Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1275: the lunatic Si Xingqi

It's a bit cold in the dark cinema. Si Xingfu has been holding the hand of Gu Qingzhou.

He suddenly thought of a sentence: "I'm very satisfied."

When I was in Yuecheng, I watched movies with her. At that time, she was not happy. With patience and gambling, she was very distressed.

Those pity, engraved on his heart, would stir him from time to time, stirring his heart.

On the other hand, I'm such a jerk.

However, if he had a little restraint, he would not have let her suffer so many grievances.

Now, finally, he and she were able to see the movie in the crowd, and the little wish that he could not ask for was realized, like a fire in the cold winter, which could dispel the chill.

"I'm satisfied, too." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu holds her hand a little tight.

He hurried back to Taiyuan after his new year's Eve dinner. Besides wanting to spend the first day of the new year with her, he also wanted to tell her something.

But when the words came to his mouth, he didn't want to say it again.

It will only make them sad.

As for Fang Fei's death, Si Xingfu finally found one of the most important clues...

following this clue, Si Xingfu is close to the truth.

The reason why he didn't find it for so long was that he couldn't believe it.

However, this is the fact: to eliminate all possibilities, the most impossible is the truth.

"What did you do on the first day of the new year when you were in the countryside?" From the movie theater, Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou walk on the street. Si Xingfu asks her in a low voice.

Gu Qingzhou was wearing a velvet hat, and her long hair covered her ears. She was wearing a thick fur cloak, but her hand was in the pocket of Si Xingfu.

Si Xingfu is in his pocket. He holds her hand tightly and warms her.

At the moment, I am in a happy mood.

The small curb on the side of the road is a little bit higher than the ground. She jumped up and stepped on the high-heeled shoes, almost side by side with the manager.

Si Xingfu looked at her and said with a smile, "I don't think I'm short, do I?"

Gu Qingzhou spat at him: "it's petite and exquisite, not like you crazy long man!"

"What my wife taught me is that all the immortals are exquisite and lovely," said the secretary

Gu Qingzhou is satisfied.

The secretary was also very happy, because at the moment, Gu was a little childish. She used to look like a child only when she was scared to death or happy in front of the manager.

"... when we get up early, we have to pay a new year to our elders and then go to the temple to burn incense." Gu Qingzhou said, "it's a long way to go, but there is a kind of fried fruit at the gate of the temple.

Every time I finish burning incense, the nurse will buy me a bag. That kind of small fruit is fried delicately and crispy. It's also covered with a layer of icing. It's hard to see it in ordinary days. "

"Is it not greasy?" he asked

"When I was a child, I loved sugar, white sugar cake and red bean cake. I was not afraid of being bored, so I had my teeth broken before I changed my teeth. After changing my teeth, the nurse won't allow me to eat more, saying that if I eat my teeth badly again, I won't be able to change them. At that time, she will embed a gold tooth for me. " Gu Qingzhou's eyes bent.

Si Xingfu imagines that there is a golden tooth in her little glutinous rice tooth, and then he laughs, causing passers-by to turn around and look at him.

Gu chuckled: "I'm scared. I've seen people with gold teeth. The other teeth of that man are black, and the golden teeth are shining. Think of my mood at that time. "

Si Xingfu thought about it, and laughed up and down, looking like a madman.

"And then?"

"Later, there was less sugar. Only on New Year's day can we open up for a day. We are happy." Gu Qingzhou purses his lips and his eyes are full of light.

"Then buy you a bag of sugar fruit?" The Secretary asked her.

Gu Qingzhou said: "I'm old. I'm tired of eating too much now. Forget it."

Si Xingfu reached out and bounced on her forehead: "how big are you!"

Gu Qingzhou also asked Si Xingfu what fun it was for him to celebrate the new year as a child.

"When I was young, I was either by my grandmother's side or by my grandmother's side. When I grow up a little, I have to be in the barracks. "

"Isn't there a New Year atmosphere in the barracks?"

"New Year's Eve, new year's day." Si Xingfu said with a smile.

There are not many happy memories about the new year.

Si Xingfu picks up some interesting ones and tells Gu Qingzhou.

"When I was a child, I fought with the governor, and when I grew up, I fought with the commander in the barracks." "When I was 14 years old, I was drunk on New Year's Eve. Everyone wanted to compete.

There is a commander in his thirties who always teaches me a lesson. That day, I challenged him. When the governor said something, the man would not compare with me.

So I said, stab a knife at my leg to avoid the big blood vessels. Whoever stops first will lose, and then he will call Grandpa.

It's decided by the stroke. Whoever loses the stroke will start first. Everyone just think I'm young and noisy. Even the overseers are interested.

The man was not afraid of me. When I was a yamen, I lost when I rowed, so I took a dagger and stabbed a knife in my leg, without frowning, but the man was frightened.

The inspector was very surprised. The others were frightened and asked for a doctor. The governor was probably angry. He said that since I wanted to compete, it depends on how far I can survive.

The regimental commander was surrounded and saw that I had already stabbed him. If he dared not keep up with me, he would call grandpa later. In the barracks and other places, whoever counsels or kills, the position of the commander cannot cover him.

He took a stab. At that time, tears came down from the pain. He couldn't bear to gamble. When I took the second stab, he began to fall and couldn't keep up.

It's quiet all around. No one talks. Although my face was sweaty with pain and my uniform was wet, I didn't frown or show timidity.

Half an hour later, he didn't dare to take a second stab, so I gave myself another one; three stabs down, I said I won. "

Gu Qingzhou stares at him.

She was eager to pry his skull open to see if he was short of ideas.

"The new year's Eve is so bloody?" Gu Qingzhou was stunned. "Were you in a very dangerous situation, anxious to show?"

"No, I just want to show off." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou: "...

" within three months, the man took the initiative to apply for demobilization, and the governor agreed. The regimental commander has lost his authority in front of me. He can't bring good soldiers.

After that, the men in the barracks either obeyed me and followed me, or were afraid of me and slandered me, so the governor began to promote me to be a battalion commander. " Si Xingfu said with a smile.

He became a battalion commander at the age of 14, and no one refused.

Later, he often made a fool of himself, formed cliques and even wanted to challenge the authority of the governor.

After being beaten several times, he began to converge and learned to hide his wings, and to act in defiance of the rules under the eyes of the governor.

Also from that time on, Si Xingfu found that the outlaw can get more, diligent, only the part of Qi.

So he became more and more unbridled.

"What a madman." Gu Qingzhou evaluates him.

"It's crazy," said the secretary. In my whole life, I probably don't know what convergence is. Before, I have suffered you......

GU Qingzhou has a fever in his heart.

She was trying to say something when suddenly there was a car horn behind her. Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu looked back and saw that a car stopped in front of them and the window rolled down slowly.

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