Xu Qizhen just came to say hello.

She smiled like a flower, and after a few words of greetings, she went back to her desk without mentioning where she had seen Gu Qingzhou.

Yan Luoshui is confused: "do you know each other?"

"Before he went abroad, brother used to play with his camera. I think he definitely brought my photo with him." Gu Qingzhou road.

Yan Luoshui chewed the words and asked, "what can't be said?"

It's normal to take a picture of your family.

Gu chuckled bitterly.

"I don't know." Gu Qingzhou didn't know how to speak, so he made a few perfunctory remarks.

She showed "don't want to talk more" from the corner of her eyes and eyebrows. Yan Luoshui heard the sound and knew the elegance, and really changed the topic.

This little episode did not affect the mood of Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui.

Two people strolled into the afternoon.

When Si Xingfu came to pick up the light boat, he smiled strangely.

"What are you sneering at?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

The Secretary sang softly.

He has seen this look many times: it fell into the vinegar jar.

"My brother went to the commander-in-chief?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

The Secretary sang again.

"For you, I didn't beat him out. How can you repay me?" The Secretary asked.

Gu Qingzhou was overjoyed: "Si shizuo, are you naive?"

"Add another layer of humiliation." The company is slow in accounting.

This time, he does not enter the oil and salt.

Gu Qingzhou said: "really, is it so hard to let go? You've never done this to anyone else, even the original smoothie. "

In a word, the vinegar that Si Xingfu eats Gu Shao is the most.


"Why?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"Ask yourself, do you like him?" Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou suddenly thought of something.

She sighed a little.

Si Xingfu's devotion to this kind of feeling is because he used to love Fangfei very much. From another angle, he knew the weight of the feeling.

It's another kind of love. It doesn't conflict with love. It won't reduce one point just because of taking care of the boat.

But Gu Qingzhou and Gu Shao have no blood relationship.

"I don't see him." Gu Qingzhou said, "I do what I say."

The Secretary pinched her face.

"Well, let's go back to Yuecheng. I want to see yuzao." He said and turned the car around.

He drove out of the city as expected.

Gu Qingzhou closed his eyes and dozed off.

The spirit of Si Xingfu is very good. He sang a little song all the way.

With the deputy of Si xingxu, he had already returned to report.

Gu shaoleng stays in place.

"Bastard!" The governor was also angry. "The boat came back to see me. I haven't said a word to her yet."

This son has never been reliable. Now, Gu Shao is disappointed that he doesn't know if it's too late.

He went out with heavy footsteps.

His car, driven very slowly, seemed to be afraid of hitting anyone, and seemed to be absent-minded.

When we got to the gate of Ruan's mansion, suddenly someone shouted at him.

"Ashow." The woman's voice is beautiful and sweet, like honey.

She went under the light.

The cold wind in the last month made her cheeks crimson, and her cheeks were even more lovely. Her eyes were full of autumn water.

It's Xu Qizhen.

"Why are you here?" Gu Shao flinches slightly.

When he and Xu Qizhen break up, they are in such a hurry that they seem to burn their arses. They must get rid of her quickly. He doesn't even have a decent reason, just that he doesn't deserve it.

Xu Qizhen is a passionate girl.

She looks sweet and lovely, but in fact, she is not sticky and charming. When she is abroad, she is more like the elder sister of her friends.

She often takes care of others, is good at coordinating, and everyone likes to listen to her arrangement.

Gu Shao's break-up didn't bring her anger and tears.

She was very calm at that time, but the smile was gone, quietly asked him: "really want to be ok?"


"Well, I'll explain it to my family." Xu Qizhen said, "we have known each other for so many years, and we take care of each other. Even if we can't be husband and wife, we are good friends.

Since you have this idea, I'm not reluctant. There are so many lovers out there. We are innocent. You are never willing to stay. "

From then on, she had expected such a day.

It's her pursuit of Gu Shao.

At first, Gu Shao didn't pay attention to her. Later, she didn't know which tendon was touched. She didn't know what to say at that time. Gu shaoleng was there and then leaned over to kiss her.

Their relationship started that day.

However, young men and girls are curious about each other, but Gu Shao is not.

He lived as a man of few desires.

He studied hard and worked hard. He even learned martial arts and shooting skills, but he never showed them.

He looks so weak, but in fact he has already been reborn.

There was a good chance. He could sleep Xu Qizhen. Xu Qizhen was ready, but he stopped temporarily.

Xu Qizhen is not stupid, she has already had psychological preparation.

When the day came, she was extraordinarily calm.

They broke up peacefully.

Xu Qizhen didn't look for Gu Shao again. Even if she saw him, she just smiled politely. She didn't greet or avoid him. She left no trace in Gu Shao's world.

It's a model for breaking up.

However, the model suddenly came today. It was dark. She stood under the street lamp without a coat. A red sweater soaked her.

"I saw her." Xu Qizhen was cold, her teeth were shaking, and her voice was frosty. "She is very beautiful, different from the picture. Her photos are lovely, but she is charming. "

Gu Shao frowned a little.

He took off his cloak and put it on her.

"Where did you see it?" He shouldn't have discussed the subject with her, but he had betrayed him in his heart.

He couldn't help it.

Before he saw the boat, he was led away by the manager.

I haven't seen her for many days. She is thin or fat. Gu Shao doesn't know.

His heart is like falling into a sea of fire. He is suffering badly.

At the moment, Xu Qizhen is like an explosive. His heart with fire should not be near, because it will light her and let her explode.

However, do not give up the situation, do not know his pain. Even if it was moths to put out the fire, he recognized it.

"Restaurant." Xu Qizhen looks at his face. There is a strong expectation in his eyes, waiting for her answer.

She smiled.

The smile was so cold that it looked a little gloomy.

"Ah Shao, I want to ask you why you promised to be with me at the beginning? At that time, I must have said something, or done something, much like her, didn't I? " Asked Xu Qizhen.

Gu Shao's expression is distorted.

They are all teenagers studying abroad, leaving their hometown before they are mature.

They need to rely on.

Many people go together for this purpose. The loneliness in a foreign country can't be described without personal experience.

Xu Qizhen knows that Gu Shao seems to be trying to get rid of loneliness and her company, but in fact he is not.

He is too cold, to her, to love.

Her friends can see that Gu Shao's feelings are there, but not to Xu Qizhen.

"Tell me." Xu Qizhen said slowly, "ah Shao, I want an answer."

Gu Shao slightly pursed his lips.

He didn't kill Xu Qizhen's last fantasy, so he lied: "it's not because of her. That day, you were beautiful. I was moved... "

Xu Qizhen was stunned.

She stood in the cold wind, suddenly as if someone had pulled out a layer of skin and stood there in embarrassment, with pain and cold.

Her last weakness was broken by Gu Shao. He humiliated her again and made her a fool. But Xu Qizhen, already tired of the silly appearance in front of him!

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