Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1262 a good play

Jin Qianyang is bold and careful.

He immediately asked, "where is the fourth Uncle Wang?"

"The fourth master is in the company." The Secretary said with a smile.

Along the way, the Secretary praised Jin Qianyang, and eulogized the world almost unnoticed.

Jin Qianyang dislikes the little secretary and enjoys the compliments of the little man.

Because the secretary was too noisy, Jin Qianyang couldn't think of anything else. He followed the Secretary to Wang Youchuan's company.

To the company downstairs, he just thought: "I just calculated Wang Dongchuan, now to see Wang Youchuan, really appropriate?"

However, when it's all here, will you flinch?

He followed the Secretary into Wang Youchuan's office.

Wang Youchuan stood up with a smile and exchanged greetings.

Jin Qianyang took the initiative to talk about Wang Dongchuan, and as expected, he described himself as innocent.

Wang Youchuan waved: "I've heard about this bastard. Don't worry, I'm not the black and white one. "

Jin Qianyang smiles.

He took a sip of tea and asked, "listen to the Secretary, has the fourth uncle a hobby of collecting recently?"

"Yes." Wang Youchuan nodded and asked the Secretary to go out. "I wanted to discuss it with you for a long time. It's a small number. It's rash to disturb your mother, and it seems to be inspiring. "

The gold family's arms business is all big business.

Wang Youchuan's hobby is really embarrassed to ask Mrs. Jin.

"How much do you want?" Asked Jin Qianyang.

Although he has been involved in the business of the Jin family, they are all skirmishes. He has never been able to talk about business with such people as Wang Youchuan as he is now.

The Wangs terminated the iron ore cooperation with the jins. The jins thought about countless ways and didn't let the Wangs let go.

If I can negotiate this deal with Wang Youchuan, even if there is no profit, the Jin family will take a high look at him.

Thinking of this, Jin Qianyang looks at Wang Youchuan more intensely.

Jinqianyang was born beautiful. When he looked at each other so eagerly, his eyes seemed to flow with emotion.

Wang Youchuan is still.

"I want to assemble a batch of house guards at home. I need some guns and bullets to equip them." Wang Youchuan said to Jin Qianyang with unchanged face, "I'll exchange a batch of iron ore for you."

This is going well!

Jin Qianyang suppressed his excitement and asked, "how many guns and bullets does uncle Si want and how much iron ore can he give me?"

Just then, the phone in the next room rang.

Wang Youchuan stood up and said, "wait a moment. I'll wait for another important call. I think it's coming."

His office is a suite. Three big rooms connect with each other.

Wang Youchuan went to the next room, but it was surrounded by a screen.

Jin Qianyang moved his neck and stood up by the way.

He and his aunt had a crazy drink last night. They sprained his waist, so he would rather stand than sit.

"I'm so lucky," he said. Wang Dongchuan's side has failed. If we can conclude the deal with Wang Youchuan, it will not be totally unproductive. "

He has to talk to Wang Youchuan about the deal and sign the contract.

Wang Youchuan will know about Wang Dongchuan sooner or later.

At that time, even if Wang Dongchuan and Wang Youchuan said something, there is a contract, Wang Youchuan can not easily repent.

Jin Qianyang is excited, with a red face. If you look carefully, you can see the difference between him and ordinary people.

A moment later, Wang Youchuan finished his call.

When he saw Jin Qianyang standing, there was a trace of doubt on his face. He asked, "nephew Jin, are you going?"

"No, no, I'm an activity." Jin Qianyang sat down again and endured the pain: "four uncles, how many guns and bullets did you want?"

"I need to arrange about sixty people for this group of hospital guardians to work three shifts a day." Wang Youchuan also sat down and calculated this account with Jin Qianyang, "how many guns and bullets do you think are suitable?"

"Guns need their own hands and careful protection. Although the third round, I suggest four uncles buy more than 60. When it's time to drop off, the gun should be handed over for unified custody.

Each man has a gun, and he does not take it out of the range of duty. In this way, safety can also ensure that they take good care of things. If the fourth uncle is generous, prepare more guns for use... " Jin Qianyang made a serious idea.

The more guns and ammunition he needs, the more iron ore Wang Youchuan will give him, so he tried to calculate the quantity higher.

Wang Youchuan doesn't seem to know this very well. Jin Qianyang's words make him nod frequently, which is very agreed.

The two quickly settled the number, and Jin Qianyang wanted to sign a contract with Wang Youchuan on the spot.

However, Wang Youchuan said, "I'd better leave the preparation of the contract to nephew Shishi. You don't know. My cousin doesn't know what's going on. He asked to leave the company. I'm so busy now. "

"That's OK. I'll go back and prepare the contract and send it to the fourth uncle." Jin Qianyang immediately said.

"Take your time." "It's not a matter of urgency," Wang said

Jin Qianyang is in a hurry.

If he doesn't hurry to coax Wang Youchuan to sign the contract, he can't find the place to cry.

At this time, Wang Youchuan's secretary suddenly came in. He took a look at Jin Qianyang and stopped talking to Wang Youchuan.

Wang Youchuan said, "what's the matter? To be frank, nephew Jin is no stranger. "

"Four masters, we lost a thing." The Secretary said, near Wang Youchuan, and whispered a few words.

Wang Youchuan's face changed.

Then he said quietly, "have you looked everywhere?"

"Yes." The secretary looked quite competent without the bow and stoop before.

"Who has been in my office?" Wang Youchuan frowns, and her eyes slide down on Jin Qianyang.

Jin Qianyang is not a thief, but he is inexplicably guilty.

Wang Youchuan's eyes are really powerful.

The Secretary said: "in the past, only nine masters could enter your office..."

Jin Qianyang didn't take their words seriously, but when he heard the word "Jiu Ye", his heart suddenly shook.

He thought of his dispute with Wang Dongchuan in the teahouse.

Is it true that Wang Dongchuan came to Wang Youchuan to steal the materials of iron smelting technology in order to join the army?

He got it?

If he gets it, Jin Qianyang must try to get it.

Jin Qianyang can't sit down. He wants to see Wang Dongchuan as soon as possible.

He stood up and said goodbye to Wang Youchuan: "since I have something to do here, I will stay soon. When I get back to work out the contract, I will send it to him."

When he had said that, he turned and left.

"Stop!" Wang Youchuan's face sank, and he was rarely angry. "No one is allowed to leave the company for half a step before this matter is found out!"

He seemed to be angry and threw fire on Jin Qianyang.

Jinqianyang is very unhappy in his heart, but he wants to know what has been lost? "Is it really iron smelting material?" His brain whirled around.

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