Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1258 dogs take mice

Gu Qingzhou eavesdropped on 30% of the conversation.

From those conversations, she probably knew the reason why Wang Dongchuan was so busy.

After buying the tea bag, Gu Qingzhou got up and went downstairs.

From beginning to end, Wang Dongchuan didn't notice her.

When she returned to the flower shop, Cheng Yu had been out for a long time.

Gu Qingzhou's face is not so good. Cheng Yu is concerned: "what's the matter?"

"Nothing." Gu Qingzhou said, "I bought two bags of laojunmei. You can take one later."

"I don't like tea, what do you do for me Cheng Yu dislikes it very much.

"If you don't like it, just leave it." Gu Qingzhou was full of thoughts and had no time to teach her, "have you bought the flowers? Buy it and go home. "

"Well, go home. I'm a little tired, too." Cheng Yudao.

Back home, Gu Qingzhou waits for the secretary.

Si Xingfu went to Hebei and came back the next morning.

But Gu Qingzhou was afraid of the cold and had already gone to bed.

There was something in her heart, not deliberately not sleeping, but no sleep at all.

"Si Xingfu, I met Wang Dongchuan today." Gu Qingzhou road.

This is the name of Wang Youchuan's generation.

"The Wangs?" The Secretary asked casually.

Gu Qingzhou nodded and told all he overheard to Si Xingfu.

At the same time, she talked about what Mrs. Hirano had said before.

"Wang Dongchuan colludes with the Japanese?" Si Xingfu frowned slightly. "Is that what Wang Youchuan means?"

"Not necessarily." Gu Qingzhou road.

After thinking for a moment, Si Xingfu agreed, "the Wangs are not so degenerate. They are the in laws of the military government."

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu both speculated that Wang Dongchuan acted on his back.

This matter has something to do with Mrs. Hirano.

Gu Qingzhou said, "Si Xingfu, I have an idea, but I want you to be a villain."


"It's Japanese and Jin Qianyang. It's all about Mrs. Hirano. I can't let her succeed." Gu Qingzhou said, "you have to help me."

"Good," said the secretary

"I'll ask Wang Dongchuan for tea tomorrow, and you'll make a dog to mouse gesture then." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu pinched her nose: "who is the dog?"

Gu Qingzhou was amused by him: "you scold yourself, don't blame me."

He got into the bed.

Gu Qingzhou cried out how cool it was.

Si Xingfu put his head close to her neck and absorbed her warmth.

The next day, Si Xingfu made a post for Wang Dongchuan and asked him to drink tea.

Wang Dongchuan is in a fog.

He hasn't been in touch with the manager yet.

"Sit down, please." "My wife ran into you chatting with the Japanese yesterday, and heard some words, so please come out to talk."

Wang Dongchuan's face turned white.

He looked at Si Xingfu in astonishment, and looked at the light boat again.

Gu Qingzhou is Qin Sha's student and adopted daughter. If she tells Wang Youchuan and Qin Sha about this, then...

Wang Dongchuan's tongue is a little stiff and her body can't help shaking: "I..."

"don't quibble. We all know what you want to do in collusion with the Japanese." Si Xingfu is still the relaxed tone of dangerlang.

His idle eyes seemed to be pierced by Wang Dongchuan.

"Shall I tell Master Wang Si to have a good look?" The Secretary asked again.

This sentence makes Wang Dongchuan look impersonal.

"No, no!" Wang Dongchuan only felt the real cold to drill into him, from the top of his head, to convey a hundred bones.

He was too cold to control himself.

"Can't tell my fourth brother!" Wang Dongchuan almost begged, "I'm just in touch, but I haven't done anything. Please don't tell my fourth brother!"

"Do you feel sorry for the fourth master, too?" The Secretary asked coldly.

Wang Dongchuan regrets that he can't hit the ground with his head.

"That's good. You'll leave first." "Go tell your fourth brother, and you will never work in Wang's company again."

Wang Dongchuan said: "there is no reason to leave, the fourth brother..."

"you make up the reasons yourself." Si Xingfu interrupts him.

"Besides this, what else?" Wang Dongchuan is timid and afraid.

Gu Qingzhou took a sip of tea and said softly: "what to do, I will tell you, step by step. You go ahead and ask to leave. "

Wang Dongchuan is as frightened as a bereaved dog.

He looked decadent and pitiful.

What he has done is not worthy of sympathy. "You'd better finish it today. I'll send someone to watch you," said Si Xingfu in a cold voice

Wang Dongchuan agreed and left the teahouse in a daze.

Gu Qingzhou shook his head slightly, looked at his back and said: "since he was afraid to let Wang Youchuan know about this, why did he collude with the Japanese?"

"Who knows what he thinks." "Si Xingfu is very disdainful," this courage dare to do bad things, maybe the brain is bad

They went to dinner.

After dinner, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu went home and waited for the news.

In the afternoon, the person sent by the Secretary to supervise Wang Dongchuan came back.

The adjutant reported: "Wang Dongchuan has asked Wang Youchuan to leave."

"What reason did he use?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"It's just spilling. However, it seems that he didn't want to do things for a long time. Lord Wang asked him how he was capricious again, but he didn't stop him. " The Deputy road.

Gu Qingzhou waved, let the adjutant go down, and continued to stare at Wang Dongchuan.

She did this not only for the king's family, but also to teach Mrs. Hirano a lesson.

The Wang family is a business ally that Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu want. Once Mrs. Hirano intervenes, Gu Qingzhou will tear her face.

The next few days were a little calm.

On the fourth day, it began to rain.

The cold rain is bone chilling. It is rare in Taiyuan in winter.

Si Xingfu comes back with Wang Dongchuan, who is hurt all over.

Wang Dongchuan was covered with blood.

Those blood water, mixed with the drizzle of water, opened in his snow-white shirt, shocking.

Gu Qingzhou stands up.

Seeing that she was worried, Si Xingfu explained, "it's ok if there's skin injury, but it doesn't hurt muscles and bones."

Gu Xiaozhou asked the servant to bring in a basin of hot water.

To wash away the blood, except for a large piece of skin on his left forehead, Wang Dongchuan was only bruised in other places, which was not a big wound indeed.

He was down in the dumps.

"... I didn't expect that. When I first talked with the Japanese, I thought it was just an exchange of interests. I don't think so. As soon as I ask for leave, they even intimidate me and even kidnap me. " Wang Dongchuan is angry and dispirited.

He was angry at his innocence.

At this time, he was sober: when he got on the Japanese ship, he would lose his reputation and die if he was heavy.

"Now you know you're stupid?" Si Xingfu smiled and said, "your understanding is too shallow."

Wang Dongchuan didn't understand this.

Si Xingfu didn't expect him to understand either. He sat on the sofa next to him and quietly pulled out a cigar to light it.

"What am I going to do? To report it? " Wang Dongchuan has no idea.

Gu Qingzhou said: "if you do one more thing for me, I will help you to eliminate the future trouble forever. Even in front of four uncles, I can also talk about love "What's up?" Wang Dongchuan said

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