Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1247 the division is rich and powerful

Gunan oak was still kneeling. His back was straight, just like every soldier.

"I'm guilty of killing people, but Wang qiaosong is too much of a man to kill. When the governor asks me why I want to murder him, I have to tell the governor. " Ancient South oak road.

Gu Nan Xiang spoke forcefully according to Gu Qingzhou's explanation before.

"It's not once or twice that Wang qiaosong embezzled military pay and embezzled silver. In the long run, the soldiers resented and damaged the morale and morale of the supervisors.

He is very cruel. He likes to hit people as soon as he drinks. He was not allowed to drink in the army, but he knowingly violated it. Everyone took photos of his authority and dared not accuse him.

After he got drunk, he was very angry and several recruits in the camp were beaten to death. He was also very lecherous, walking in the street, and had to flirt with passing female students, damaging the prestige of the supervising army barracks.

I tried to persuade him many times, but he never listened. Under the impulse, he was afraid that I would say it, so he would kill me, but not against me. I killed him by mistake. I don't regret it. "

His words are sonorous and forceful.

Kunan oak didn't say that Wang was fond of spoiling young men and girls.

Governor Ye was relieved.

He looked at the boat again in the dark.

It is true that there is no leakage in the business of Gu Qingzhou, which can take care of the concerns of Ye dujun.

Governor Ye breathed a sigh of relief, but the generals got angry.

"Even if it's embezzlement of military pay, drinking and beating people, it's also handled by military law. How dare you, a subordinate, shoot the officer?"

"It's a big crime to murder the officer, inspector. You can't appease koonan oak!"

"If you can't persuade, you should report the matter to the higher authorities and kill yourself. What's the name?"

"Brigadier Wang's father-in-law and brother-in-law are both heroes around the governor. They have made contributions. Where do you want to place the governor?"

They don't have a single person on the side of Kunan oak.

"It's time to shoot!"

They all think so.

Ye's reaction to them was not surprising at all.

As everyone knows, Wang qiaosong is a close friend of governor Ye. When he dies, he can stand on his side and talk. He can vote for governor Ye.

Otherwise, why didn't anyone tell Wang josson that he had done so many evil things?

"Inspector, what are you going to do with Conan oak?" The generals began to inquire about governor Ye's decision.

But ye Wu suddenly opened her mouth. She glanced at the crowd and asked, "what you hate most is that Gu Nan oak killed Luo's son-in-law and the younger brother of Wang's adjutant?"

"Exactly." A commander replied, "if the governor doesn't deal with him harshly, how will the governor serve the people in the army?"

"The daughter of Koro's staff officer and the son and daughter of Wang's adjutant may not hate Conan oak." Ye Wu said.

Governor Ye raised his heart in an instant.

"Ah Wu!" He snapped to stop.

Ye Wu has done wrong more than once.

"Why don't you listen to the public opinion, inspector?" Gu Qingzhou said, "the third lady's words are fresh."

When she spoke, it meant that she was still in control of the boat.

As long as it is the arrangement of taking care of the light boat, there will be no trouble.

Governor Ye was relieved again.

"Say it." "Why don't they hate koonan oak?" said Ye

Governor Ye agreed to let in.

The generals were silent.

Ye Wu adjusted the whole thought: "after knowing the story of Gunan oak, I went to find out that the problem of brigadier Wang's love of beating people is not only in the army, but also at home.

His wife and children, his nephew and niece, are beaten almost every day without any reason. "

Governor Ye breathed a sigh of relief. As long as it doesn't hinder the reputation of the two children, ye Wu doesn't care what she says.

"Here..." The generals were a little surprised.

Then one of them said, "it's normal to train wives and teach children."

"Mr. Hu, you didn't listen to miss Qingsan. She was talking about beating." Gu Qingzhou said, "do you teach children that they will often break their bones? It's said that your child is not old... "

Master Hu has no face. He quibbled:" if the child is not obedient, there will be filial piety under the stick. "

Governor Ye frowned deeply.

He couldn't hear that.

He is a kind father.

"I have never seen your filial piety, or should I remind your father to add sticks to you?" Ye Shujun said coldly.

He is so disrespectful to his teacher. It's very angry.

Mr. Hu touched a nose of ashes and retreated to the side in embarrassment.

Ye Wu said again, "my father had met Wang's two children. Many of you have also attended Wang's funeral. You can see what his children look like. They are not mischievous.

After living in Wang's house, because they are always beaten, most of their school work has been left behind. If you don't believe it, you can go to the school and ask their teacher. "

The crowd was silent.

"It can be seen that brigadier Wang is not good." Leaf Charm Li Luo came to a conclusion, "pour is ancient South oak, envy evil as hatred, this makes a person feel very happy."

Ye gradually understood their intention to take care of the boat.

"The military law is like a mountain, miss three." The chief of staff spoke at this time.

Leaf charm is silent.

It's time for Si Xingfu to play, so he said: "the military law is like a mountain, and it's not allowed to be human, which is true. Only, I heard that the ancient South oak is a sharpshooter. It would be a pity to shoot like this.

Inspector, if you don't want this man, you might as well give it to me. I will make him a commander. "

"No way!" Another senior teacher said sharply, "if Gu Nan oak kills people, he has violated the military law and should be dealt with in accordance with the military law."

How could you send someone like this?

If the military law is so easy, we won't have to follow it in the future.

"But brigadier Wang is dead. Even if you kill Kunan oak, you will not survive." Si Xingfu doesn't care. "I cherish talents. How can I watch Gu Nan oak lose his life on impulse?"

Governor ye, together with the division chiefs and the general staff, began to discuss.

In other words, Wang qiaosong is a capital crime for his greedy for money.

Wang qiaosong really deserved to die.

But gunnan oak didn't deserve to shoot him.

However, Gu Nan oak failed again, not intentionally killing people.

This is the focus of all the teachers' comments.

Only governor ye knew that there was no killing by koonan oak, so his words were always for the good, and he wanted to give koonan oak a horse.

The teachers disagreed.

Governor Ye didn't make it clear.

At this time, the Secretary opened his mouth again: "Inspector, I'll give you two million silver dollars to buy Kunan oak. In ancient times, those who committed crimes were punished with "selling for slavery".

After buying the old South oak, the old South oak is my man. How can I place him? Don't ask.

What do you think of the compensation you give to the families who were killed by brigadier Wang, and then to their families so that they can live without any lack of chewing? "

Si Xingfu seriously discussed with governor Ye.

All the teachers' eyes brightened.

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