Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1292 timely rain

When Gu Qingzhou comes home, Cheng Yu is in her yard.

She is drinking the coffee made by the servant.

On the tea table, there is a jewelry box.

"What is it?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Cheng Yu said, "it's lipstick. I've bought more and I'll give you some."

Gu opened the canoe, and there were about twenty pipes in it. He said, "I can't use it all again. What's the point of buying so much?"

"Show off." Cheng Yu said, "go to the shop and say to the young man," I want all these things. They are so awesome. I've loved it since I was a child, and my mother can't preach well. If you don't have my mother's eloquence, don't tell me a lesson. "

Gu Qingzhou: "...

Where does this upstart hobby come from?

Gu gave the lipstick to the servant and asked her to put it away.

"Has she gone back?" Cheng Yu asked again, "what did the Wang family say?"

Cheng Yu is talking about Wang Chen.

"I didn't go in." Gu Qingzhou said, "I see that she has her own ideas."

Cheng Yu asked again, "what does her husband do? Why did he hit her, you know? "

Gu Qingzhou said: "you brought people back, you asked me? I didn't know her very well. "

Cheng Yu said: "you don't know me. I just think of it when my head is hot. You are responsible for the aftermath. "

Gu Qingzhou rubs his eyebrows and heart, counting in his heart several kinds of sabres that can tear people apart.

"Cheng Yu, I'm old recently. Do you find out?" Gu asked her, "do you want to know why?"

Cheng Yu: "...

this elder sister finally stops at this moment.

The next day, someone sent the crab.

It's Wang Jing.

Wang Jing has a classmate who is engaged in aquaculture business. Recently, he helped that classmate a little. That classmate sent him several baskets of high-quality crab.

Taiyuan mansion is not close to the sea. This fresh aquatic product is very rare. Wang Jing has something good. The first one is filial to his parents, and the second one is filial to his boat.

He sent a big basket to Gu Qingzhou.

River crab is a cold thing, not to eat more, and its meat is not much, eating more trouble.

Gu Qingzhou divides this basket of crabs into three parts, one for ye Wu and the other for Kang Nuan.

At noon, her table on the crab fried rice cake.

It's Sichuan style. It's very spicy and refreshing. The red hot oil is very exciting at first sight.

Cheng Yu likes it very much. He eats three bowls of rice with this pot of crab fried rice cake. Gu Qingzhou admires her: "no pig can eat without you."

Cheng Yu: "...

I really can't hear this saying praising her.

Gu Qingzhou looked at her burping and couldn't help but say, "slow down, you can't choke."

Cheng Yu wants to spit at the crow's mouth.

Sister-in-law Xin also saw Cheng Yu's swallowing, and asked people to prepare Hawthorn soup, waiting for Cheng Yu to have a stomachache.

As a result, there was nothing on Cheng Yu's side in the evening, and his appetite did not decrease at all at breakfast.

Wang's side sent someone to look for the boat. It said that Qin Sha, the fourth wife, had a night's tummy last night. It was better in the early morning. Please come and have a look.

"What's the matter?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"He ate more crabs," said the visitor

Gu Qingzhou: "...

then she thought again that it was probably not the problem of river crabs, but Wang Chen.

Gu Qingzhou sent Wang Chen there. The servant who opened the door knew about it.

Wang Chen was afraid that he didn't know the cause and effect. Wang Jing happened to have some food. Qin Sha took the opportunity to take care of the boat.

"I'll go now." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu said hurriedly, "I will go too. That Wang family sister didn't tell me anything, I still want to ask. "

"I'll tell you when I get back." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu does not give up, but Gu Qingzhou does not agree.

She had no choice but to say, "then come back quickly."

Gu Qingzhou said he knew.

She often comes to the king's house. The servants all know her. Hearing that it was invited by Qin Sha, the fourth wife, the servant said directly, "Mrs. Si, would you like to lead the way?"

"No, you are busy." Gu Qingzhou road.

She went to the four room yard by car.

Far away, Gu heard the sound: there were angry drinks, there were cries, noisy confusion.

Qin Sha asked her to come. Naturally, she would not be wary of anything. I'm afraid that she is in need of an outsider to make trouble.

Gu went straight in.

The living room of the fourth room is full of people. Beside Qin Sha, the fourth wife, there is a young woman sitting with her head down. It is Wang Chen.

There is a woman who is fierce. She is the third wife of the Wang family. Gu Qingzhou has seen her.

“…… It's not good. It's disgraceful. "

"Four younger brothers and sisters, you can't be confused for a while and agree to her in a soft heart! What's the matter? What's the matter with such a small matter? "

What do you promise?

Gu Qingzhou's footsteps stopped at the same place, and then heard the third wife continue: "Taiyuan Wang family, that is a famous family from the Han Dynasty, thousands of years.

All over the world, who has our royal lineage? Even zuohu, a humble family, knows that "a man without crime and a daughter without remarriage" is a conventional family motto.

Divorce, I think she's trying to discredit us and disgrace the Wangs. "

Gu Qingzhou is an old-fashioned man. He was shocked to hear this.

With the change of the times, the old look has changed. Many old-fashioned families also like to brush the new powder of "open door style", and they are unwilling to be ridiculed.

However, the old argument of the third wife of the Wang family remains unchanged.

"Third aunt, are you ridiculous? Are you still foot bound? " Wang Jing is on the way.

The third wife was angry with Wang Jing. She was ready to scold, but she saw Gu Qingzhou.

There was a silence in the room.

"Light boat." Qin Sha called out with a smile, "I just sent someone to invite you, I don't want to..."

it seems that she didn't send someone to invite Gu Qingzhou to rescue the scene, but she invited Gu Qingzhou first, but didn't expect the current quarrel.

"Did I come by accident?" Gu Qingzhou also pretends to be surprised, "what's the matter?"

Many of the people present are the elders of the Wang family.

There is an outsider present. We all have our own identity. It's not very interesting to speak out.

"No, no!" Wang Jing hurriedly stood up and wanted to put Gu Qingzhou in the scene to see what words the elders could put in front of the guests.

Wang Jing is about to be blown up by their anger. I feel that Wang Chen is going to collapse.

Gu Qingzhou is just in time for rain. My mother ate river crab last night. Her stomach is not comfortable. You can't leave. I'll show her later. " Wang Jing is concerned, "are you not uncomfortable?"

Other elders saw Wang Jing's intention.

Qin Sha and Wang Jing are partial to Wang Chen when they discuss important issues and get an outsider.

However, Gu Qingzhou, under the guise of seeing a doctor, could not ignore Qin Sha's illness and drive her away.

"No." Gu Qingzhou road.

Qin Sha said, "light boat, you go to the inner room first."

The inner room and the living room, but a door, you can hear everything sitting in it, and you can see everything even through the open door.

"Little ten, you go to accompany your sister." Qin yarn said again. Go in the light boat.

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