Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 129 young commander adds new wealth

All the way out of the city, Gu Qingzhou closed his eyes and dozed off. The latest

Si Xingfu took Gu Qingzhou to a temple near the city.

There was no one in the temple at night and the gate was closed.

"Young commander." The little monk who opened the door knew Si Xingfu. He immediately opened the door for him and asked him to come in.

The smell of sandalwood makes the surrounding treasure look strict.

Gu's pace slowed down. She was wearing a very vulgar cheongsam, and she was very uncomfortable and walked very slowly.

"Let's go up the mountain." Si Xingfu said with a smile.

The whole mountain range is owned by temples, which are full of them.

The mountains are not high.

After a few steps, Gu Qingzhou's legs softened, and Si Xingfu bent to carry her.

"No, it's too heavy." Gu Qingzhou refuses.

"How much are you? I can run 20 kilometers with a load of 120 Jin Si Xingfu road.

Gu couldn't help but lie on his shoulder.

Si Xingfu's steps were very fast. On the steep mountain road, he took care of the light boat on his back. He could not breathe for a moment and reached the top of the mountain.

When he put down the boat, he breathed steadily. He thought: this man is in good health, and she can't wait for his natural death.

"This is wangshutai, the best place in the whole Yuecheng city."

The wangshutai of the temple, with a wide terrain, can take a panoramic view of the whole Yuecheng.

An old locust tree, with a crown like a treasure, has been cast in shade.

Under the tree are stone tables, stone chairs, and strong railings.

Gu Qingzhou lies on the railing, blows in the cool night wind, looks at the distant city with luxuriant lights, and finally reduces the depression in his heart.

Si Xingfu stood behind her, gathered her in her arms, pointed to the distance and told her, "see? That's our other museum."

It's just your other house.

Gu Qingzhou stomach Fei, the words in the heart did not say.

Si Xingfu pointed to another place, telling her where is Yan mansion, Gu mansion, Si mansion, governor mansion and city hall.

He knows Yuecheng well, because this is his territory.

"Qingzhou, do you like Yuecheng?" The Secretary asked.

Gu Qingzhou said: "I don't know. I just came here. Without you, I'd love to be here. "

She bit her ear gently.

Gu took refuge in the boat, and his bite changed to a lick.

"If you don't like it, let's change places?" Si Xingfu road.

"I like it!" She doesn't want to leave here. She hasn't got her grandfather's property. She hasn't let anyone who killed her mother and uncle plead guilty.

Si Xingfu kisses her on the back of the neck.

It's a long way to go down the mountain. Gu Qingzhou's feet are sore. Si Xingfu still lets her lie on her back. He carries her down the mountain.

He walked very slowly, the wind was cold on the mountain road, and from time to time, his hair was touching his face.

The side of the face is a little itchy, but the heart is very stable.

When they returned to the other hall, Gu Qingzhou saw a brand-new piano placed under the right window of the other hall, with black and white keys and jade like warmth.

"Er..." Gu Qingzhou is slightly stunned.

He just said something casually and bought the piano back.

"When did you buy it?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"At dinner." Si Xingfu road.

He went to the bathroom when eating. He called the adjutant to get a piano to his other house.

He is not stingy about what he can afford.

"Play me a tune you know well." Si Xingfu road.

"It's so late." Gu Qingzhou doesn't want to.

Si Xingfu gently pinched her nose and said: "lazy! The lazier you are! "

Gu Qingzhou ignored him. She went upstairs first.

Her arm can't touch the water. Si Xingfu helps her take a bath and then holds her to sleep.

Gu Qingzhou has something in her mind. She can't sleep.

She was thinking about Yan Xinnong and his wife.

Do you want to go to Yan's house in person and say something? What can I say?

Gu Qingzhou's heart is timid. At that time, her adoptive mother's eyes may not bear it.

If you want to go, you dare not.

He was confused and didn't fall asleep until the second half of the night.

The next morning, he got up early and had breakfast himself.

The adjutant bought a small cage bag, the secretary made rice porridge, and made white radish silk. It was sour, sweet and delicious, and served rice to Gu Qingzhou.

When Gu Qingzhou went downstairs, he had breakfast while he was watching.

I came to know that it was yesterday afternoon's photo that had been developed.

"Light boat, look!" Si Xingfu shows the photos taken side by side to Gu Qingzhou.

At that time, Gu Qingzhou remembered that he was forced to smile. He smiled strangely and tragically, but in the black-and-white photos, she could not catch such a subtle trace, but thought that she smiled sweetly and happily.

It was Si Xingfu beside her. She looked solemn, as if she was a little nervous.

"Not bad." Gu Qingzhou said objectively.

Si Xingfu couldn't help but look at this picture again and again.

His eyes could not see himself, only his canoe.

Her smile is sweet, her eyes are slightly curved, and she has a neat white little glutinous rice tooth, which is still a little childish.

However, this is very good, like childhood, after old is endless memories.

"The canoe looks good." Si Xingfu road.

In addition to this one, they have another two photos: Si Xingfu sitting, Gu Qingzhou standing behind him; the other is the opposite.

After the group photo was taken, there was also a single photo of Gu Qingzhou, each with a smile. Although she was forced by Si Xingfu, the effect of the photo was very good.

She is very young, the lines on her face are not stiff, and her smile is always sweet.

"What a sight!" Si Xingfu road.

His adjutant also washed two copies, and the secretary gave one to Gu Qingzhou.

"I don't want it!" Gu Qingzhou said, "I can't tell when I'm seen."

She was afraid of a single photo of herself and put it in her handbag. She didn't want to take a picture with Si Xingfu. She left it all to him.

"That's fine, I'll frame it, put it in the living room, and then put it in the study."

Then it's not right to think about it. What if someone breaks into the house and sees it?

Isn't that exposing the canoe?

He finally mounted it. He put it on his desk when he was at home and locked it in the safe when he was not at home.

In this way, he had his first group photo with Gu Qingzhou.

Si Xingfu put the photo in the safe, left a picture of a single person looking after the light boat, and put it in his shirt pocket. If you want to see her, you can take it out.

This time, Si Xingfu was very satisfied with the photo, so he put Gu to go home.

When he returned to Gu mansion, Gu Qingzhou lay on his bed, wondering if he would like to go to Yan mansion.

Finally, the timidity was forced down by her. She got up and went to the Yan mansion.

Mrs. Yan took care of the boat.

Mrs. Yan doesn't know how to talk about it.

She knows that there is no mistake in Gu Qingzhou. Mrs. Yan is the most clear about the character of Si Xingfu.

And Gu Qingzhou has a clear mind. She won't be fooled by Si Xingfu.

"... as far as I and your adoptive father know, don't tell Luoshui and Yiyuan. Their children's house can't hold their breath." Said Mrs. Yan.

Gu Qingzhou nodded, his eyes slightly red.

Mrs. Yan said again: "young commander also told us the story. It's your kindness that you saved him on the train. Everyone will have kindness. You didn't expect him to be such a jerk, did you? "

Gu Qingzhou nodded again.

"Mom knows you're wronged." Mrs. Yan said, "your adoptive father will persuade him. Good boy, don't be afraid. "

Gu Qingzhou could not help but cry.

"You don't blame me?" Gu Qingzhou road.

The world is very hard on women.

Even if they are raped, the public opinion also requires women to reflect on whether they dress too openly, and whether their words and deeds are inappropriate.

But an accident is an accident. It has nothing to do with the woman herself. The fault lies only in the violent man.

Men will not be considerate of women, and women will be more critical of other women!

Gu Qingzhou thinks that Mrs. Yan and Yan Xinnong will surely think that if a slap doesn't ring, or a fly doesn't bite a seamless egg, they should always persuade her, say she, let her reflect, etc.

But Mrs. Yan didn't blame her, and she didn't put things on the boat.

The mistake was made by the manager.

Gu Qingzhou cried a lot.

Mrs. Yan hugged her and said, "silly child, it's not easy for a woman. Don't I know?"? What's wrong with you? You're a teenager! Don't think about it. It's silly to add guilt to yourself. "

Gu Qingzhou cried harder.

Mrs. Yan hugged her. At this time, she really wanted to go to Si Xingfu to work hard!

How bad!

From top to bottom, there is really no good person!

When Yan Luoshui came in, he saw that Gu Qingzhou was crying with tears on his face and was confused: "what's the matter?"

"When it comes to her mother, she misses her mother." Said Mrs. Yan.

Yan Luoshui also hugged Gu's arm.

The day before yesterday, Gu went missing. Both Mrs. Yan and Yan Xinnong said that they had sent the boat away in advance, because when the boat went to the bathroom, she was afraid of the shooting.

"The boat was so frightened that I asked the adjutant to take her back first." Mrs. Yan said so.

Now, Gu Qingzhou is out of control. Yan Luoshui only thinks of the shooting the night before yesterday.

At that time, if she did not go to drink with Yiyuan, but followed the boat, it would not be scared.

Yan Luoshui blamed herself, holding the arm of the boat and saying, "don't be afraid, boat, it's OK."

Seeing her arm hurt, Yan Luoshui asked again, "did you row the day before yesterday?"

Mrs. Yan, afraid of Gu's leak, explained, "isn't it? The two sisters fought, but later they did not know how to shoot. When the boat passed by, they were rowed. "

"You are too unlucky. We should go to worship Buddha!" Yan Luoshui said.

Gu Qingzhou's scar is much lighter than that of Yan Luoshui's last time. It has started to scab. It doesn't matter: "go next time."

But Yan Luoshui made up his mind to go out for a visit, so he urged his wife to take them to Zhoushan to worship Buddha.

"Well, prepare first and go in a few days. It's a long way. It's going to cross the sea. " Said Mrs. Yan.

Yan Luoshui succeeded in the plan and said with a smile, "Mum, can I invite Fu Jing?"

Huo Fengjing is a clever and quiet child. Mrs. Yan has a good first impression on her. She doesn't agree because she is Huo Yue's sister and treats her lightly.

Yan wushao soon found out that Huo Longjing was going to follow his mother and sister to worship Buddha, and immediately said, "I will go too!"

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