Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1255 the fury of Gu Qingzhou

Cheng Yu returned to Yunnan and sent a telegram to Gu Qingzhou five days later.

"Tomorrow I will return."

There are only four words in the telegram.

Gu Qingzhou asked the servants to clean Cheng Yu's room carefully, and even prepared some tonics.

She even wanted to ask: since pregnant, why return to Taiyuan mansion?

The new year is coming soon.

Is it better to stay in Yunnan?

Cheng Yu's mind is jumping off. Gu Qingzhou can't think about her with common sense.

She changed the servant Siya into her own yard and asked sister-in-law Xin to go to Cheng Yu's side.

"Be careful everywhere. You can't let her do anything." Gu Qingzhou said, "you are the one who was brought by the teacher seat. I just trust you."

Sister Xin is really experienced.

When she heard this, she immediately asked, "is it pregnant?"

Gu Qingzhou hissed at her: "we need to keep it secret for the time being. Those who have no eyes across the courtyard in the west, you should watch them in the town. "

Mrs. Xin deeply felt the heavy task and nodded cautiously: "my wife has 120 hearts!"

Gu Qingzhou trusted sister Xin.

At more than 3 o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Cheng Yu returned to Taiyuan mansion, with zhuomozhi as her companion.

At the gate of the courtyard, Cheng Yu said, "go back first. I have something to say to the boat."

Gu Qingzhou sent her to the West Cross Hospital.

"How is it?" Gu Qingzhou asked, "what do your mother and your elder brother say?"

"The marriage continues." Cheng Yu said, "but the time will be postponed for half a year."

After a pause, Cheng Yu continued, "the marriage of the two families is far away, which could not have been settled in three or two months. If you delay for half a year more, Zhuo family will not be suspicious. "

In Gu Qingzhou's heart, there seems to be a cool wind passing by.

She understood the meaning of Cheng family, zhuomozhi and Cheng Yu.

The child in Cheng Yu's stomach can't see the light for the time being. He can only come down as a bastard.

The bride's son is a second marriage, which was originally controversial. When she brought her children to Zhuo's house, Cheng's family was completely passive.

For the sake of Cheng's family, the marriage should be postponed until Cheng Yu is born.

Gu Qingzhou suddenly understood why Cheng Yufei wanted to return to Taiyuan.

She said, "you don't want to..."

She pursed her lips and didn't know how to say it more accurately.

Cheng Yu nodded, "yes, I want to give the baby to you first."

I frown at the light boat.

Many words are out of time for her.

For example, Gu Qingzhou would like to say, what did the child do wrong? It clearly should be born rich and honorable. Why can't it see light when it's born?

She would also like to say that Cheng Yu, as a mother, needs to protect the interests of her children.

However, there is no room for this little kindness in the overall situation.

Cheng Yu was born into a warlord, and so was zhuomozhi. They knew better than Gu Qingzhou.

Their worldly sophistication also has their own small aims.

"I'll help you with our friendship." Gu Qingzhou said, "but I don't agree with it."

As she spoke, her voice sank, like a cold wind.

Even if you are angry, you are gentle and considerate.

Cheng Yu waved his hand: "don't say it, I already know my mistake."

She didn't want to talk more. She said to Gu, "I'm very tired."

Gu couldn't help but get up and leave.

After she left, there was always something stuck in her heart, which made her uncomfortable.

She got up and went to Ye's house.

The Ye family is already preparing for ye Wu's dowry.

Whether ye Shan can find it is later, ye dujun doesn't want to be wronged by Ye Wu.

When Gu Qingzhou went, ye Wu was selecting some antiques, which will be added in the future.

"Teacher, how can you look unhappy?" Ye Wu asked.

After the end of the story of Kunan oak, ye Wu only felt that she no longer owed anyone in this life, and was in a good mood.

Even Yeshan's whereabouts came after her wedding.

She saw Gu Qingzhou look gloomy, a little worried.

Gu Qingzhou smiled: "no unhappiness. Coming in from outside, it's too cold. I'm frozen. "

Ye Wu said with a smile, "teacher, you seem to be afraid of the cold."

Gu Qingzhou seems to want to talk about some past events to divert his attention.

So she told ye Wu, "in order to save Sima, I soaked in the river for a long time. The December in the south is very cold, and I've fallen ill ever since. "

Ye Wu is really interested.

She knew that simmer was a former husband who took care of the boat.

Before Gu Qingzhou's marriage, ye Wu was very curious, just out of respect and politeness to Gu Qingzhou, she dared not ask.

There are also legends in the outside world, but they are too bizarre for ye Wu to believe.

"How to save him? Is he in the water?" Ye asked.

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head.

She told ye Wu that Wei Qingjia's briber framed Sima, wanted to marry him into Sima's family and slandered Sima's supervisor at the same time.

Ye Wu was surprised and admired.

Her teacher can do it.

Only her teacher can do so well.

They chatted, and ye Wu's phone rang.

I'm calling Siya, the maid on the other side of the boat.

Four Ya in the telephone way: "madam, the family visitor, is the king's ten young master."

Here comes Wang Jing.

Last time Mrs. pingye asked Gu Qingzhou for a visit to the Wang family, Gu Qingzhou left an eye on it.

When she had dinner with Qin Sha, she said it.

However, there was no follow-up after that, and there was no movement for many days.

What happened to Wang Jing when he came at this time?

"I'm going back now." Gu Qingzhou road.

Leaf Charm pulled her: "teacher, it's more than five o'clock. It's time to have dinner. Ten elder brothers we are very familiar, let him come over, let's eat together

The Wang family and the Ye family are in marriage. Ye Wu and Wang Jing knew each other very early. At the beginning, Wang Jing loved Ye Shan.

"All right." Gu Qingzhou road.

She didn't want to go home for dinner or see Cheng Yu and zhuomozhi again.

For both of them, Gu Qingzhou had the idea of avoiding.

She called back and asked the maid to give the receiver to Wang Jing.

"Little ten, if you don't have anything important, come to the governor's office." Gu Qingzhou said, "let's go to dinner together."

Wang Jing said with a smile on the phone: "that's a coincidence. Sister Gu, I just want to invite you to dinner. Last time I talked about that western restaurant, but it was renovated. I didn't eat it. I always think about it.

This time you are invited because that one has reopened. You must go and have a taste. "

Wang Jing can make this kind of invitation like a child.

Gu Qingzhou said, "well, come here, and come to ah Wu."

Wang Jing put down the phone and appeared at the gate of Ye Wu's yard five minutes later.

He came by car.

He specially wore a green woolen suit and a green hat today.

Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu stare at him in astonishment.

Ye Wu's words, blurted out: "ten elder brothers, how can't you think?"

Wang Jing also noticed.

"That's not what the foreigner's green hat means," he said. Besides, the suit is originally a foreign product. My hat is matched. "

He has a set of words.

Gu took off his hat and said, "do as the Romans do.". Too much out of the ordinary, foreign things will not agree with each other. "

Wang Jing is very sorry. He wanted to show off.

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