Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1269 coquetry

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu arrived at Yan's late at night.

The Yan family was shocked.

"... it's not difficult for you to make a phone call so close." Mrs. Yan clapped her heart, "it's frightening to call at the door in the middle of the night."

Only when something goes wrong, can we get on the door in the middle of the night.

Gu Qingzhou laughs: "I'm sorry mom."

Then she decisively sold her manager, "it's all him. How can I be so reckless when I have a whim?"

Si Xingfu: "...

alas, my husband is not right.

Division division division seat sad thought for a long time, found that husband gang has never been right, more sad.

Mrs. Yan is very happy with their arrival.

She had the dinner prepared.

When I arrived in Yuecheng, all the dishes were authentic. The cooking skills of the Yan family were not inferior to those of the grand hotel.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu also took yuzao to the park.

It's very cold in the park, but the sun is bright. Many children play with leather balls. Si Xingfu also bought one for yuzao.

"I didn't play ball as a kid." Si Xingfu road.

"Abba, I'll teach you." Yuzao is very good.

The heart of Si Xingfu was shocked.

The weight of a PA's two words immediately fell to his heart.

His blood was full of fatherly love.

"Good." He said.

Yuzao is less than two years old, but the little ball is playing very well.

She also taught to take care of light boats.

They had a family of three at dusk. Si Xingfu took yuzao to eat delicious food and bought her many gifts.

In the evening, they visited Huo Yue.

Huo Yue is busy these days. He is not surprised to see them. He says with a smile, "have you come back for the new year?"

"You haven't been there for a long time." Gu Qingzhou said, "so it seems that you have paid for the plane."

Huo Yue laughs.

"I will go after the new year. I have a hunch that ah Jing must be in the northwest. " Huo Yue Road.

This is the first time Gu heard someone talk about ah Jing after he came back.

They all avoided the subject.


Huo Yue also asked Cheng Yu.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu stayed in Yuecheng for two days, and then he personally sent Gu Qingzhou back to Nanjing.

At the commander-in-chief's office, Gu Qingzhou went to give qiongzhi a present, which was given by Mrs. Yan.

The adjutant came up to him: "Sir, there is a telegram from Taiyuan. It was sent by Miss Cheng to his wife."

"What can I do for her?" he said

Cheng Yu is all idle and lonely.

He put the matter behind him.

That night, Si Xingfu was going back to Pingcheng. He repeatedly told Gu Qingzhou that she was not allowed to see Gu Shao.

"Well, I'll come over on New Year's Eve and we'll go to see him together." Si Xingfu said, "is that my benevolence and righteousness?"

"Yes." Gu put his arm around his neck and kissed him.

The day after Si Xingfu left, the adjutant sent another telegram.

"Madam, Miss Cheng's telegram." The Deputy road.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

The telegram has not yet been translated.

It's not a document, it's a private telegram.

Gu Qingzhou didn't think there was anything important about Cheng Yu. She remembered that when she left, Cheng Yu was reluctant to part with her. She probably missed her very much.

When she was ready to translate the telegram, the servant came in and said, "madam, master Ruan is here."

Gu Shao...

GU Qingzhou thought of Si Xingfu's words, hesitated and said: "you tell him that I'm not very comfortable, and I'll see him in a few days."

The servant asked, "madam, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head.

The servant understood.

Gu Qingzhou pondered for a moment.

At this time, aunt Wu brought in the cooked bird's nest porridge.

"Little lady, have some bird's nest." She laughs. "It's always busy, isn't it?"

Gu Qingzhou and aunt taihuayan are acquaintances. Before, when she was in Yuecheng, she had seen aunt Wu too sick.

At the beginning, Si Xingfu said that Aunt Wu was a little like Gu Qingzhou, about two or three points. Gu Qingzhou was still half angry.

At that time, she was very sensitive and worried about gain and loss. She was afraid that the scumbag would ask her to be a concubine.

She was too much afraid of her identity and dignity. Now she really misunderstood Si Xingfu.

She was always reluctant to let her fall into a low-key situation.

"Good. Thank you very much. " Gu Qingzhou said, "please take a seat."

Aunt Wu sits down.

She chatted with Gu Qingzhou with a warm attitude.

Gu Qingzhou is not easy to pull people's face, so she chatted with aunt Wu for a long time until the servant said dinner.

"Let's go together." "Are you hungry?" she said with a smile

"I'm a little hungry." Gu Qingzhou touched his stomach.

After a bowl of bird's nest porridge, I opened my stomach.

At the dinner table, the chief inspector and chief qiongzhi had already taken their seats and were waiting to take care of the boat.

Aunt Wu was too busy to serve. She set up cloth dishes beside her.

The family was not busy enough. The inspector general said to Aunt Wu, "as usual, there is no taboo. You can also take a seat. The boat is not an outsider."

Aunt Wu smiled and sat next to the supervisor.

There was no sound on the dining table. Occasionally, the chief inspector asked a couple of questions, and Gu Qingzhou also answered a couple of questions.

After dinner, the superintendent said something: "tomorrow, the old lady of Pei's family will live a long life. Please be the wife. Qiongzhi, you will take your sister-in-law with you."

Siqiongzhi's face changed.

She looked at the inspector tentatively: "Abba, how can I go? I'm a child... "

the superintendent looked at her and said with a smile:" you still think you're a child? "

His eyes, his expression, all seem to say: daughter, point to face, many adults still regard themselves as dolls?

Si qiongzhi: "...

GU Qingzhou laughs.

Siqiongzhi immediately said: "Abba, you don't really want to marry me to Pei's, do you? That Pei's kid, I hate it. "

"Is that the last classmate?" Gu asked

Siqiongzhi recalled.

Last time Gu Qingzhou came back, they did meet a man when they were shopping.

The man is very warm to June branch.

"No, it's not the same Pei family." "It's just the same surname, they have nothing to do with each other."

The superintendent caught the voice and asked, "why, you have a boyfriend?"

"No!" Si qiongzhi denied.

"That will do." The governor said.

Si qiongzhi is dissatisfied: "Abba, what time is it? Do you want to arrange my marriage? I don't want to have anything to do with Pei's family. "

The inspector said, "try it, but you won't eat people."

Qiongzhi is extremely bent.

"I don't want to get married." "Those men, which one doesn't have an aunt?" he blurted out

Aunt Wu was on pins and needles when she was too busy, and her face turned red with embarrassment.

Siqiongzhi also regretted that he didn't choose what to say.

Gu Qingzhou pretends that nothing happens and mediates in the middle: "your elder brother doesn't have it. Besides, marriage is run by yourself. How can you be so pessimistic? "

"Listen to your sister-in-law!" It's hard for the chief inspector to have a good temper and not get angry. Follow the instructions, "you are the daughter of the commander-in-chief. Who dares to add an aunt to your room?"

Aunt Wu could not sit down completely. She got up and walked out quietly.

Gu Qingzhou comforted siqiongzhi for a long time.

When siqiongzhi calmed down and Gu Qingzhou went back to his room, he saw the telegram on the desk, which reminded him of something.

She hasn't translated Cheng Yu's telegram.

She paused, decided to take a bath first, washed and lay in bed.

She goes to wash first.

When she changed her pajamas and sat on the bed and translated the telegram, her face turned white.

The pen in his hand fell to the ground involuntarily.

Gu felt that all her blood was retrograde. She called out to the servant, "go, tell the adjutant to prepare the plane. Hurry up!" Her voice is not what it looks like.

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