Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1293 the children of kengda

Gu Qingzhou looks at Wang Chen.

Wang Chen's face, which should have been swollen yesterday, swelled up specially today, as if someone had processed it for her, it looked miserable.

After Gu Qingzhou sat down, the quarrel outside really came to an end.

"That's my eleventh aunt." Wang Jing whispered to Gu Qingzhou, "she came back from her husband's house last night."

It's obvious that Wang Jing didn't know how to see Wang Chen off in the light boat last night.

Afraid that Gu Qingzhou didn't know him, he introduced to Gu: "her name is Wang Chen, and she is nine uncle's sister. Sister Gu, you know my uncle nine. "

Gu Qingzhou nods.

Wang Jing said again, "she wants to divorce her husband, but the third uncle and the third aunt are not allowed to say that she has lost the face of our Wang family."

Wang Jing was furious when he said that.

It's not natural. It doesn't hurt.

What face is more important than aunt's safety? What's more, it's not until the third uncle and the third aunt jump. I don't know what they are struggling with.

Wang Jing said: "my 11 uncle is nothing at all. He not only plays 11 aunt, but also falls in love with a female student.

At the beginning, he and aunt Xi also first fell in love and then got married. They only got married for a few years and then changed their minds! That is to say, uncle Jiu went to the barracks. If he's at home, he'll call! "

Gu Qingzhou didn't care about the cause and effect of the question yesterday, but now it is connected in series.

That day in the tavern, I met Wang Chen who went to catch Jian and was beaten instead of thinking.

Yesterday was the second time.

However, does the Wang family know?

"Well, three brothers and three sisters in law, you don't have to say a word." Outside came Qin Sha's voice, "eleven younger sister suffered such a big crime back, we don't say comfort her, how can we scold her at this moment?"

"Four younger brothers and sisters, this is you did not carry clear!" The Third Master said loudly, "if the eleventh younger sister comes back to complain, we should naturally comfort her, and we should also find Yu Zhen's asshole to comment and make him apologize to the eleventh younger sister for accompanying you.

But what did she do when she came back? She came back and told us she was going to divorce! Four younger brothers and sisters, would rather tear down a temple than destroy a marriage, do you understand? It is a lack of virtue to instigate children to divorce. "

Qin Sha blushed with rage.

Wang Jing stands up and wants to help again.

At this time, Wang Youchuan finally heard the news and came back from the company.

The third wife and the third master are very angry.

Seeing Wang Youchuan coming back, the third wife has more to say.

"Not to mention the past, but now, there are more men who marry a lot of aunts. Yu Zhen is just having fun with a female student, and he doesn't marry anyone back. It's worth crying for divorce." Said the third wife.

They are very dissatisfied with Wang Chen's idea of divorce.

"This marriage can't be divorced!" On dit.

When Wang Youchuan asked what was wrong, the third uncle and the third aunt scolded Wang Chen for his affectation.

Wang Jing couldn't help but walk out: "Uncle three, uncle 11 is not only in love with the girl students, he still beats aunt 11!"

"It's just two slaps. It's nothing! Live, who does not have a bump The third wife looked at Wang Jing discontentedly, "little ten, you are still young, just study hard. If you don't understand such things at home, don't interfere. "

"Three brothers and three sisters in law." Wang Chen bit his teeth. "Now he can slap me twice. What about later? Besides, how he promised me before he got married, you heard that. Now he's in love with the girl student. I don't want to live with him because I feel dirty. "

"You don't think it's dirty for him to fall in love with a schoolgirl? He didn't go to find jinv! " The Third Master said angrily.

"Three brothers!" Wang Youchuan suddenly had a big drink and stopped the third master from saying, "in front of the children..."

the Third Master also felt speechless.

Wang Youchuan looked at Wang Chen, whose eyes were red, and Qin Sha, whose face was very bad, and said, "I only know about this, but I have not yet understood it. It's not too late to discuss this later. First, let 11 younger sisters have a good rest for a day or two. You look at her like this. What are you doing now? "

"Here Let 11 younger sister stay at home. What do you say if Yu Zhen comes to visit? " The third master is reluctant.

He felt that he should strike while the iron is hot, persuade Wang Chen to give up the idea of divorce, and then go back to live a good life with Yu Zhen.

But it's a love affair with a female student. Wang Chen is not defeated by others and has culture. He can think of ways to bring Yu Zhen's heart back.

In any case, they have never had a divorcing and remarrying woman in Wang's family. They can't set a precedent here.

No matter how the times change, the reputation of the Wang family cannot be destroyed.

"If Yu Zhen comes to me, you let him come to me. I'll tell him myself!" Wang Youchuan was a little impatient. "There's no need to argue about it. It's settled!"

Wang Youchuan is the head of the family. He has made up his mind. The third master and the third wife dare not continue to make up their minds even if they are reluctant.

Besides, there are outsiders in the fourth room. No matter how noisy it is, it's not good to call Gu Qingzhou to watch.

They're gone.

After the third master and the third wife left, Wang Chen looked at Wang Youchuan and said, "fourth brother......"

"Eleven younger sister, you are tired too. Go to have a rest. These days, you will live in the king's house at ease and ask the maid to take some medicine and put it on your face. " Wang Youchuan interrupts Wang Chen.

He doesn't know much about it. He won't promise anything for the time being.

Wang Chen was angry and left the fourth room.

Qin Sha breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Youchuan saw Gu Qingzhou coming out of the inner room and was slightly surprised. Then he thought of something and asked Qin Sha, "is your stomach better?"

"No, so please take a look in the boat." Qin yarn road.

Gu Qingzhou gives Qin Sha the pulse.

Qin Sha doesn't matter. She's a little indigestion.

Gu Qingzhou said, "you don't need to take any medicine, just rest."

Wang Youchuan is relieved.

Qin Sha shouts Gu Qingzhou: "Qingzhou..."

"I sent Wang Chen back yesterday, but I am not very clear about the truth of the matter." Gu Qingzhou did not wait for Qin Sha to ask, but said it himself.

She told Qin Sha and Wang Youchuan the details of Cheng Yu's "picking up" Wang Chen.

"... Cheng Yu still doesn't know the name of aunt Xi. She only saw the man do it, but she didn't hear why." Gu Qingzhou said, "maybe it's just like what aunt Xi said. How is he getting along with the girl students outside?"

Wang Youchuan has some thoughts.

Wang Jinglian said: "father, would you agree? Now divorce is very common... "

Wang Youchuan interrupts him:" you don't go to school today? "

Wang Jing: "...

that's all I have to say. Qin Sha has nothing to do with it. Gu Qingzhou is ready to leave.

Wang Youchuan did not leave her.

Qin Sha's stomach is still not very comfortable. She only asks Wang Jing to take Gu to the light boat: "take your sister back. Drive slowly."

Wang Jing said well.

But when he got out of the door, Wang Jing took care of the boat: "sister Gu, would you like to see my aunt 11 alone?"


"I want to tell her that the Wang family will support her. But I am her younger generation, and what I say is of little weight, and it is impossible to comfort her.

But your presence is different. There is an outsider present, my words seem to be more careful, after all, in front of the outsider won't say anything.

In this way, Auntie Xi, when I was just conveying the meaning of her parents, would be stable in her heart and not be confused. " Wang Jingdao.

Hearing the analysis of his words and sentences, Gu Qingzhou finally understood the meaning of "son more pit father and mother".

The bad boy's idea is not bad. "Then go." Gu Qingzhou road.

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