Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1291 pick it up

In the first month, it was sunny, and it ended on the 18th day. There was a rain.

The drizzle is slanting and dense, and the courtyard is covered in the misty white fog, with a little moisture, but not sticky.

In spring in the north, there is not so much rain.

"It's raining!" Cheng Yu was not satisfied. "It's so cold and rainy, I can't get out."

"What are you doing out there?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"I've run out of lipstick. I want to buy two tubes. The servant doesn't know what color it looks good. I have to try it myself." Cheng Yudao.

Gu Qingzhou looks at her lips.

I don't know what kind of lipstick she used. Her lips are always bright red. She looks young and lively, a little like a little boy.

"Yes, you have a good eye." Gu Qingzhou said, "I have rain boots. Would you like to borrow them?"

Cheng Yu didn't ask for it.

"Are you dirt?" She rolled her eyes. "You still wear rain boots when you go out. Are you the old maid?"

Gu Qingzhou chokes and feels that Cheng Yu's temper is getting worse. It seems that Gu Qingzhou is used to it.

It's self inflicted.

"You can die wherever you like." Gu Qingzhou said, "I don't have time to serve you."

Looking at the rain outside, Cheng Yu finally went out.

Gu Qingzhou is preparing the teaching plan. After the Spring Festival, the school starts tomorrow. She has classes and meetings.

During the new year's day, Gu Qingzhou paid a new year's visit to the Ministry of health and the school leaders, and vaguely mentioned that she hoped that the medical school would send a dean this year, and she was expected to leave soon.

She is only the honorary president, and the actual power is in the hands of the vice president, but she is not busy.

Cheng Yu went out in the morning and didn't come back at dusk.

Gu Qingzhou is full of soldiers. Afraid of another accident, he hurriedly called for the adjutant to find someone. However, the servant said, "Miss Cheng is back."

A false alarm.

Gu Qingzhou goes to Cheng Yu's side, but sees other people in her room.

A young woman is the one they met in the tavern last time.

However, the woman changed her clothes today. She was not so homely and plain, and the gloom between her eyebrows had faded away for the most part.

The only constant is the clear five finger mark on a woman's face.

"Gu Qingzhou, is your swelling ointment still there?" When Cheng Yu saw her come in, he asked without explanation.

Gu Qingzhou said, "there is more."

She called for the servant to go to her yard.

The woman stood up in embarrassment.

Gu Qingzhou looked at her, his eyes moved away from her swollen paw print and asked abruptly, "you... Are you Wang?"

Women are not surprised.

At the moment, she is very embarrassed, so she looks embarrassed: "yes. You are Mrs. Si. I've heard of you, but I haven't seen you before. "

On the contrary, Cheng Yu is confused.

"Eh, do you know each other?" Cheng Yu doesn't understand, "how do you know each other?"

"I don't know her. I know her brother." Gu Qingzhou then said to the woman, "your brother and sister are fifty or sixty percent alike."

The woman nodded, "yes."

"Is it?" Cheng Yu asked, "who are you?"

Gu Qingzhou: "...

Miss Cheng, who is not reliable, was surprised when she met a woman a few days ago when she went shopping. Meanwhile, her gossip heart was burning.

She was curious to know whether the woman was a mistress or not.

The lipstick she was going to buy was out of stock today, so she had to go to the warehouse to get it.

Cheng Yu is sitting in a small coffee shop next to the department store, waiting for her lipstick while trying to make up for others' gossip.

Unexpectedly, the woman came in with a man.

This woman looked like a doormat last time. It turned out that it was just a fake that she had been splashed with soup. She was actually quite articulate.

"... bah, you are a pair of dog men and women." The woman is calm and restrained, and her voice is not angry.

The soul of Cheng Yu's eight trigrams is completely illuminated.

Love this woman is not a mistress, but a wife, is crusading against her husband.

They quarreled, and the woman did not fall behind, which was very terrible.

Cheng Yu prefers smart women and enjoys listening.

Later, the man became angry and slapped the woman. When he planned to slap the woman for the second time, Cheng Yu picked up the plate in front of him and hit him on the head.

The cafe is in a mess.

The waiter and the boss apologized and asked the man to leave.

Cheng Yu and the woman sat down, and the woman said she had nowhere to go, could she lend her some money.

"Then go to my house," said Miss Cheng. "I'll get you some medicine to wipe. It seems that the traces of your last beating have not disappeared. "

She didn't think that they were cheaters, acting together or anything, and brought them back easily.

The woman followed.

When we got to the place, the woman suddenly asked, "isn't this the courtyard of the division master's seat?"

Miss Cheng didn't even think of asking about the identity and origin of the other party.

Until now, she was curious to ask the woman, "who are you?"

Gu Qingzhou is also convinced.

"My name is Wang Chen. I have a brother named Wang Dongchuan." Woman way.

Cheng Yu blinked his dazed eyes: "who is Wang Dongchuan?"

Gu Qingzhou said: "it's Wang Youchuan's cousin. Now he's under the command of the superintendent, and he's a subordinate of the superintendent."

Cheng Yu says.

"It turned out to be Wang's." Cheng Yu said, and then looked at Wang Chen with surprise, "sister, you are from a good family. How can you be beaten like a soft bone in front of a man?"

Gu Qingzhou: "...

stabs Cheng Yu, who is in pain, and waits for Wang Chen's answer innocently.

Wang Chen was speechless for a moment.

That's how Cheng Yu talks.

"Miss Cheng, please be merciful." Gu Qingzhou interrupted her completely and turned to Wang Chen, "do you live here tonight?"

Wang Chen shook his head: "I just came here to rest. Now I think I'll go back to the Wangs. "

"Go back like this?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Wang Chen touched his hot cheek and said, "go back and let them have a look. I don't have the strength to bind a chicken. If there is no evidence, I may be killed. "

Cheng Yuli said: "yes, you should go back to your mother's family to make a decision. What are you afraid of when your royal family is so prominent? "

Cheng Yu is right that he never speaks.

Wang Chen, a girl, does not have absolute opinions like Gu Qingzhou. She will panic when she meets something. But panic over, she is not timid and naive, know what they want.

"I'll take you there." Gu Qingzhou road.

Wang Chen thanks.

Cheng Yu also wants to go. Gu Qingzhou says it's freezing. Let Cheng Yu rest earlier.

Cheng Yu is not familiar with the Wang family, so he doesn't talk much anymore.

Gu Qingzhou takes Wang Chen to the Wang family.

"Mrs. Si, I've worked hard for you. This is housework. Would you like to go back first? " Wang Chen whispered to Gu Qingzhou.

It's the most thankless thing to help others with their housework.

Wang Chen is not just a soft bone. She doesn't take Gu Qingzhou as a life-saving straw.

It's the stupidest time for her to go home with Cheng Yu. She needs help. Now that her mind has turned, she can walk on her own.

"Goodbye then." Gu Qingzhou road.

Wang Chen nodded and knocked on the door of the Wang family. It was not until the servant opened the door, let her in, and took care of the boat that he turned around and went home.

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