Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1265 thank you

Mrs. king was furious.

"Bite off a piece of their king's meat? Now it's their Wang family who is going to bite off a piece of our Jin family's meat! " Mrs. king was furious.

"Madame, it's not right for me to say so many times." Said the man.

"Wrong? How can he be wronged if he takes stolen goods and gains them! " Mrs. king was more angry.

The man took a look at Mrs. Jin and said cautiously: "the young man said that he had a fight with Wang Dongchuan. Later, in the car, Wang Youchuan's secretary kept complimenting him.

Wang Dongchuan or the Secretary, please check. As soon as you check, you will know that he has been wronged. "

Mrs. king didn't check.

Besides not wanting to save money, Mrs. king didn't trust her son very much either.

No matter Wang Dongchuan or the Secretary, the mastermind behind it must be Wang Youchuan.

After Wang Youchuan, it is unknown whether she has taken care of the boat.

Every time Gu Qingzhou sees the people of the Jin family, he feels uneasy and feels that they will do bad things. Conversely, every time the Jin family is unlucky, Mrs. Jin suspects that Gu Qingzhou is cheating.

However, there is no evidence.

A few days later, the governor's office sent a message that the Wang family wanted a batch of guns and ammunition equipped with 60 people.

This matter was approved by governor Ye.

Sixty people, don't want to make a living in Taiyuan. Everything is under the control of governor Ye.

The Jin family agreed. Send the guns here. The Wang family will sell the case.

Jin Qianyang was picked up and the prison was spared.

He hasn't suffered much in prison these days.

Mrs. king was both pleased and annoyed. Her son had not been taught a lesson in prison.

In this way, Mrs. king will teach him herself.

She told the servant, "lock up the children. Without my command, he is not allowed to step out of the door for half a step."

There are still many things to deal with in the follow-up compensation, and Mrs. king has a headache even more.

Wang Youchuan called Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu to have lunch.

He would like to thank both of them. At the same time, he has one more thing to ask the manager.

When Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu arrived at the Wang's house and met Wang Youchuan before they could exchange greetings, Gu Qingzhou joked with a smile, "four uncles, have you steamed your salmon?"

"Well steamed, as you said, it took a few days to get to the fire." Wang Youchuan said with a smile, "light boat, thanks to you, we have fish for lunch today."

When eating, there are Qin Sha, Wang Jing and Wang Dongchuan.

After three rounds of wine, Wang Youchuan cleared his throat and offered a glass of wine to the secretary.

Wang Youchuan was very emotional: "division division seat, Dongchuan, since he was 16 years old, told me that he wanted to join the army many times. I thought that the artillery had no eyes and always stopped him.

I've blocked it too many times. Dongchuan didn't talk to me about it for two years. I thought he let it go.

I didn't expect that in order to join the army this time, he was used by Jin Qianyang and almost destroyed the king's basic business. "

Wang Dongchuan lowered his head with guilt.

Si Xingfu holds a glass of wine and waits for the following.

Wang Youchuan continued: "it's better to show off his wish than to stop nothing. But I personally taught Dongchuan that our cousins have different feelings.

I'm not at ease in handing him over to others. I'm the most relieved of you and your wife, so today I'm looking forward to asking the division teacher to take a seat. "

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

The heart of the secretary is clear.

Even Wang Dongchuan vaguely understood. He looked up at his fourth brother in amazement.

"I hope you can send Wang Dongchuan to your team." Wang Youchuan road.

Sure enough!

Wang Dongchuan was stunned. For a while, his ecstasy rose slowly from the bottom of his heart, showing a bright smile.

He was too excited to say anything, just giggling.

"He's probably not in my army." Si Xingfu road.

All the generals in his army have one skill.

The reason why Wang Dongchuan wanted to join the army was his unfinished obsession.

Such obsession is not enough to support a person's success or keep him for a long time.

Si Xingfu doesn't want him.

Wang Dongchuan's smile seems to be stuck on his face, slowly fading away, leaving a gray face.

Wang Youchuan said, "as long as you take Dongchuan into the army and promise me to look after him more and not lose his life, I'm willing to provide you with 200000 Jin of steel at a low price every year!"

I'm sorry to hear that.

Then he smiled.

200000 iron ore is not a small amount. His arms need iron ore to be made. The 200000 iron ore is the most desirable thing for him at present.

If we just arrange a Wang Dongchuan, we don't need such a large capital at all.

The 200000 Jin iron ore was given to him to make him agree to settle down with Wang Dongchuan. In fact, it was the royal family's thanks to Gu Qingzhou.

Si Xingfu immediately remembered what Gu Qingzhou had said before. She said that she would ask the Wang family to offer them iron ore.

It wasn't long before Wang Youchuan took the initiative to give them the iron ore.

Gu Qingzhou chuckled, turned his head and said, "can you think of a way?"

Wang Dongchuan also looked at Si Xingfu.

As expected, Si Xingfu thought, "Pingcheng is not good. I'll arrange him to Nanjing. How about starting from a company commander? In my father's hands, more promising than in mine. "

Wang Youchuan smiles and nods, very satisfied.

The position and power of the chief inspector are far superior to that of the chief inspector.

Wang Dongchuan is a company commander at first. It's also a great joy to think that he can use all the skills he has seen.

"Thank you very much, sir!" He stood up and toasted.

Wang Youchuan smiles and nods.

This is an opportunity. Wang Youchuan has been looking for an opportunity to return to Gu Qingzhou, because Gu Qingzhou is not the first time to help them.

It's a lot of affection. Pay it back together.

Wang Youchuan will offer them iron ore, which is expected by Gu Qingzhou.

But when we arrived at Ye's house in the evening, when we met, governor Ye proposed to give her a plane, which was the surprise of Gu Qingzhou.

Governor ye said that he would give her a plane, not for Si Xingqi.

"Ah?" Rao is smart enough to take care of the boat. He is also in a trance and thinks he has heard it wrong.

She knew that the Jin family would give inspector Ye another five planes.

"You deserve it," said Ye

The meaning of this is self-evident.

"Do you praise me or scold me?" Gu Qingzhou is not happy.

"I scolded you with a plane?" Ye asked.

Gu Qingzhou laughed and said, "I know you boast about me. You boast about me very much. You are meddlesome in jinqianyang's affairs."

Governor ye also laughed.

"The governor has given you a private plane. I'll give you a private pilot."

Pilots who can fly are as rare as airplanes. "Father, I want it too." The Leaf Charm of one side suddenly opens a way, "it is I that go to the Wang family to tell you that you have these five planes. You give one to the teacher, and you should give one to me, right?"

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