As soon as the words of Si Xingfu came out, all the people were shocked. They were inexplicably excited, though the money was not given to them.

Two million silver dollars, which is a huge sum, enough to pay Shanxi for several months.

Such a huge sum of money is enough to buy a life.

Governor Ye meant that the division chiefs and the general staff knew that they didn't want to kill Kunan oak very much.

Now, with the help of Si Xingfu, everyone can come down to the table.

"What do you think?" Governor ye asked them.

"I think it's good." Mr. Hu had been scolded before, but now he needed to perform. He said, "although it is said that killing pays for life, there is a reason for Gu Nan Xiang to kill Wang qiaosong, and the crime is not fatal. It is feasible to get rid of the army and get a large sum of money to avoid his guilt! "

Other teachers had an ambiguous attitude. When they heard this, they felt justified and agreed with each other.

Governor Ye's face remained unchanged, and his heart was relieved.

Such a decision is an account.

Ye dujun said: "since the division seat is willing to ask for the ancient South oak, it is the blessing of the ancient South oak. Naturally, I also want to be beautiful, and I will give you the sharpshooter that I finally cultivated."

This is to get cheap and sell well.

Governor Ye killed Wang qiaosong and got two million silver dollars. It was a very fruitful harvest.

It's settled.

Leaf Charm chuckled and looked at the ancient South oak.

Gunan oak's life is saved.

Gu Nan Xiang is also a little muddled. Before, Gu Qingzhou told him that everything had a manager. He didn't expect that the manager would spend two million yuan to buy his life.

For him, he spent two million yuan and promoted him to be the head of the team, which can be said to be a great favor for Kunan oak.

Si Xingfu lets Gu Nan Xiang get up.

Gu Nan Xiang got up and stood behind the seat of Si Xingfu. He is now the head of Si Xingfu. If he continues to kneel in the middle of the flower hall, he will not look like him.

"Governor, I will take Gunan oak back, and my men will immediately send two million to the governor's office." As he spoke, he got up with Gu Qingzhou and left.

"Father, I'll take them." Ye Wu said happily.

"Go." Governor Ye's tone was also relaxed.

Ye Wu happily escorts the three people out of the house. She takes the hand of Gu Qingzhou and is grateful: "teacher, you are too expensive..."

"what is that?" Gu Qingzhou patted Ye Wu on the back of her hand, reassuring her, "when did Si Xingfu do something that was at a loss?

He wanted to dig the ancient South oak for a long time. Now it's his chance. Although there are more than two million, there are no more than the value of a commander. And wait for Kunan oak to be a good horse and a good soldier for him! "

"I must be a cow and a horse!" "Teacher seat and wife's kindness, ancient South oak will never forget!"

He knows his value.

Although it's a sharpshooter, it's not worth two million yuan. It's really a waste of money.

Moreover, this two million is different from the usual two million. The two million this time is a timely help and a life buy, which is even more significant.

He thanked Ye Wu again: "miss three, I will remember your help and repay it in the future."

Leaf Charm smiled: "what is the reward? You didn't kill people. "

It soon spread.

Among the ye dujun's army, there are still several people who are dissatisfied with this matter. Most of them, from soldiers to generals, are deeply aware of the benevolence and righteousness of Ye dujun and are very happy at the same time. They may add new cotton padded clothes this month.

Two million people bought the ancient South oak. They were convinced and benefited. Everyone was happy.

The atmosphere in the army is good.

Governor Ye is in a good mood.

This is the affection Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu gave him. He pretended to play a play, but he was not confused. He knew the world.

He went to see Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu in person.

"I remember your help." "Ye dujun said," not to help ah Wu, not to help Gu Nan oak, but to help me. "

Gu Qingzhou looks at the eye secretary.

Si Xingfu said with a smile: "two million, can make your army stable, I have another sharpshooter, we are all in need."

Governor Ye is still very grateful.

After thinking about it, he took out the question of a corner in his heart and asked Si Xingqi, "are you so rich? Take out millions of dollars, it's as easy as a few. "

The Secretary smiled but did not speak.

Others don't know how deep you are, just now you are unpredictable.

Governor Ye has been refined by the fox for thousands of years. If you want his help, you have to be real.

In recent years, governor Ye has been trying to find out the details of how to take care of the light boat and the driver.

He knew that Gu Qingzhou was Princess GuLun. If she wanted to unify, those warlords who were greedy for money might follow her.

Some people value democracy and freedom, but what about warlords?

But governor ye only knew the wealth of Jiangnan, but he did not know how rich it was. Until he could fly back and forth, he easily took out two million yuan to buy the ancient South oak.

He was shocked.

"No money." As you know, my name is more important than my profit

What Si Xingfu wants is a great undertaking.

Unity is the cornerstone of this great undertaking.

Of course, no one does not want such a reputation, including governor Ye himself.

"Anyway, thank you so much this time." Ye said again.

After he left, he went to work in the army.

Sure enough, governor ye did not treat his soldiers badly. Every barracks issued brand-new cotton clothes and shoes, and added a meat dish.

All the soldiers can't live as soldiers. They come to the barracks to make a living.

There are warm new clothes and meat to eat, which naturally makes everyone happy.

as for the military law, that is what ye Jun Jun personally has the final say. What iron commands are like mountains, and the pawns can not see its weight.

With the subsequent appeasement, the ancient Nanxiang incident completely eliminated traces in the military.

Wang's nephew, niece, wife and children, were happy with his death. Governor Ye gave him a large amount of pacification fee. They had no complaints, and even helped to slander Wang's death, so as to create a "just way" for Gu Nan oak to kill people.

As for the soldiers who were tortured and died by Wang qiaosong, they were all from poor families.

Governor Ye didn't say the cause of their death, only that they "died for the country", and each household paid 500 silver dollars.

Ten silver dollars is enough for a family to spend a month. These five hundred silver dollars can live for several years. It's a huge sum of money.

The people who got the money were all grateful to governor Ye. They even heard the glory of their children's "martyrdom" and their faces were radiant.

As for the real cause of death of those children, they did not ask.

Even after hearing the news, the family members strongly denied that they would never admit their children's "black account".

Ye also carried out a major reorganization in the army.

Both internally and externally, there is not much discussion on this issue, and the impact is also positive. This matter, even if completely past.

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