Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1246 justification

The ancient South oak is calm.

He gave in a little.

The truth didn't excite him, it didn't frustrate him, it was all in his heart.

"I'm short of a commander here. Would you like to do it?" The Secretary asked.

Ancient South oak Leng.

On the calm face, at last there was a strange color.

"Why, you don't want to think the regiment chief is small?" Secretary Xingfu raised his eyebrows. "All the people under me are extraordinary. If you want to be a brigade commander, you have to convince the whole army! "

"How can I think of a small official?" Gu Nan Xiang came back to God and set up a horse. "Is it a joke to me? I'm a dying man. I know the character of the governor. He can't let me be your leader. "

"You don't have to worry about that." Gu Qingzhou interposed, "since we have promised you, we will negotiate with the governor for you, and everything will fall on us.

If you agree, you can wait for Pingcheng, the others don't need to worry. "

"Leaf Charm urges beside:" fast agree

She was very excited.

Si Xingfu's troops are in Pingcheng. Gu Nan Xiang is the head of Si Xingfu. Naturally, he will go to Pingcheng.

Gu Nan Xiang looks at the eye secretary and the boat, and all his emotions leak out at this moment.

He was happy and relieved.

"I will never forget the kindness of division division seat and his wife! Thanks for regeneration! " He immediately knelt and saluted Si Xingfu.

It's a chance.

No one wants to die.

Koonan oak is a young man. He has enough energy to live, and he doesn't want to die.

When the opportunity is in front of him, he wants to seize it.

After that, Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou took Gu Nan Xiang to the governor's mansion to visit.

Governor ye asked his deputy to invite them to the conference hall.

Ye dujun has not yet waited to take care of them. Instead, he waits for ye Wu first.

"Father, I'm here to add tea for you," said Ye

"You're here to stop me." Governor Ye drank tea slowly, his tone was full of doting.

He is in a good mood.

Leaf charm does not understand.

Was there anything good last night?

When she wanted to ask again, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu came in with Gu Nan oak.

The whole person of Kunan oak is not decadent at all. He looks very energetic and his clothes are clean and tidy.

Governor Ye nodded his head.

He just likes the spirit of ancient South oak.

If Gu Nan oak made himself look down and out, it would make governor Ye feel guilty and add some resentment instead. In order to get rid of this guilty mood, he will be more eager to execute Gu Nan oak as soon as possible.

"How could such a good daughter of miss three block the governor?" "The third young lady heard that the governor was looking for another deserter, so she asked me and the boat to help and send people to you."

Governor Ye glared at Si Xingfu displeased.

This man is the best climber.

Ye dujun looked at the ancient South oak again.

Gu Nan Xiang immediately knelt on the ground and straightened his back: "commander, Gu Nan Xiang is deeply responsible for your cultivation and killed his own officer. This is a big mistake.

After killing, Gu Nan Xiang ran away again, trying to escape the military law, adding mistakes to mistakes. Now Gu Nan Xiang knows his mistake. Please deal with it according to the law! "

Governor Ye frowned slightly.

Which one is this?

He turned to look at his daughter.

Ye Wu has tried her best to make a plea to Gu Nan oak before. How can Gu Nan oak plead guilty again? What he confessed was not his crime!

Ye Wu looked down at the ground, not at the governor Ye.

Governor ye went to see the light boat and the driver again.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu look calm and natural, as if they are really dealing with a murder.

He sat down on his own and pulled a chair on the boat.

He said in a relaxed voice: "the governor, it's a big crime to murder the officer. If I deal with it, it's a capital offense. It's not easy to train a good brigadier. How can he die in a muddle

Ye dujun was stunned.

They brought koonan oak. Governor ye only thought they were coming to plead.

He wanted to find a way to meet them.

I don't think so. What they said was unexpected.

Ye dujun knew that they were playing with flowery tunes, so he followed their words and said, "come, press down the ancient South oak, ask for the crime and shoot."

He also swept the eyes of the Secretary and others.

Even leaf charm is waiting quietly, without anxiety.

Ye dujun Leng hum: very good. It's really a group of little foxes to take advantage of him in partnership!

"Although shooting is necessary, it is still necessary to have a strict military law and a process of trial and first instance." Si Xingfu road.

As soon as he had finished speaking, he heard the adjutant come in and report: "the inspector, several Division chiefs and the general staff have come."

He frowned and said, "just say I'm meeting people and tell them to come back later."

"Governor, we are so close, we need not be so polite." "You can invite all the teachers to come in and have a trial of this ancient South oak. I wonder why koonan oak killed his own officer. "

Even the division chief and the general staff called.

This is Ye Wu's handwriting. Only Ye Wu can steal his calligraphy and attract these people.

At this moment, ye dujun became interested in going to the theatre, although he knew that Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu must have given him a part of the theatre.

The inspector said to the deputy, "please come in!"

When they arrived at the conference hall, they first saw the old South oak kneeling on the ground. They were also slightly surprised and happy.

The murderer was finally found.

One of the teachers said, "Inspector, have you caught the murderer who killed brigadier Wang?"

Governor Ye issued an "oral order" and asked them to come here. They didn't know what to do. Now they know.

"You passed on the governor's words?" Gu Qingzhou asks Ye Wu in a low voice.

Ye Wu nodded.

The two of them stopped talking.

The division chiefs and the general staff are in the same league.

Wang qiaosong didn't know what Luo Ping's daughter and Wang Yuan's children did.

"Sit down!" The governor of the army seemed to be smiling, waving his hand and saying, "I was caught by the division seat. Not yet. "

At the moment, he would like to know the plan of taking care of the light boat.

Is to let Gu Nan Xiang in front of these advisors, to give out governor Ye is the murderer?

Compared with this, governor Ye is more worried about the fact that Gu Nan oak will persecute Wang qiaosong's children.

Those two children are still young. Now Wang qiaosong is dead. With his protection, they can't walk out of the shadow for more than ten years.

But if there's any news about it, they can't be human in their whole lives.

The rumors are terrible.

Governor Ye's mood at the theatre was a little restrained. His eyes are like cold swords, falling on Gu Qingzhou, which means nothing more.

Gu Qingzhou nodded at him to reassure him.

Governor Ye's heart is a little looser.

Gu Qingzhou is the most proficient in the world, she will not be so indifferent.

"Why do you want to murder brigadier Wang, Gunan oak?" Governor Ye opened his mouth and asked as if.

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