Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1254 the law of jealousy

Cheng Yu understood Zhuo Mozi's meaning. He is not the object of suspicion. At

Cheng Yu asked: "so, is it ZhuoZhi?" Zhuo's expression, a little pause.

Cheng Yuquan understands. All of a sudden, she not only felt cold in her heart, but also felt abnormal horror in those cold feelings.

"You are ill!" All of a sudden, she stepped heavily on Zhuo Mo Zhi, then broke free of him, went back to the room and closed the door. Don't knock at the door. She won't open it anyway.

She called Gu Qingzhou.

"Get him out of here." Cheng Yu said, "take care of the boat, hurry up!"

Gu Qingzhou hung up the phone and came back with his aide.

It's late into the night.

She came and went, shivering with cold. Even the cloak and the stove could not keep her warm. She went into the yard and saw Zhuo Mozi leaning against the door of Cheng Yuli's bedroom.

Gu Qingzhou said: "Zhuo Shao, I would not have been involved in the affairs between you two, but Cheng Yu is pregnant, and her mood cannot fluctuate too much. It's not good for her and her children. It's better for you to leave first and wait for her to calm down. " "I'm afraid she'll do something stupid," said Jo "

we can't control anyone else." Gu Qingzhou said, "even if you raise children, you can't control them, let alone you and Cheng Yu have no marriage."

This is rational and indifferent.

Zhuo Mo Zhi looked at her and said earnestly, "Mrs. Si, please advise her more." Gu nodded: "I know."

Zhuo Mozi looked at the door again, and then left.

After he left, Cheng Yu opened the door and packed the box. "

I want to go back to Yunnan, which is not safe for me." Cheng Yu said, "take care of the light boat. You can arrange the plane." "

can you still run like this?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Cheng Yu shook his head. "Do you know what he said?"

"What?" "

he suspected that I was not carrying his child." Cheng Yudao. Gu

frowned tightly.

If change into her, can't stand such grievance and conjecture, let alone the delicate and habitual Cheng Yu from childhood?

"... do you really want to go back?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"Well." Cheng Yu said, "I can't get involved with him any more. I can't get away from him in the future. He's completely divided. " Gu

canoe heard some strange meanings from this sentence.

"What is total division?" Asked Gu Qingzhou. "

he is already two people, and will be jealous of each other." Cheng Yu said, "he thought I was pregnant with Zhuo Mo Zhi's children." Looking at the light boat, I think of Cheng Yu's dissociation. "

he thinks of himself and Zhuo Mo Zhi..." Gu Qingzhou has a lot of experience and seldom makes a fuss, but now she is shocked. This is the most ridiculous vinegar she has ever heard.

"Yes, he separated himself from zhuomozhi. I don't know when it is zhuomozhi or another person. But it's not zhuomozhi who is here today. " Cheng Yu said, "by the way, his name is Xiaoyun."

"His handwriting?" Asked Gu Qingzhou. Cheng

Yu nods hard. Gu

the boat was silent and said: "I have always been clear-cut and clear-cut, this time I am confused! It's much more than I know. "

"You don't believe in dissociation. If you believe it, it's easy to understand. " Cheng Yudao. There are many souls in the diseased person, one of which is the main one and the other is the side one.

The Lord soul knows that there are several people, and clearly understands their character and status. "

the most terrible thing is that Xiaoyun is the main soul. He knows nothing about it, but he doesn't know it." Cheng Yudao.

For such a long time, it is not so hard for Gu Qingzhou to accept Cheng Yu's incessant transmission. "

who is he?"

"Seriously, he is Zhuo Xiaoyun." Cheng Yu said, "zhuomozhi is a camouflage and a protective layer. He is a deputy."

"But you know zhuomozhi." "

Yes." Cheng Yu said, "our family wants to get married. It's also extraordinary. And now he doubts. When I was pregnant, I was with dromo. He doesn't think that's his child. ' Gu

there have been many problems in the light boat, but none of them are so difficult.

It's tricky not because it's so difficult, but because it's biased. It has gone to a field that Gu Qingzhou hasn't heard of, or even most people haven't heard of.

Only Cheng Yu understands. It's probably crazy to change a person. Over the normal range, Gu took out her idea: "you can go back to Yunnan."

Cheng Yu nods.

Gu Qingzhou sends people to prepare the plane.

She personally sent Cheng Yu to the racecourse in the outskirts of the city, wrapped her scarf around her, and said, "be warm. When you arrive in Kunming, you can send me a telegram. When you are free, I will go to Kunming to see you. "

Cheng Yu hugs Gu Qingzhou. When the plane took off and Gu Qingzhou was ready to go home, suddenly another car came to the racecourse. The people who get off the car are extraordinary. Gu

Qingzhou said: "Cheng Yu plans to go back to Yunnan first. She has a lot of problems to sort out."

Zhuo Mo stops nodding.

"It's late at night. Let's go back to have a rest as soon as possible." Zhuomozhi road. Say

and he winked at the adjutants. The Deputy officials are going in. Gu

just think of the light boat. Marshal Zhuo also has airplanes, one of which is specially for Zhuo Mozi. "

are you going back to Peiping?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Zhuomozhi shook his head: "I'm going to Yunnan." Gu

frown at the boat: "if you force her like this, be careful that it will backfire."

"Mrs. Si, a Yu is pregnant. I need to be responsible for the pregnancy before I get married. " Zhuo Mo said, "I will go to see commander Cheng and his wife to make it clear." Let's say that he turned around and went inside. Gu

stay in place. Very soon, the dromedge plane took off. Gu

the light boat looked at the sky, and the roar and shadow of the plane were gradually shrouded in black without any trace.

She felt complicated in her heart.

"Why can't we have a normal relationship?" Gu Qingzhou thought, "just like ah Wu and Kang Yu."

Simple love, simple people, to Cheng Yu here has become an encounter can not be asked.

It's so strange.

However, he was hooked up by Cheng Yu.

If time goes back, Cheng Yu will slap herself at the beginning. She is not allowed to treat zhuomozhi as a little white face.

Unfortunately, nothing can change.

Gu Qingzhou returns home. She received a telegram from the company saying that she was safe.

After translating the telegram, she had nothing to do with it, so she quickly sent a letter to Si Xingfu, saying something about Cheng Yu and Zhuo Mozi. She

hopes that Si Xingfu can tell Cheng Yun about this before Cheng Yu and zhuomo arrive in Yunnan.

The Cheng family should have a preparation.

After receiving the telegram, he quickly returned to Gu Qingzhou: "have a good meal and sleep. Don't mind your own business."

Gu Qingzhou is not happy.

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