the daughter of the governor's office. You should focus on the overall situation."

Then he stood up and wanted to go back to the inner court.

Before leaving, he said to Ye Wu, "since you can find out that I killed Wang qiaosong, you have found the ancient South oak. Ah Wu, let Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou give me people. "

After ye dujun left, ye Wu slumped in a chair.

She has understood that, in order to think about the overall situation, she can't be reckless to overturn the case for Gunan oak.

Governor Ye didn't want to kill koonan oak.

He just needs koonan oak to escape by himself.

And the ancient South oak, willing to cover for the leaf governor, he is also loyal.

It's a pity that he can't live a fair life in his life.

The future is ruined.

Ye Wu can't think of a way, so she has to hold back and go to Gu Qingzhou early in the morning.

Governor ye went back to the inner courtyard to see Aunt Liu and her son Ye Xiu.

The three-month-old child is white and lovely. When he sees the governor ye, he laughs and shows his tender red teeth.

Governor ye also laughed.

"Why hasn't he slept so late?" Asked governor Ye.

It's two o'clock in the morning.

He talked with Ye Wu for two hours.

Ye dujun is in a bad mood at the moment: he does not find Ye Shan's whereabouts and quarrels with Ye Wu.

Otherwise, he would not come to see his son.

I don't know. The lights are bright here, but I haven't slept.

"He has to wake up several times in the night." "Six aunt too way," want to milk

Governor Ye is clear.

Since the birth of the child, aunt six moved back to the backyard.

She and her servants are the only ones here, spacious and magnificent. She is not proud of it, but abides by her duty more.

There are also two nannies who take care of Yexiu.

The child ate, yawned and went to sleep again.

The nurse carried the child down.

The child doesn't sleep with Aunt Liu too much, which is what she means.

Don't be too close.

Too close, not good for her, not good for children.

Seeing that the room here is clean and warm, the bedding has a light smell of incense, which is more warm than his side.

So he said, "you clean up, too, and I'll sleep here."

Aunt Liu was shocked.

She looked straight at inspector Ye.

"Call for hot water. I'll wash my feet." Ye dujun said.

Six aunt too this just return to mind.

She was nervous and surprised.

When two people lie down, Aunt Liu feels too crowded and restrained.

This is her bed.

She has been sleeping alone in yedujun's mansion for several years. The number of times yedujun has come is very small.

Habit suddenly forced to change, six aunt too insomnia.

Her bones were stiff and she was lying upright.

And ye dujun around, it seems, can't sleep.

I don't know how long later, Aunt Liu became sleepy and relaxed a little bit. Suddenly, governor Ye reached out and held her in his arms.

Aunt Liu woke up too soon.

She was shivering.

"Cold?" Asked governor Ye.

Aunt Liu's hand, trembling and shaking, stretched out for a long time before murmuring, "No."

The next day, governor Ye got up late, but in a good spirit.

He washed and went out.

The adjutant told him, "Inspector, the third lady went to Mrs. Si's house."

Governor Ye nods.

Ye Wu came early.

She told Gu about yesterday's conversation with governor Ye.

"Wang qiaosong should die. There is nothing wrong with the governor killing him." Gu Qingzhou's face is not good after listening.

"I think my father is right, too." Leaf Charm sighs, "but ancient South oak is innocent, how should this matter do now?"

She can't find another person to take the blame for him. If she does that, isn't the person who takes the blame for him as pitiful as him!

Moreover, the evidence of "murder" of King josson by Gunan oak is solid, and it is not easy to find someone to clean him up.

"You can ask koonan oak. If he wants to get rid of his grievances, I have no way; if he is willing to carry on the accusation and seek another life, or I have some other ways. " Gu Qingzhou road.

"Tell him?" Leaf charm is in trouble.

Is it not to be told to Conan oak about the overseers of the leaves.

Gu Qingzhou seemed to see her worries and said with a smile: "silly girl, Gu Nan Xiang has known for a long time. He hid in grandma's house because he understood, so he was not afraid of accidents. "

Ye Wu's face is a little hot.

As you all know.

Only she is stupid.

"Well, ask him. My father guessed that I found the ancient South oak and asked me to give it to him. " Gu Qingzhou road.

"I'll take care of it." Gu Qingzhou road.

She looked at the ophthalmologist.

"Go and invite koonan oak." The secretary called the adjutant and said.

The adjutant promised to go.

Si Xingfu turned to look at Ye Wu, who looked worried, and said: "don't worry too much, I think this ancient South oak is not an uninteresting person."

Leaf Charm reluctantly nods.

"It's a good thing for me that governor ye made him a scapegoat." The mysterious expression appeared on the face of Si Xingfu.

"Good?" Ye Wu is a little surprised.

"Good thing, of course." Si Xingfu smiled like a fox.

Ye Wu doesn't understand.

Only Gu Qingzhou understood.

Gunan oak is a sharpshooter. Si Xingfu wanted to dig the wall in the morning. Now, governor Ye is giving this man to him. How can Si Xingfu not catch him?

As Si Xingfu said before, it's too difficult to train a sharpshooter.

It's a good thing for Si Xingfu that ye dujun wants to take Gu'nan oak as his scapegoat.

Gu Qingzhou also smiled, and she thought it was a good thing.

She was all brought bad by the shamelessness of Si Xingfu!

Leaf Charm looks at them two, in the heart sends cold air.

What's the total between them?

Gu Nan Xiang followed the adjutant into the flower hall, and saw the smiling Si Xingqi and his wife. He was at a loss for a while.

"Sit down." "I have two good news, one bad news," said Si Xingqi, looking at Gu Nan Xiang with a long smile

Gu Nan Xiang sat down inexplicably. He was a little worried and expected. There were two good news and one bad news. In terms of quantity, the good news seemed to be more than the bad news.

"The good news is that we found out who shot Wang qiaosong." "The bad news is that the real murderer is governor ye," he said in a deep voice

Goonan oak was motionless.

Ye Wu asked, "you already know, don't you?"

Ancient South oak is silent.

Ye Wu's five tastes are mixed in her heart.

It seems that everyone has clearly seen the truth, only she has a layer of gauze in front of her, she is the most confused.

The teacher taught her many times.

But the ability of thinking, is raised from childhood, but also to have talent.

Ye Wu has no such talent.

The room was quiet for a moment. Gu Nan oak didn't ask governor Ye why he killed people, nor did he blame governor ye for pushing things to him.

He just asked, "Sir, what's the good news left?"

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