Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1290 performance

The wind at night is very cold, cold in all directions can engulf people.

Cheng Yu's face is frozen and his tongue is stiff. She smoothed for a long time, but she couldn't make a speech.

So she stood on her own feet and didn't intend to compete for the top performance to show Zhuozi nothing.

"That old man can't speak well. How can he let him bully him?" That's what dromo asked.

Cheng Yu is puzzled: "I refuted, didn't you see that he was angry?"

Zhuo Mozi: "...

she has been to this restaurant with Zhuo Mozi many times before, so when she received the invitation without a name or a surname, she was only Zhuo Mozi.

If she had known it was Professor Gaoqiao at the beginning, she would not have been scolded.

The boy of Xunzi, Gaoqiao, can't do things like a man.

Cheng Yu often has a kind of overflowing maternal love for him. Recently, such a boring feeling disappeared, but I can't bear to put him in the mud.

"That's Gao Qiao Xun's father." Cheng Yu added, "he was so alarmist that he thought I would provoke his son."

"Don't you provoke me?" asked zhuomozhi

"No," Cheng Yu said

Silence again.

Cheng Yu doesn't look at him. He just looks at the street not far away. People and cars shuttle back and forth, and street lamps drag shadows for a long time.

"Shall I take you home?" Asked Zhuo mo.

Cheng Yu looks up, and finally his eyes fall on his face.

Maybe it's the illusion of light. Cheng Yu feels that he's thin and obviously thin, as if he's broken down. Those eyes, which had no vitality at all, are more gloomy now.

At that time, I was looking for him because he was bright and sunny, like a big kid who didn't know the world.

In a blink of an eye, the big boy has become a psychosis. It's really fickle.

"You're thin." Zhuomozhi road.

This was in Cheng Yu's heart, but he said it first.

He thought over his words: "Why are you thin? Didn't you take good care of yourself? "

Cheng Yu said, "too much sleep."

They are standing on the side of the road, the cold wind bursts, people around.

Cheng Yu wants to go home or find a warm place to sit down.

But Zhuo Mo Zhi said that he was broken, and then he went to provoke him. Maybe the end will be the same as today. His family pointed at him and scolded him.

Cheng Yu never goes back.

At the beginning of the decision to Gaoqiao Xun, she took the upper position in the fierce cold wind, she said: "I can't blow, I'll go back first. Goodbye. "

She waved.

Her driver saw her a long time ago and was waiting for a sign. At this moment, he left the car behind.

Cheng Yu can't wait to get on the bus.

There was no cold wind in the car. Cheng Yu finally felt able to breathe. She closed the door.

"Do you drive, Miss Cheng?" the driver asked

Cheng Yu hesitates.

At this moment when she hesitated, Zhuo Mozi had turned around, walked back quickly, and did not respond to her goodbye at all.

Cheng Yu breathes in his palm, and is glad that he has not been affectionate enough to say what he said.

"Drive." She said.

Cheng Yu did not reserve the conversation and called Takahashi.

She asked on the phone, "you said you didn't have a mother when you were young, who raised you?"? Be a little filial. Be a responsible adult. "

Gao Qiao and Xun didn't speak, Cheng Yu hung up the phone and told the servant to step up the patrol at home and not allow anyone to jump into the wall.

After the Lantern Festival, Gu came back.

As soon as she came back, she brought some gifts to see Qin Sha, and told Qin Sha a little thing by the way.

Cheng Yu holds her.

She told Gu about what happened recently.

Gu Qingzhou listened and his face became solemn.

"That's too much. I will go to Professor Gao Qiao and explain it to him. Since you are separated, it's Gao Qiao Xun who has been pestering us. How can he blame his son on you? " Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu looks at her with her eyes.

"How?" Gu asked

"I thought you would favor Gao qiaoxun. You have a strange feeling for him, like a sister to a brother. " Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"It is." Gu Qingzhou said, "but he did something wrong, and I will not protect him."

Cheng Yu shook his head and chuckled, "well, if I really want to have a fight with that old man, I'll throw him a whole body of wine and even ask the adjutant to beat him.

I want you to pity me. It's not easy for you to come back. Don't be lazy and take me to eat delicious food. "

Gu Qingzhou looks at her.

Cheng Yu said, "you don't have to worry about it. You know it well."

Gu Qingzhou nods.

She told the adjutant to strengthen the guard of the family one more level, and at the same time not to allow Xun Gaoqiao to step on the door again.

Cheng Yu and Gaoqiao Xunzi have finished this section by themselves a year ago.

It was Gao Qiao and Xun who never let go.

"What would you like to eat?" Gu asked her, "let's eat."

"I want to eat crystal elbow." Cheng Yu said, "it's a little greasy. The diet in xiaoyuezi is light, and my mouth is too light to be clear. "

Gu Qingzhou smiles and agrees.

She sent someone to reserve a seat and planned to visit Qinsha again tomorrow.

They had a meal. Cheng Yu ate more. Gu Qingzhou thought it was too greasy. He put down his chopsticks after eating a few pieces.

In the middle, there seems to be a quarrel in the next room.

"Listen, it seems that it's the little grandma who comes to catch her husband's short son. It must be a trick." Cheng Yu is very gossipy.

Gu Qingzhou knocked on her bowl: "pay attention to your food. Even if it's a homicide next door, it's not in your hands. "

Cheng Yu said, "you crow mouth. If the next door really kills people, I won't be able to eat crystal elbows in the future. It's up to you. "

Gu Qingzhou chuckled.

She urges Cheng Yu to stop her eavesdropping.

The quarrel in the next room slowly subsided.

When Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu have finished eating and are ready to leave, Gu Qingzhou is hit by someone at the gate of Yajian.

The other party rushed out in a hurry and almost knocked down Gu Qingzhou. Fortunately, Cheng Yu held Gu Qingzhou behind him.

Cheng Yu has never seen such a person who has been in such a straight line. He immediately gets angry: "you rush to vote..."

when you see the person on the opposite side clearly, Cheng Yu's words suddenly stop, and you can't scold any more.

Facing him was a woman of the same age as Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu, who had her hair done in a bun. The woman's face was covered with soup, which seemed to have been splashed, and there was a clear five finger mark on her left cheek.

Gu Qingzhou is stupefied. She feels familiar.

However, the other side didn't wait to look at the boat and Cheng Yu carefully, choked and said, "I'm sorry", turned and ran downstairs.

And she is in Yajian, no one chases her.

Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu look at each other.

"Let's go." Gu Qingzhou road.

After getting on the bus, Gu Qingzhou wipes his skirt with a pad. As soon as the woman bumped, the soup was also stained on the front of Gu's boat, and the snow fox fur was stained.

"Gu Qingzhou, do you think that woman is a fox spirit? Look at her eyebrows and eyes, straight and handsome, but a small family of angry style. " Cheng Yu said, "have you been beaten by a man's wife?"

"How do I know?" Gu said

"Guess what." Cheng Yu said, "aren't you the best at observation? The people in Yajian didn't come out... "

GU Qingzhou didn't laugh or laugh. How could anyone have guessed that?

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