Young General's Escaping Wife

1264 distrusted mothers

Jin Qianyang took the stolen goods and got them.

Wang Youchuan sent his secretary to send the soldiers and police out of the house. He went back to his office and called Gu Qingzhou.

"Light boat, thanks to your recipe, the salmon you caught has been put into the pot and steamed on fire. Do you have time to eat fish with the Wang family tonight? " Wang Youchuan asked.

Gu Qingzhou, on the other side of the phone, said: "uncle, it takes a long time to steam salmon. I'm afraid it will take only a few days to eat it. I won't go there. After eating the fish, uncle four will grind some fish bones and raise flowers for us. "

"Well, I'll wait until tomorrow morning." Wang Youchuan road.

The things that Jin Qianyang stole were very important. The Wang family was also the in laws of the governor's office. The relationship between the two sides and the Jin family was not very good. So just after Jin Qianyang was taken to the police station, the police station sent someone to report to the governor Ye.

When ye dujun heard about Jin Qianyang's theft, he had some accidents.

Knowing that this time it was stolen, governor Ye told the police: "judge according to the rules, don't give anyone face."

With this sentence, the people in the police station have a bottom in their hearts.

The next day, Jin Qianyang's sentence came down. He was sentenced for ten years!

When the news reached the Kim's house, Mrs. Kim was almost spitting blood.

Jinqianyang calculated Wang Dongchuan's affairs. She knew it, but she didn't stop it.

Although that plan is not very mature, it is enough to deal with Wang Dongchuan. Even if Wang Dongchuan didn't fall for the bait or turned against the water halfway, Jin Qianyang could pick himself up.

Who knows it's only a few days ago. Before we can get what we want from Wang Dongchuan, Jin Qianyang is taken into the police station by Wang Youchuan.

Jin Qianyang is going to see Wang Youchuan. He was temporarily pulled by his secretary. The Jin family doesn't know what to do.

Mrs. Jin is not sure if Jin Qianyang has stolen the technical data of the Wang family's iron smelting technology.

According to Jin Qianyang's competitive character, he is not willing to go to the office of Wang's company after failure, but it is possible to start stealing.

Mrs. king sent for information.

Soon, there was a reply.

Before Jin Qianyang went to Wang's company, he had a fight with Wang Dongchuan.

"He must be in a hurry when it comes to fighting." There was some anxiety in Mrs. King's heart.

People can do anything in a hurry.

Mrs. king, thinking about it, hurriedly arranged for someone to visit Jin Qianyang in the police station, while she hurried to the governor's office.

Although Jin Qianyang's judgment came down, it didn't appear in today's morning paper. Mrs. Jin knew that governor Ye was giving her a chance to "get her son".

She was worried that ye Xiaoyuan would open his mouth, but her son couldn't help but fish. Mrs. Jin's face became more and more ugly.

When Mrs. King arrived at the governor's house, governor Ye was having breakfast.

He was well versed in negotiation skills and invited Mrs. king to sit down without moving. The more anxious Mrs. king is, the slower he will eat.

After breakfast, Mrs. King's thoughts of bargaining have gone for the most part.

"Overseer, we are all parents. No one can see our children suffer." Mrs. Jin's face was sad. "Qianyang is my eldest son. It's impossible for the Jin family to put him in prison because of his support. This time, please help Qianyang anyway! "

"How can I help him?" Governor Ye raised his eyelids. "He made a big mistake this time. Iron smelting technology is the lifeblood of the Wang family. When he does such a thing, the Wang family will not give up. Not to mention him, even I dare not think of the Wang family's iron smelting technology. "

"Governor, you are related to the Wang family in law. Please help us to have a good talk for the sake of keeping watch and helping each other for so many years.

As long as the Wang family does not pursue this matter, we, the Jin family, are willing to make compensation to the Wang family! " Cried Mrs. king.

I don't know how many times she asked governor Ye.

It's all about the kids.

Moreover, none of the children survived.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Jin is even more frightened, for fear that Jin Qianyang will follow his younger brothers and sisters.

"Inspector, as long as you are willing to help, the Jin family is willing to donate five airplanes as a token of thanks." Mrs. King gnawed her teeth, knowing that the family was bleeding again.

"It's difficult." Governor Ye suddenly became selfless.

He used to be different.

"If father doesn't say it, I will." Ye Wu suddenly came in. She nodded to Mrs. Jin, and then said to ye dujun, "father, I'll talk to my sister."

She seems to have been eavesdropping in her study for a long time.

Governor ye knew it, but he didn't stop it.

Mrs. King's heart brightened, knowing that there was a play.

"It's better to settle enemies than to settle them. Since Mrs. king is willing to make peace, it's not impossible for us to mediate." Ye Wu said with a smile, "my father is in trouble, but I am not in trouble. Just in time, I will go to the Wang family to talk to my sister later."

Mrs. Jin thought that before, the newspaper under the Wang family took photos of Jin Qiantong and Jin Qianhong, which was also what ye Wu said when she went to find her elder sister married to the Wang family.

Their sisters clearly represent the attitude of Ye family and Wang family at this time!

"Miss three, it would be very kind of you to help. If you can persuade the Wang family to promise not to investigate Qianyang's affairs, the Jin family will thank you very much!" Mrs. king was grateful and tried to win over her.

"I don't want anything. Mrs. king doesn't have to thank me." Ye Wu said with a smile, "as long as Mrs. King remembers the five planes she promised to donate."

Governor ye thought about it: "I'm not inhuman. It's really important for the eldest son to make a plan. In this way, as long as the Wang family doesn't investigate, I'll just shut my eyes. "

"Thank you, inspector!" At last Mrs. king felt relieved.

The Jin family is the one with the most money.

She wrote a contract and promised to donate five airplanes to the governor's office.

This is the reward for the governor's office. The compensation for the Wang's side has to be calculated separately.

This time, the Jin family is really bleeding.

"Father, do you know who arranged this?" Ye asked.

"Your teacher," said Ye. Every time the Jin family has something to do, she holds it tight. What kind of hatred does she have with the Jin family? "

"This time not for the Jin family, but for Mrs. Hirano." Ye Wudao.

It's a bit complicated. Ye Wu wants to explain it carefully, but ye dujun waves his hand.

He knows that.

These complex interpersonal relationships are in the heart of governor Ye.

"Go ahead and do it." Ye dujun said.

Ye Wu came early in the morning and said that she would borrow two books in his study. She dawdled until Mrs. King appeared, just like the assistant of Ye dujun at that time.

These are things that ye Wu can't arrange.

Let Ye Wu so obedient, in addition to take care of the boat who can?

Ye Wu goes to the Wang family.

After leaving the governor's office, Mrs. king immediately returned to the king's house.

The person she sent to visit Jin Qianyang reported to her: "madam, he is very good, he hasn't been beaten, but he hasn't been cleaned all night. He looks a bit embarrassed. He asked me to tell my wife that he didn't steal. You must not easily admit defeat, find out the truth and bite off a piece of their royal family's meat. "

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