Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1276 happy New Year

The man in the car is Inspector Ye.

Governor ye saw them at the end of the street.

He didn't dare to recognize it, because he was so lively that he jumped up and down the Gu light boat, like a monkey cub who couldn't sit down, really not like the smart ghost who calculated by five steps.

Si Xingfu, who is next to him, laughs like no one else.

It took a while for governor ye to confirm that it was them, which made the adjutant honk his horn.

"You two are so relaxed on such a cold day." Ye dujun said.

"It's OK, we are young and anti freezing," said Si Xingfu

Ye dujun: "...

the middle-aged and elderly ye dujun has several days every month. He wants to strangle the showy little bastard alive.

"Get in the car and go to my place for dinner." "Ye dujun said," New Year's day, you don't come to my new year's day, it's not rule. "

The night gradually opened, enveloping the bustling Taiyuan mansion, the street lamps lit one after another, the dim yellow lights like a layer of thin yellow yarn, wandering around the city.

At night, like the first beauty in red make-up, it shows her charming.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu take the car of Ye dujun.

Si Xingfu and ye dujun were side by side, and Gu Qingzhou fell to the copilot's seat.

"You came early this year?" Asked governor Ye.

"This may be the last spring festival in Taiyuan, so it's natural to come here earlier," said Si

Governor Ye was stunned.

There is no reason, his heart empty, but born a little reluctant. I immediately thought that this kid is a bastard. It's better if he doesn't come back. He can take less anger.

"I think you are greedy for gentleness!" Ye dujun said.

Si Xingfu nodded: "men are too energetic at my age to live without women. Inspector, you should not understand. "

Governor ye turned his eyes.

If only the gun was at hand.

"Si Xingfu!" The patron of the light boat in front of him issued a low voice warning.

Because this speech was heard by Gu Qingzhou, it was a bit like a meat cavity, which was so vulgar that it was hateful. This shameless posture of Si Xingfu can block the topic.

The Secretary smiled: "my wife won't let me say, I won't say. I'm lustful and I'm afraid of the inside

Gu Qingzhou immediately began to murder his husband.

Once again, governor ye turned his white eyes and sighed, "dear nephew, how can you be so shameless?"

"Practice makes perfect."

Ye dujun: "...

the car stopped steadily in ye dujun's mansion. As soon as ye dujun got off, the adjutant came up.

The adjutant wanted to say something, but saw Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu, and swallowed the topic.

"You go to sit first, and I'll change my clothes," said Ye dujun

The servant took them to the dining room.

Ye dujun went into the small study, took off the military wind cloak outside, and put on the common coat.

The adjutant stood by respectfully and reported, "Inspector, Miss Fang is with Commander Zhuo..."

inspector Ye's hand buttoning his clothes slightly.

Today is the first day of the new year. If Miss Fang wants to come from Peiping, she must need a plane. Otherwise, she came out years ago.

Zhuo family?

Governor Ye narrowed his eyes slightly and gave birth to some strange emotions in his heart.

He paused and said, "go and arrange dinner."

The deputy said yes, and then asked, "would you like to invite Miss Fang?"

"No, let Miss three entertain her, only me, the chief teacher's seat and Mrs. chief." Ye dujun said.

After changing clothes, inspector Ye arrived at the dining room.

Before he came in, the two were talking and laughing. They were not intimate.

Governor Ye is a little jealous.

Young couples come together. In such a year, he is most looking forward to having a close companion. He was envious of the young man's love.

He coughed softly.

After a little chat, the dishes came up.

When the banquet was set up, Gu Qingzhou asked, "ah Wu, doesn't she eat?"

"Miss Fang is here. Ah Wu is waiting for her." Ye dujun said.

Gu Qingzhou knew what governor ye had to say. He wanted to speak to Si Xingfu alone.

She didn't say much.

Sure enough, after two drinks, governor ye asked the topic: "how is the progress of Zhuo family and Cheng family? I heard the wind as if it was not going well. "

"It's not going well," said the secretary

Governor Ye paused.

It's about the situation.

Once the alliance between Zhuo family and Cheng family fails completely, other warlords who are ready to move may have new trends.

"What's the matter?" "I know the news today," he asked

Ye dujun just came back from Tianjin and heard the news.

He hasn't had time to check.

The birth of Cheng Yu happened in Taiyuan. If you have the heart, you can find it.

Si Xingfu told him the truth.

"... with their children, the Cheng family became cautious and wanted to put it off. The zhuos don't know what's going on, but the Cheng family wants to change.

As soon as Cheng Yu's children fell, Zhuo Mozi went home to say that the alliance was not possible, and sent a telegram to Yunnan on his own initiative, saying that the marriage should be terminated. " Si Xingfu road.

Ye dujun was very disdainful: "the zhuos do things without great style. They are really mountain bandits. His Zhuo's achievements today depend on God's reward. "

Among warlords, they also look at each other unfavorably.

From the perspective of Ye dujun, Zhuo's family is too playful.

In other words, Zhuo family is testing Cheng family's bottom line. Although it's not a joke, it's despicable.

Marriage is also the use of women, but not the use of women in the way of harm. If Zhuo family is trying, they are already trampling on the face of Cheng Yu, the married man. The means are really mean and disgusting.

In such troubled times, it may be such a villain who can stand out.

"I just can't stand the alliance between warlords, so I will never marry my daughter to the same family and become the hub of marriage." Ye dujun said.

Gu Qingzhou exclaimed, "how many fathers in the world really love their daughters?"

In this moment, she thought of Gu Guizhang.

Governor Ye suddenly thought of Yeshan.

He recalled that ye Wu had been abused by his wife.

He is a bit unworthy of saying that he loves his daughter.

With a slight sigh, ye dujun said, "me too..."

just then, there was a sound of footsteps at the door.

The high-heeled shoes step on the bluestone Road, making a series of crispy sounds, especially clear in this cold night.

Governor Ye's words were interrupted, and he frowned out of his eyes.

Footsteps enter the courtyard.

When I got closer, I knew it was two strings of footsteps, walking side by side.

"Father." Ye Wu comes first.

Behind her is Fang leiran.

It's very important for governor ye to have a banquet here. This is just the beginning. Therefore, the displeasure on his face suddenly appeared and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Miss Fang has heard that her father is back. She is coming to pay you a new year's Eve." Ye Wudao.

Fang leiran stood behind with a bright smile: "governor, happy new year."

Governor Ye's attitude did not ease. He nodded: "happy new year. You go to play first. I have something on my side. "

Fang leiran was stunned. Leaf is enchanting eye ground, it is flashed a few minutes smile.

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