Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1266 dual persons

Leaf enchanting Mou son, had a kind of desire for the first time.

As the young daughter of Ye dujun, ye Wu has everything in material.

She never shows a yearning look for anything but airplanes.

Ye dujun smiled and said, "if you want to, you can earn it by yourself. This time, you are just a runner. If you can make your own arrangements next time, and keep the water tight, my father will give you one. "

It's good for children to have some ideals.

Ye Wu said with a smile, "father, you look too high at me."

Ye dujun is a burst of disconsolate again: daughter's progress but for such a moment, or by plane greedy.

If Gu is his daughter.

Governor Ye's thought is just a muscle in his mind. If Mrs. Hirano knows it, she can paste his face.

It's no good luck to have Gu to be a daughter in a boat.

The secret recipe for smelting iron of the Wang family is more difficult to get after making a fuss.

Those secret skills can never be sold by the Wang family and won't be spread out.

Besides stealing, it's robbing.

In the territory of Ye dujun, it is unrealistic to rob the royal family.

So it's just stealing.

"Steal" such a, Mrs. Hirano has not started, the Japanese can not sit first.

"A group of fools, colluding with another fool, Jin Qianyang, made such a scene." Mrs. Hirano is carrying tea, enjoying the fragrance of tea, and at the same time, her voice is quiet.

She was not angry.

She has her own way.

However, after the event of jinqianyang, the Wangs were afraid that they would take more precautions, and Mrs. Hirano's method was not so sure.

She was a little angry.

However, she is used to maintaining her self-discipline, and is not willing to let out her anger.

"It's interesting." Cai Changting said, "there is a shadow of a boat, isn't there?"

"She's more nosy." Mrs. Hirano smiled.

This smile is sincere.

Cai Changting knows her mind.

The more you take care of the boat, the more you worry about it. At this juncture, too many distractions will only pull the back legs of the light boat, so that Mrs. Hirano can take advantage of it.

"It's not wise." Caichangting road.

The big dream of Gu Qingzhou is too light, and the small secular is too heavy. Like others, she yearns for friends and maintains social relations.

These, in the eyes of Mrs. pingye and Cai Changting, are not business.

"She's never wise, she's just smart." Hirano man.

Apart from what they said, they were more pleased than disappointed. The more entanglements they had, the better they could control them.

Cheng Yu is also disappointed.

She didn't care about the plane and said angrily, "he hasn't lost his reputation."

"Who?" Gu Qingzhou didn't want to take over, so he deliberately asked.

"Jinqianyang!" Cheng Yu said, "when my father was alive, how much did he help the Jin family? Mrs. Jin knows! Later, my brother and I went to the Jin family. What did they do to me? "

Thinking of this, Cheng Yu sighed again, "my mother is not so naive. Even if she hides in the mountains and forests, she dare not hope in the Jin family. "

Gu Qingzhou picked up his tea and took a sip.

Cheng Yu continued, "Jin Qianyang is too immoral."

Gu Qingzhou raised his eyes and said lightly, "don't be too excited. It's important for children."

Cheng Yuxuan thought that the Jin family was bleeding again, and he was a little happy.

It's December 20th.

Si Xingfu came here in the middle of the way for Cheng Yu's business. He was very busy in December.

"You go back by yourself?" He asked Gu Qingzhou, "or shall I send you to Nanjing first?"

Gu thought about it.

At the end of Wang Dongchuan's affair, Mrs. pingye's original ambition may lie dormant, and after Gu Qingzhou leaves, her progress will speed up.

Gu Qingzhou left for a few more days, only for good.

"Let me go to Nanjing." Gu Qingzhou said, "go to accompany Abba and qiongzhi."

Si Xingfu said yes.

Gu Qingzhou picks up his suitcase.

Cheng Yu stood by and looked at it. He was in a very complicated mood: "do you take me with you?"

"I advise you not to go anywhere recently. Last time you went back to Yunnan, I was worried for a long time. In the first three months of pregnancy, the position of the fetus is unstable, which is the most likely time for accidents. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu said, "you just don't want to take me."

"That's one of the reasons." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu was so angry that he wanted to scratch her.

Before Gu Qingzhou left, he specially gave the servants red envelopes for the new year.

Then she told sister-in-law Xin and Siya, "Miss Cheng, you should pay more attention. When asked by outsiders, half of the sentence is not allowed to be mentioned. "

Four Ya is a muscle, hurriedly nods.

"Don't worry, madam. Miss Cheng has a bad temper. She will listen to me and I will take good care of her. "

Gu Qingzhou nodded, "then I'll give it all to you."

She's still not sure.

When going out, tell Cheng Yu again and again: what can't be eaten and what can't be done.

"... remember, don't run or jump." Gu Qingzhou said, "always be careful and walk slowly. If you eat well, you should not eat raw. Meat and vegetable should be reasonable."

"I know Mrs. secretary." Cheng yumanyi is upset. "You are more verbose than my mother."

Gu Qingzhou just flicked a finger on her forehead.

Cheng Yu said again, "you are too worried. If the child is gone, I'm not happy yet. "

When she said this, Zhuo Mo Zhi happened to enter the door.

Zhuo Mo's face is cold and solemn. Cheng Yu's words make his eyes more gloomy.

Gu Qingzhou happened to be there, so he helped zhuomo out and said, "she likes to sing the opposite. You take care of her when I go back these days. "

"I will." Zhuomozhi road.

He was polite to Gu Qingzhou, and specially straightened his expression to make himself look a little softer and less vicious.

After Gu Qingzhou left, he was still uneasy about Cheng Yu and zhuomozhi.

Those two people, one always seems to be not long enough to pay attention to their due responsibilities; the other is a dual person, who knows what he will look like next second.

In this case, it's hard for them to take care of Cheng Yu's baby carefully.

Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu, in addition to feeling that she didn't undertake her mother's obligations, are the things they can't ask for, but Cheng Yu wants to discard them.

Gu Qingzhou wants a child in his dream.

She didn't want to, Cheng Yu couldn't see it, and she thought her children couldn't see it.

When I got on the plane, I was worried about the boat.

"How can I not bear Taiyuan mansion?" The Secretary asked.

Looking back here, Gu Qingzhou really cares a lot.

Cheng Yu and ye Wu can rank first side by side, but when Cheng Yu is pregnant, her children increase her weight.

"The most reluctant is Cheng Yu, followed by ah Wu." Gu Qingzhou said, "there are others, such as Qin Sha and Wang Jing, who are reluctant."

Sikong put his arm around her shoulder.

Gu put his head on him and closed his eyes and dozed off.

She took a nap.

As soon as she woke up, she arrived in Nanjing.

When we got off the plane, the commander-in-chief was waiting for them not far away.

The governor sent a telegram to take care of the light boat.

"So warm." He bent his lips as if to sneer and sigh, "he's really old."

The sign of a person's old age is to start to pay attention to the family and children that have been ignored.

The governor's character would not have waited for his son and his wife alone. Now, he not only waited in person, but also sent people to meet him early.

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