Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1257 eavesdropping

Wang Jing went to the table of Jin Qianyang.

The people with their backs to them never looked back, but they exchanged greetings with Wang Jing for a moment.

When Wang Jing came back, Gu Qingzhou asked, "who is it?"

"My uncle nine." Wang Jingdao.

"Do you have so many uncles?" Cheng Yu is curious.

"It's cousin." Wang Jingdao.

Gu Qingzhou knows Wang Jing's cousin.

This uncle is called Wang Dongchuan. He once went to Gu's lessons with Wang Youchuan to help him.

Of course, it was Wang yunian's idea at that time, not of their own free will.

Later, I chatted with Qin Sha occasionally and talked about him.

Wang Dongchuan was brought up by Wang Youchuan. Now he works under Wang Youchuan. Because he is using Wang Youchuan's face, but without Wang Youchuan's pressure, everyone respects and is most comfortable.

The whole Wang family is probably the most popular.

Even Wang Jing envies and respects uncle Jiu.

Qin Sha also smiled and said to Gu Qingzhou, "our four bedrooms and two sons, the most favored one is not Xiaoshi, but Xiaojiu."

Then Qin Sha said, "Xiaojiu is much simpler than other side branches."

Gu Qingzhou also asked her with a smile, "how simple can the Wang family do things?"

"It's quite a lot, especially working under Youchuan." Qin Sha said with a smile, "you Chuan is very domineering in business. Others can't get in half a word. If you work beside him, you will not be scolded if you are obedient and clever.

As time goes on, you don't need your own thinking, just look at Youchuan's face. I sometimes worry that once Youchuan falls and the rest of the Wang family can't take over, the governors may not be able to take charge alone. "

Because of this, Qin Sha worried for a long time, and talked a lot with Gu Qingzhou.

In the process of chatting, I talked about Wang Dongchuan.

Outsiders probably think Wang Dongchuan, the second in command, is smart, but he is not.

Among all the people, he is the most obedient, relying on Wang Youchuan to make ideas.

Over there, Cheng Yu said: "no wonder you don't introduce your uncle Jiu to us. He was mixed with Jin Qianyang's bastard!"

They look back and don't look over there.

And Wang Dongchuan didn't look back at them.

Wang Jing was also at a loss. "I haven't heard that uncle Jiu and Jin Qianyang have a friendship before. Our family and the Jin family have been clearly demarcated in the boundary of Chu River and Han Dynasty......

Cheng Yu has suffered from the losses of the Jin family. If she hadn't taken care of the boat, her reputation would have been ruined by the Jin family.

Therefore, she is extremely heavy in her defense of the Jin family.

"She is everywhere:" Gu Qingzhou, will Jin Qianyang be plotting any conspiracy to deal with us

"No. Mrs. Hirano and Mrs. king would not agree. Besides, they don't want us to do anything. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Wang Jing also said: "even if Jin Qianyang is to hurt you, he will not pull on my nine uncles. Sister Cheng, you're worried. "

Cheng Yu said: "it's hard to say. I don't know what I know. "

Wang Jing was speechless.

He doesn't know why his uncle nine wants to eat Western food with Jin Qianyang.

Just then, the waiter brought up the steak they ordered, and other dishes were served.

Gu Qingzhou takes the opportunity to draw Cheng Yu's attention back: "don't get to the bottom of the matter, try this steak first."

Wang Jing is very gentleman way: "I cut steak for you!"

He took the steaks in front of Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu and cut them into small pieces with knives and forks.

Gu Qingzhou's Yu Guang noticed that Jin Qianyang's side, since Wang Jing said hello in the past, has accelerated the progress of the meal. This meeting son has already got up to check out and left.

Cheng Yu chuckled, "Jin Qianyang is afraid of you. He cares about the boat."

"Steak." Gu Qingzhou gives Cheng Yu Wang Jing's steak and forcibly interrupts her.

The steak is really good. The meat is tender and juicy, smooth and delicious.

"Delicious." Gu Qingzhou said, "I'll take him back to have a taste."

Cheng yubai glanced at her and said, "don't be so bored."

Wang Jing said with a smile that Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu had a good relationship.

After dinner, Wang Jing will take them home.

Gu refused.

"Go and play. Thank you for your hospitality." Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "I've had a little bit of food. I'll go shopping later and eat."

They had adjutants to follow, but Wang Jing didn't worry about their safety.

Wang Jing called the waiter to check out and went out with them.

He paid for a treat, but he was happier than being treated.

After Wang Jing left, Cheng Yu always thought a little.

"It's very unlucky. I met Jin Qianyang." Cheng Yu said, "remember, my grudge with the Jin family is not over."

"If you have two bodies, don't think of any resentment." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu is still in a bad mood.

Gu took her for a walk along the street.

Two people walk very slowly.

There seems to be a flower shop not far ahead.

"I want to buy two pots of wintersweet." Cheng Yudao.

All the flowers in the flower shop are the flowers that may be used in this season.

There are also earthworms in the shop. The room is very warm, but the fragrance is too strong, almost pungent.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't want to go in.

Cheng Yu has to buy flowers.

"Help me pick out two pots of beautiful wintersweet." Gu Qingzhou road.

She said, standing at the door and waiting for Cheng Yu.

It's sunny and a little cold at the door.

Gu Qingzhou stands under the sun.

She is not afraid of the sun. Even if she runs all day in the countryside, her skin is only red. Then she peels off and becomes tender again.

The sun is thin and scarce in winter. She's as white as a China recently.

She was enjoying the sun, and the adjutant beside said, "madam, that seems to be the ninth master of the king's family."

The adjutant followed in the car.

Gu Qingzhou looked at the past and saw that there were two men sitting idly in Yajian near the teahouse not far away.

One of the men with his back to Gu Qingzhou is Wang Dongchuan's back.

But the man sitting opposite him is not Jin Qianyang, but a short and fat man.

When they drink tea, their eyes also sweep the streets.

On the street, the short and fat man didn't pay attention to the light boat.

How busy is it for Wang Dongchuan to come for tea just after eating western food?

Gu Qingzhou's worry and Qin Sha's evaluation of Wang Dongchuan have passed his heart.

She thought of Jin Qianyang again.

A series of things made her want to meddle again.

She said to the deputy, "go to the opposite side and buy me a hat."

Wang Dongchuan has seen her, but Gu Qingzhou doesn't want to disturb her.

The adjutant soon bought her hat.

The wide brimmed hat almost covered her face.

After thinking about it, she took off her cloak again, only wearing a cheongsam and a thick cashmere shawl.

"I'll buy a tea bag. You wait here. Miss Cheng will come out and tell her." Gu Qingzhou road.

The deputy said yes.

Gu entered the teahouse and chose the elegant room next door.

She didn't plan to hear anything either, just to try her luck and guess something by the way.

But I can't imagine that Wang Dongchuan spoke to the fat man without avoiding suspicion. He spoke clearly, which made the next door Gu Qingzhou heard clearly. They have no scruples because they speak Japanese.

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