Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 130 the cry of Huo Yue

Yan Luoshui said that she would go to worship Buddha and get rid of her bad luck. Mrs. Yan agreed and Gu Qingzhou wanted to go.

Yan Yiyuan, the fifth young master of the Yan family, doesn't believe in Buddhism and has to go, because Huo Longjing will go.

He recently claimed that he fell in love with Huo Rongjing and asked his parents to propose marriage.

Both Mrs. Yan and Xinnong know that this son has not been identified yet. They warn him not to make a fool of himself.

From childhood, Yan Yiyuan has always liked only the daughter of the chief inspector, Si qiongzhi.

Other people, it's today to provoke, tomorrow to leave again, typical romantic young man.

Now I want to provoke the younger sister of the leader of the Green Gang. Isn't it a death?

"You are not allowed to go!" Yan Luoshui is serious.

"Elder sister, you let me go!" Yan wushao is only willing to call for her sister at this time.

Gu Qingzhou couldn't laugh beside her.

Yan wushao asked to take care of the boat again: "boat, you help to say a good word!"

"Five elder brothers, I'm very fair to say that you'd better not provoke Huo Longtou's sister. Otherwise, Huo Longtou will light the sky lamp for you, and your adoptive father will not be able to save you. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Yan Wu was so angry that he scolded them for being so heartless.

After that, Yan wushao went to inquire about what boat Yan family had decided to go to sea. In a word, it was necessary to go.

"He's too much nonsense." Yan Luoshui said, "when he was a child, he saw a girl who loved each other. At the age of 12, he knew how to steal family members and girls, little hooligans!"

Mrs. Yan smiled and patted Yan Luoshui's hand: "don't say that about your brother."

Yan wushao's character is neither like his parents nor his brother, and his wife worries about him.

"He just didn't know what kind of woman he liked, so he looked for it." Gu Qingzhou rarely said a fair word, "five elder brothers will be infatuated once they are settled in the future."

I spent a day at Yan's house, making jokes and taking care of the light boat.

She didn't think about running a business anymore.

Yan Xinnong and his wife also avoided talking about the company.

Secretly, both yanxinnong and her husband are trying to help Gu get out of the boat.

Gu appreciated them.

After two days, Gu Qingzhou went to Yan's house again. When he discussed going to Zhoushan to worship Buddha, he went to find his adoptive father and mother and asked about Miss Tang's family.

She thinks there should be an outcome when Miss Tang comes.

"What did you do?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"It's settled. The Tang family is very talkative." Yan Xinnong said.

Miss Tang Wu died under the gun of Si Xingfu because she accidentally hurt Gu Qingzhou.

As soon as Gu Qingzhou's arm bleeds, Si Xingfu goes mad and immediately has the impulse to kill the four sides.

At that time he was too sharp.

He helped Gu to hold the boat steady. Before he knew what was going on, Gu loaded his gun. From loading to shooting, but for two seconds, until Miss Tang Wu fell to the ground, Gu couldn't believe it was true.

If Gu Qingzhou dared to marry Sima, he would kill Sima.

Gu Qingzhou didn't believe it before, but now she does.

Si Xingfu will not take anyone's life seriously.

He doesn't even care about his own life!

But Miss Tang Si was scared, as if she had been scared too much, and then she went back to her senses.

"Miss Tang Jiawu has been buried, and miss four has lived in the psychiatric ward of the church hospital." Yan Xinnong said again.

Four young lady scared crazy.

At this time, Gu felt that she was afraid of the dead, not her weakness. Normal girls were afraid.

Miss Tang Si just saw that Miss Tang Wu was killed, and then she was pointed by the Department of gunshot.

Compared with her, Gu Qingzhou is much calmer.

"Poor, I'm so scared that I'm crazy. I'm so guilty, commander in chief." Mrs. Yan sighed with regret.

Si Xingfu sent an adjutant to negotiate with Tang family.

Mr. Tang said that he was given a four-year wharf pass by Mr. Si Xingfu. Later, when his ship passed Yuecheng No.

The deputy of Si Xingfu agreed.

Later, the Tang family only said that Miss Wu met the robbers and died.

Tang's family, no one has half sad, but he is very happy, and finally got his dream pass.

"A daughter's life, only worth a pass?" Gu Qingzhou asked his adoptive father.

Yan Xinnong also sighed a little, saying: "light boat, now the world is not a system, the father's kindness and filial piety of our ancestors have already become dross. Now money is the emperor's father, and everyone is the grandson of money. "

The old social morality has already collapsed, but the new social order has not yet been established. Everyone's ignorance, any absurdity, has become a new fashion.

Yan Xin, an old-fashioned man, does not understand, nor does Gu Qingzhou, a young man.

Society has long been different.

What is reason and what is morality?

"It's always going to change. Where can the world remain unchanged?" On the contrary, Mrs. Yan sees it more thoroughly than Ms. Yan.

The Tang family is a small one. Miss Tang Wu is dead. There is no noise.

Everything is quiet.

Gu Qingzhou knew that Gu Guizhang was not the only father in the world.

In a flash, it's Zhongyuan Festival.

Mrs. Yan arranged the driver, hired the boat and took the children to Zhoushan to worship Buddha.

Yan Yiyuan followed.

Gu Qingzhou is very devout and kneels down all the way.

Her piety seems to move Huo to Jing, so Huo to kneel.

Gu Qingzhou hopes the Buddha light can wash away her evil. She is not good enough, and Si Xingfu brings her countless wrongs. Gu hopes to get rid of them one by one.

"Canoe, you believe in Buddhism!" When he returned, Huo said to Gu, "I didn't expect you would believe in Buddhism. Now many people believe in Christ."

"I have no faith. It's just that when you come, you have to do a good job. " Gu chuckled.

Rao is what she said. Huo feels that she knows Buddhism well.

Huo Fengjing believes in himself.

She grew up in an orphanage. There is a white jade statue of Avalokitesvara, which has always blessed her and turned her into a good luck.

It is believed that Gu Qingzhou is a man of the same way, and Huo Fengjing subconsciously prefers to Gu Qingzhou.

Huo wants to go back to school next semester. Huo Yue has already completed the formalities for her.

However, next semester is the last academic year of Santa Maria's senior year, and the homework is very hard. There are still 20 days left from school. Huo hopes Gu Qingzhou can help her make up lessons.

"Why don't you look for Luoshui?" Gu Qingzhou is a bit embarrassed. "Ah Jing, you know me. I'm a student in charge of class. My homework is not very good all the time."

"Last time I went to worship Buddha, I heard that Luoshui and her brother said that they wanted to learn shooting and horse riding. Next semester, there is also a riding class in school. I'm afraid that I might delay her." Huo said, "besides, your homework is not good, and I have no pressure. We should review together."

Then he said, "I'll pay for your tutoring, OK?"

Huo Yue once gave Gu Qingzhou a big yellow croaker, and Huo Fengjing also gave Gu Qingzhou a diamond bracelet, which are very expensive gifts.

To ask for her tutoring fee, it would be shameful to take care of the boat.

"Let's not see outside like this. I'll help you to coach. Don't dislike me." Gu chuckled.

Therefore, it was agreed that during the last twenty days of the holiday, we should review our lessons together with Huo.

The family also knew that Gu Qingzhou knew Huo Longtou's sister. As soon as she heard that she was going to give Huo Fengjing a supplementary lesson, Gu Guizhang's eyes were shining.

Seeing his expression, Gu Qingzhou still thinks of the dead Miss Tang Wu.

If it wasn't for Gu Qingzhou's engagement with Sima when he was a child, Gu Guizhang would surely send Gu Qingzhou to the politician's bed just like the Tang family sent his daughter.

"She's so lucky!" Gu Xiang is very angry.

Gu Xiang never knew that a person's luck could be better to this extent!

Gu Qingzhou flatters a few words and gets the recognition of the supervisor; she flatters a few more words and gets to know the Yan Family; now she just flatters a few more words and becomes a good friend with the younger sister of the leader of the Green Gang.

"There is no need for the Green Gang to assassinate and fight. She will be shot sooner or later!" Gu Xiang curses her severely.

When she gnawed her teeth, Gu Xiang's sister Gu Ying was silent instead.

Since Gu Wei left home, Gu Ying and her mother, sister gradually unfamiliar.

Gu Ying was raised by Qin Zheng since she was a child. She was influenced by Qin Zheng. She didn't think it was inappropriate. Until now, she has grown up and is confused.

Gu Qingzhou knows that her sister is jealous of her and doesn't pay attention to her. When she finishes packing her bag, the Huo's car comes to pick her up.

Take the car to Huo mansion, Gu Qingzhou meets Huo Yue at the door. He is about to go out, and the car stops beside him.

Huo Yue has always been wearing a long gown, elegant and gentle, but today, somehow, he suddenly changed a suit.

His coat was in his hand. He was wearing a silk white shirt. Two buttons were loosened. His sideburns were cut neatly and his hair was ink dyed.

The weather is a little hot, Huo Yue pulls up his sleeve, obsidian button, warm light.

He is also handsome in a suit.

"Lord Huo." Gu Qingzhou said hello.

Huo Yue plucked his eyes, which were still sharp: "here comes the boat?"

He knew that canoe would come to make up lessons for his sister, but he didn't know it was today.

"Are you going out?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"Yes, a friend's wedding party." Huo Yue said with a smile, "come in and play. It's so hot outside."

Gu Qingzhou road is.

She walked in a few steps, but heard Huo Yue suddenly call her: "light boat?"

He shouted a little impatiently.

Gu Qingzhou is slightly surprised. Looking back, he sees Huo Yue stop at the same place. He seems to be thinking about what to say.

Hesitated, he said: "last time I sent you a bracelet, why can't I see you wearing it?"? Don't you like diamond jewelry? "

There is almost no ornament on the whole body of Gu Qingzhou.

She's used to it.

In the past, they were not suitable for wearing because they were young; now they don't like wearing them very much. They always feel cumbersome.

"I like it very much. What should I do if I lose such valuable jewelry?" Gu chuckled. "I saved it."

Huo Yue smiles.

He turned and left.

Gu Qingzhou is a little confused. He always feels that he doesn't want to say this.

Continue to go inside, Gu Qingzhou's remaining light but feel there are eyes in the dark, with angry light, an inch don't let her watch.

She was stunned, stopped to look at the past, and found a person.

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