Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1284 astonishment

The simple dinner party of governor Ye's mansion was very strange.

Ye Wu and Shi Boshan arrived first, followed by Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu.

He wants to smoke as soon as he enters the door.

Looking at his cigarette case, Shi Boshan asked, "master, can I have one?"

"Do you smoke, too?" asked the secretary

"By chance." Shibo mountain road.

Si Xingfu was not stingy in this respect, and immediately handed over the cigarette box.

Shiboshan ordered it by himself.

"And the governor?" Si Xingfu glances around and sees Ye Wu's face.

Leaf charm is full of tension in her eyes.

The child's spirit is always impetuous, and can't settle down. She is asked to sweat for her.

"Not yet." "Wait a moment, my father will come in a moment," said Ye

As a result, after waiting for a quarter of an hour, he did not wait for governor ye, but first waited for Fang leiran.

Fang Youran is not alone.

Next to her was a woman in an apricot cloak.

This woman's eyes are dim, and a bowl of water seems to be able to melt away. She is very humble and has a very low sense of existence. It seems that he is only twenty-five or six years old, but not half full of vigor.

It's hard for people to focus on her.

Fang leiran introduced: "this is my friend Miss Yu..."

Miss Yu smiled a little, and it was also light.

Ye Wu nodded.

She didn't say anything, but Fang leiran explained: "Miss Yu passed by Taiyuan and went down south. She had promised to invite her to dinner tonight. Do you mind if I venture to bring her here? "

"Very welcome, how can you mind?" said Ye

And they sat down.

It took about half an hour for governor ye to arrive late.

As soon as he entered the door, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense. Even Fang leisurely's soothing expression solidified a little.

"Sit down." Governor Ye pressed his hand and stood up to meet his people.

When governor ye took his seat, the servants began to serve.

An endless stream of dishes soon filled the table, and the restaurant was filled with delicious food and wine.

Gu Qingzhou picked up the red wine and took a sip.

Si Xingfu opens his mouth and asks ye dujun, "no white wine?"

"The lady is here. What kind of liquor do you drink?" Ye dujun said.

"Does drinking this mother's chirping red wine seem to have taste?" said Si Xingqi

Ye dujun: "...

Where is this earth bun from?

The topic opened up.

Si Xingfu and ye dujun said something to me. Gu Qingzhou intervened occasionally. The topic was not so hot, but it never stopped.

Before the dishes were served, governor Ye naturally turned to the right way: "canoe, what's your box for?"

Ye Wu holds the chopsticks tightly.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile: "a little gadget, do the governor want to have a look?"

Governor Ye nods.

Gu gave him the casket.

When he opened the box, Fang leisurely glanced at his companion, Miss Yu.

Miss Yu's eyes are firm, and her eyes show her that she can rest assured.

And ye Wu, also tightly stare at ye dujun.

Shi Boshan sat around and drew a cigarette from the cigarette box of Si Xingfu.

Instead of ordering, he held it in his mouth and looked at the people at the table.

After watching it, governor Ye's face changed.

Then he closed the case, collected the evidence in it, and asked Gu Qingzhou, "who has seen these?"

"A lot of people." Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye dujun's sight swept around Ye Wu, Shi Boshan, Fang leiran and Si Xingkai's face and asked, "have you all seen it?"

"Yes, father," said Ye

"Then, you know," said Ye

Then, he asked Fang Youran, "Youran, do you know what's inside?"

Say don't know, appear deliberately and affectation, so square leisurely generous way: "I should be know."

Governor Ye's face was as cold as iron: "is it?"

"Is it a picture?" Fang Youran asked.

Ye dujun pursed his lips.

His lips are tight, showing the pressure of mountain rain, making the air in the room frozen. Everyone breathes into his heart, it's all cold.

He didn't answer, but his eyes and expression told the crowd that Fang Youran was right.

Leaf charm is silent, very nervous, palms are all cold sweat.

The most hesitant thing is Ye Wu.

She didn't know if she should talk. In this case, she is the main driver, and Gu Qingzhou and Shi Boshan are all helpful.

At the moment, she should come forward.

But her father's expression, let her not know: "in case of rash opening, self defeating?"

Ye Wu is not confident to cheat in front of her father.

It seems that ye Wu doesn't need to emphasize anything in the development of this matter, so she shut her mouth and didn't say a word.

Fang leiran asked if it was a picture. The whole table was silent. No one spoke, which made the atmosphere more gloomy.

Silence is like a big net, which catches all the people in it, but the people who are afraid of being caught panic.

Fang leiran coughed: "Inspector, some time ago, someone blackmailed my father and used some strange means to get my father's ugly photos."

Ye was still speechless, and his eyes seemed to be shrouded in a black fog: gloomy and terrible, but he could not see the real mood.

No one else answered.

Leaf charm is more bowed head.

"... I guess you've got some pictures, too?" Fang Youran asked.

Ye's jaw was tight, and he said, "yes. Do you want to see it? "

Fang leisurely a heart, gradually settled.

She breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and kept her tension on her face: "don't look, I know what it is. Since I've given it to the governor, I'm afraid it's the evidence that I have something to do with the royalists

But governor Ye didn't answer. He continued to look at her.

Fang leiran's frank, did not exchange for the slack eyes of Ye dujun, and her heart was thumping again.

At the beginning, it seemed to be knocked down by something, breaking a small grain.

Then she thought, "what are you afraid of?"

She straightened her mind, and her voice became more calm: "governor, I have something for you."

After that, she took out a stack of photos and handed them to governor Ye.

Governor Ye picked it up and looked at it one by one, even worse.

Si Xingfu sat next to ye dujun and looked up. He saw that ye dujun was holding a beautiful young man with his forehead close to his forehead.

Si Xingfu laughed: "governor, do you have this hobby? I can't see it. "

He was not afraid of the height of the stage, and continued: "it's nothing, young and beautiful people, who like it, men and women."

Governor Ye's face is darker.

His jaw is getting tighter and tighter, and his eyes are burning with anger, which is burning up the picture.

Ye Wu and Shi Boshan were also curious to see them, but when they heard Si Xingfu's words, they both retracted their heads and tried not to see the handle of Ye dujun, so as not to be hated in the future.

"Inspector, there's nothing in the world that can't be fake, including photos." Fang leiran smiled softly, "I will not doubt you rashly when I see such a picture."

Ye dujun gave Fang leiran another gift and threw it on the table.

Ye Wu and shiboshan don't want to see them. In this picture, it's full of scenes of governor ye and a man's intimacy.

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