Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1289 humiliation

Cheng Yu is indifferent.

All kinds of love and hate before have gone with her small birth.

The past with Gao Qiao and Xun is only a year away. Looking back, it seems that they have seen the past from the oblivion of Sichuan, which is already like the past.

Her ex husband is also like a memory of her last life.

The monsters have washed away the world she once lived in. Now she is a little lonely.

"... I can't forget you." "I had a mistake," said Xunzi, a senior official. "I shouldn't have left without saying goodbye. A Yu, can we start from scratch? "

Cheng Yu smiles.

Her smile is light and soft, which is totally different from her character.

"No." Cheng Yu said, "how can there be so many ways to go back? Takahashi, I'm different from you. I don't remember much about the past. "

High bridge made a meal.

This remark did not strike him, as if he had expected it.

In his heart, Cheng Yu piled up a thick platform, solid and solid. Any storm only makes the high platform tremble a few times, and the dust falls unnoticed.

But the high platform is still there.

Gao qiaoxun tried to tear it down and let others live in again. His own efforts are futile, let alone outsiders?

"I'm sorry." His voice was soft and soft. "At this time, I shouldn't have said that. A Yu, you need to keep fit. Health is the most important thing. "

Cheng Yu nods.

The wood in the heart, a little taste can not come, Cheng Yu thought: I really am not a good thing.

For a moment, Cheng Yu thought of Si Xingfu.

In this world, like her, she is not a person of things, probably only Si Xingfu.

Si Xingfu's stomach full of rotten heart and lungs can't get into any mood. When he met Gu Qingzhou, he cherished it so much. He had to hold on to her.

It's really hard to touch the thread in their hearts.

Once missed, there will be no more.

Zhuo Mozi, who used to wear his feet and go home with Cheng Yu on his back, was touched. It's a pity that Cheng Yu is not as thorough as Si Xingfu. She didn't understand at that time.

"Thank you. I'll take good care of it. You go back, I will not leave you Cheng Yudao.

Gao qiaoxun stood up and asked, "are you going to the hospital for reexamination tomorrow? Can I drive you there? I'm familiar with the hospital, which has my father's friends. "

Cheng Yu is stunned again.

"I asked the doctor, too, before I knew about your illness," said Hsun

Cheng Yu said, "if I refuse, you will go to the hospital and wait for me, won't you?"

Gao qiaoxun didn't answer.

"I don't need to send it." Cheng Yu said, "if you have to go, do as you please."

After Gao qiaoxun left, he returned home in a trance.

His father happened to go out and met him head-on.

Professor Gao Qiao often worries about his son. In the past, when he was a dandy, he was worried that he would not become a tool if he was abandoned; now when he tried, he was worried that he would become a disease if he was depressed.

"Where have you been?" Asked Professor Gaoqiao.

"Father, how old am I? Can I live like an adult if you control me like this every day?"

Then he went back to the house.

He doesn't usually answer back.

Only when there is a setback outside, he will be so impetuous, and anyone who asks will choke.

Professor Gaoqiao was awed and understood the reason.

His son went to see Cheng Yu again.

The next day, Professor Gaoqiao saw Xunzi go out early. He was driving by himself. The direction was not clear.

After hesitation, Professor Gaoqiao sent someone to follow him.

In the afternoon, the person who sent out to follow Gao Qiao Xun came back and said to him: "Professor, he went to the hospital and stayed in gynecology for a long time. When he came out, a young woman followed him, not in his car, but he drove with her and drove her home. "

The man said the address.

That's where Gu Qingzhou is.

There is no doubt that the identity of this woman is Cheng Yu.

Because Cheng Yu was in hospital, the news couldn't be blocked, and Professor Gaoqiao also knew the reason.

"Piss me off!" Professor Gao Qiao is furious.

Gao Qiao and Xun ran to Cheng Yu like a dog.

Cheng Yu is divorced, unmarried, pregnant and has ever been with Zhuo Mozi. Any black spots on this woman will discredit Professor Gao Qiao's family.

He would never allow his son to mix with such a woman.

In addition, Xunzi, Gaoqiao, has no dignity to love a woman. He has lost his man's backbone and will not know what kind of ghost he will become in the future.

Professor Gao Qiao, who loves his son very much, decided not to let go.

He gave Cheng Yu a worship note, but did not identify himself. He asked Cheng Yu to meet him in a western restaurant.

The time he chose was 6 p.m. in the most prosperous street, without any security worries. He made up his mind that if Cheng Yu didn't come, he would go to the door himself.

At that time, it was not pleasant. She asked for it.

I don't think so. Cheng Yu is here.

Cheng Yu mistakenly thought it was someone else. When she saw Professor Gaoqiao, she was very disappointed and recognized him at the same time.

"Are you the father of Xun, Gaoqiao?" Cheng Yu asked.

Listening to her tone and manner, she has a certain demeanor. I can see that she has a family background and a good upbringing, but her character is too bad.

Professor Gaoqiao's eyebrows are the aging version of Xunzi. His identity is not hard to guess.

"Sit down, please." He said coldly and aloft.

It seems that Cheng Yu is not a strange woman, but his subordinates.

Cheng Yu didn't like his attitude, but he sat down. Although she is heartless, she is polite.

When she sat down, Professor Gaoqiao began to stop talking.

His Chinese language is a hundred times higher than that of xunqiao, even with a slight accent. The words are correct and full, but every word is hard to hear. Cheng Yu is eager to scratch him.

"... women should have self-knowledge. How dare you dream of entering the gate of innocence when you have lost the willow? " Professor Gao Qiao said.

Cheng Yu felt that the old man was speechless and not very angry, and smiled: "I am so young and beautiful, and I have a distinguished family, so your son should not try to cling to me. The door to innocence? "

Her sniffing tone was as sour and funny as the word "pure".

Professor Gao Qiao didn't know that she had such a thick face, but he was upset by her.

He points to Cheng Yu. When he wants to scold her, a man walks behind him.

This man, Professor Gaoqiao, has never seen him before. He feels young but gloomy. His face is like frost. He has the spirit of killing and cutting without any reason.

"Who is this man? Can I shoot him for you?" The man said coldly.

Cheng Yu did not turn away.

The sound reverberated clearly in the eardrum, and she could do nothing for a long time.

"No, this is Professor Gao Qiao." Cheng Yu pushes away the chair and stands up.

She still didn't look at Zhuo Mozi behind her, only said to Professor Gaoqiao: "these ugly words are more useful to your son than to me. A real famous family doesn't use these dirty words. Professor Gao Qiao, it's ridiculous to bathe in monkeys and crown them

Professor Gao Qiao almost bled with anger. Cheng Yu's ruthlessness is the kind that slaps people in the face.

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