Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1283 who is the Yellow finch?

When ye Wu got the picture, her hands trembled slightly.

However, the picture is a bit fuzzy and looks very faded.

"I developed it myself. The negative is a little damaged. After all, it took a lot of effort to get this picture." Shibo mountain road.

Ye Wu couldn't believe it. "Where did you get it?"

Stone Boshan mysterious smile: "I have many friends."

"Do you really give it to me?" Ye asked.

Shibo mountain way: "ah Wu, I am actually neutral. I don't know Miss Fang. I don't care if she is the mistress of the governor's office.

This picture, if I give it to my uncle, then my uncle must give me more money to seal it. At that time, it was up to him to decide whether his uncle would come down or attack.

But to you, Miss Fang is probably the mistress of the unsung governor's mansion. It's your wish and Ashan's, isn't it? "

Ye Wu's eyes are slightly hot.

She's holding the photo's hand, a little shaky.

Shi Boshan said again, "you might as well take it to Mrs. Si and ask the superior and Mrs. Fang to come with you. In this way, Miss Fang may be able to walk away from her difficulties."

Ye Wu thought so.

She nodded hard.

As expected, ye Wu took the photo and hurried to Gu Qingzhou.

She trembled and gave the photo to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu took a look at it and was surprised.

In this picture, there are six people, including Mrs. Hirano, Silang Hirano, Cai Changting and ah fan.

The other two are Fang Youran and a middle-aged man.

"Who is this?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"Fang leiran's father." Ye Wudao.

Fang Youran and his father in the photo are in contact with the royalist party. The core of the royalist party is all there, and they can't wash it clearly.

With this, we can prove that she is a royalist.

As for whether she quit, it depends on what evidence she can show.

Gu Qingzhou frowned slightly and asked, "where did you get this?"

"My cousin gave it to me. He said it was a friend who gave it to him." Ye Wudao.

Ye Wu did not know the identity of shiboshan, but Gu Qingzhou and ye dujun knew it.

Naturally, the photos taken by the core members of the royalist party will not be faked. Besides, how can photos be fake?

Ye Wu asked Gu Qingzhou carefully, "teacher, is this a solid proof?"

Gu Qingzhou pondered and said, "ah Wu, go to Chengyu first. I'll ask your cousin for a few words."

Ye Wu nods.

Gu Qingzhou sent for shiboshan.

Sure enough, shiboshan will come soon.

Gu Qingzhou asked about his photos.

"You don't have to worry about this." Shi Boshan said with a smile, "Miss Fang's information has always been a secret. It took me a lot of effort to get this."

"Is it empirical?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Shibo mountain road: "iron proof."

"Why do you do that?" Gu asked again.

Shiboshan was surprised: "can't you see it? Canoe, I am flattering you. We're not very familiar. I hope I can be your confidant. "

Gu Qingzhou frowns slightly.

She took the picture and looked at it several more times.

"Are you sure this is OK?" Gu Qingzhou asked, "will you cheat?"

"It's a fake thing. It needs to be real to break it down." Shiboshan Road, "if you think this picture is fake, then you tell me, where is the fake? Where is it really? "

Gu Qingzhou is stunned.

Indeed, in her cognition, it is impossible to make such false evidence.

The false that can't be proved is true.

Sometimes, there is relativity in the authenticity of evidence.

Gu Qingzhou looks at the Yanshi mountain again.

The lips of shiboshan are fretting, with a slight smile.

Gu Qingzhou said, "well, I believe you."

She didn't act at once, but said to Ye Wu, "ah Wu, wait another two days. I'll send someone to inquire."

"What do you want to know?" ye asked

She can't seem to wait.

"I want to ask someone who knows the camera well." Gu Qingzhou said, "take a look at their discussion on photo forgery, and then make a decision."

Leaf Charm mood, slowly calmed down.

She nodded, "you are right, sir."

Gu Qingzhou sent people to inquire about it. She mainly wanted to wait for Tianjin's adjutant to come back.

Seeing off Ye Wu, Gu Qingzhou stands slightly at the gate.

She saw a faint figure in the corner of the wall.

The figure flashed by, as if it was just the night wind galloping, empty.

Gu Qingzhou pondered and went home.

Cai Changting slowly turned to the corner.

Not far away from his sight, a woman was making a phone call to the phone booth.

The woman's voice was gentle, and she called the governor's office: "I'm looking for Miss Fang. I'm her classmate. My name is Fei."

A moment later, the phone arrived in Fang leiran's hand.

The woman whispered to each other leisurely: "I just arrived at Taiyuan mansion, and I know you are here. Shall we meet? "


"Well, where can we meet?" The woman asked again.

Then they said a meeting place and the woman hung up.

When she returned to the hotel, Cai Changting followed her.

"It's all done." The woman said to Cai Changting in Japanese, "she also knows."

Cai Changting nodded.

"Do you want to bring people here?" The woman asked again, "which day will miss ye act?"

"Two more days." Cai Changting said, "Miss ye may be reckless, but the princess will be very cautious."

The woman whispered.

Looking at Cai Changting, the woman said again, "do you think Mr. Shi, madam will be angry?"

Cai Changting's treacherous eyes swept down on women.

Women feel that the eyes are very cold, where nothing lives, can freeze all the vitality.

So she was smart enough to shut up.

After two days, Gu Qingzhou's adjutant came back from Tianjin. He had brought something to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou saw what the adjutant brought back, and finally showed a little smile.

She sent for ye Wu.

Gu Qingzhou gave Ye Wu a box: "give the picture to the governor. During dinner, take advantage of Miss Fang."

Ye Wu knew subconsciously that the evidence was in the box.

She was very happy.

"Then I'll go back and arrange. Teacher, I'll leave this to you for safekeeping. I'm afraid something will happen temporarily. You are the safest. " Ye Wudao.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

She took out the box, her hands tightened a little, and then she kept still.

Si Xingfu drinks tea slowly, a little excited: "there's a good play tonight."

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "be careful when governor Ye sweeps you out of the door."

"He has his own role, and is not a spectator. How can he beat me as a spectator?" The Secretary didn't care.

Gu Qingzhou believes that her husband is really disgusting and funny.

Leaf Charm personally went to Miss Fang, invited her to have dinner together, and said, "my teacher is also here, everyone get together."

Miss Fang knew it was coming.

The suspicion that presses on her body, tonight finally wants to pass Leaf Charm's hand, removed personally.

There are also outsiders present. Governor ye will be in a dilemma. Miss Fang smiled, and smiled sincerely: "OK, I will go."

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