Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1263 bloodshot

Wang Youchuan finished, regardless of Jin Qianyang, raised his feet to the office, called the police station and reported the case.

Jin Qianyang secretly scolds Wang Dongchuan for stealing things at a bad time, and is even more angry that Wang Youchuan suspects him.

As soon as Wang Youchuan left, he wanted to leave despite the Secretary's obstruction.

The Secretary, of course, would not let it.

When the Secretary faced him, all the flattery when he came was gone, a hateful face of business.

Jin Qianyang was acutely aware of something wrong, and said angrily, "you stopped me. Do you suspect that I stole something?"

"Jin Shao, this is the fourth master's order. Please wait a moment." The Secretary's face stopped Jin Qianyang calmly, motionless.

"Nephew Jinshi, this thing I lost is very important. In order to clear your suspicion, you'd better wait here for the military police to come." Wang Youchuan, who came back from the police, said coldly.

Jin Qian's air exploded.

"Then I'll wait for the police to check!" Jinqianyang's eyes turned around and said harshly, "if you find out that you wronged me, I don't have that much gas!"

Jin Qianyang doesn't know what's wrong, but he feels right.

He knows it's strange today.

"They dare to stop me and treat me as a suspect, which makes me angry! If there is no evidence, I will bite off a piece of their meat! " Jin Qianyang thought hard, but he didn't hurry to leave.

He is a good-looking young master of the golden family. Can anyone afford to be wronged?

Wang Youchuan didn't speak. He just looked around.

Jin Qianyang snorted coldly, sat down on the chair again, and even told the Secretary to add tea to him.

The police call was made by Wang Youchuan himself, so the soldiers and police came quickly.

"Master Wang, what have you lost?" the policeman asked

"A technical data of Wangjia iron smelting process." Wang Youchuan road.

The police took a breath of cool air. Even though he was not Wang's family, he knew how important this thing was to Wang's family.

"Do you have any doubters?" The police asked immediately.

"Yes." Wang Youchuan pointed to Jin Qianyang who sat upright. "I suspect that Jin Qianyang, the young master of the Jin family, stole this top secret information."

"Bloody!" Jin Qianyang sneered and said, "I've only been here for more than half an hour. I've never left the reception room. How could I steal your things.

Fourth Uncle Wang, doubters also need to tell evidence. What evidence do you have to doubt me? "

"Yes, Mr. Wang, you are a man of great importance. Is there any basis for your doubt?" Asked the policeman.

"Naturally." Wang Youchuan nodded, kept his education and patience, and said with a good temper, "the Wang family and the Jin family have been quarreling for a long time. Jinshao suddenly came to me to talk about business. Looking at the past friendship, he was a junior again, so I let him in.

After Jin Shao came in, he didn't say what business it was. I went to pick up a phone call and came back. I saw that he was looking strange and turning around. Asked where he had gone, he said he had not gone anywhere.

At that time, I still believed him. However, when the secretary came to report that he had lost something, he left immediately. It's evidence that he's so guilty. "

"You are insulting me!" Jinqianyang's face turned red. "You asked me to talk about business."

"Even if I want to talk about business with the Jin family, I will look for the head of your family. What are you?" Wang Youchuan looks at Jin Qianyang and finally shows a little anger.

Jin Qianyang is shocked to see Wang Youchuan, a good tempered man, suddenly turn his face and point at Lu Weima: "you Wang Youchuan, you...... "

He thought of his mother's comment on Wang Youchuan.

This man is cunning, resourceful and has strong control.

The whole Wang family, in fact, is he alone, everything depends on him.

In recent years, the Wang family has hardly produced any forks, so he can arrange thousands of things by himself.

Can such a man be made cheap by gold?

Jin Qianyang's mind is buzzing.

The police said: "Master Wang, how big is the technical data of the iron smelting process you lost, and is it convenient to carry? During this period, has master Jin ever contacted any outsiders? "

Wang Youchuan looks at the secretary.

The secretary is gentle and elegant, and his words are clear: "Jinshao is from alone. During this period, he should never contact with others, but he has been very flattering and frightening."

Jin Qianyang wants to fan this guy to death.

It is clear that this guy is like a dog all the way, but now he is framed in turn.

"Then..." the police hesitated.

The Secretary hurriedly said: "Jin Shao didn't give me anything. I can also have a search. "

After that, the secretary took off his coat.

In this way, the military and police should not only search the Secretary, but also search for Jin Qianyang by the way.

Even if Jin Qianyang wants to blame, he can't blame the military and police. The military and police will be more bold,

Jin Qianyang almost spits blood.

Wang Youchuan's master and servant are good schemers.

"Well, I'll search." The army and the police descended on the donkey and found the Secretary as expected.

At the same time, the military and police also said: "less gold, wronged you."

There are two military police stations in front of Jin Qianyang.

"Why do you search me!" Jin Qianyang was furious. "Uncle Wang, my mother won't give up so much when you treat me like this. Are you determined to be the enemy of our Jin family?"

"Little gold, if you are innocent, why do you hurry to put on your hat?" Wang Youchuan sighed.

His tone, his manner, as if the elders are very disappointed in the younger generation.

He no longer talks with Jin Qianyang and says to the police: "let's search it all. In addition to the lack of money, even me and my other officers should be searched. "

The military and police officers felt that Wang Youchuan was smooth in his work and set an example by himself, which did not embarrass them.

All the stewards were called in.

Wang Youchuan himself was searched.

When it was Jin Qianyang's turn, his face was red with rage.

"Stop!" Jin Qianyang stepped back several steps in a row. "Uncle Wang, I will never give up if you humiliate me like this!"

"They're also trying to clean you up." Wang Youchuan said, "if you don't have what we lost, I will come to the king's house and apologize in person."

A sense of humiliation drowns gold.

Holding his nose, he thought about how to deal with Wang Youchuan while letting the military and police search him.

He also wanted to say two cruel words. He saw that the military and police took a small thing out of him and gave it to Wang Youchuan: "Master Wang, only this is found. Is this the confidential information you lost?"

What is that?

Jin Qianyang didn't react. He didn't have such a thing.

"Exactly!" Wang Youchuan took the things in the hands of the police, pointed to the seal and number on it, and said, "this is the unified mark of Wang's confidential information. Jin Qianyang hasn't opened it yet!"

"Impossible!" Jin Qianyang's eyes widened. "You set me up. It's not my thing at all!"

He knows that Wang Youchuan deceived him and said nothing about cooperation, not to humiliate him at all, but to frame him up.

"It's not your stuff, of course. It's our king's stuff." Wang Youchuan's voice grew colder and colder, and his eyebrows were frosted. "Jin Qianyang, the thief has taken the stolen goods. They have been found out. Do you want to argue?

You said that we set you up. After you enter the door, none of us has touched you. How can we set you up again? "

Jin Qianyang's mind is buzzing.

It's true that they didn't after entering the door, and they did before entering the door! The Wangs united and gave him a grand feast.

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