Yu Zhen is relieved.

"I'm here to pick up morning home." He said, "with her at home, I don't have to worry about anything. She just left for one day, and I think it's really a difficult day."

Qin Sha hesitated: "I'm afraid she can't go back to Yu's house for the time being. She got cold last night and started a fever in the early morning. I asked the doctor to give me an injection. It was so cold. I moved to a place for a hairdryer. If the disease was more serious, it would be great. "

"Sick?" Yu Zhen's five viscera and six viscera are upset. "When will it be better?"

Qin Sha looked at him again. "Didn't you come to see her when you heard she was ill?"

Yu Zhen's stoppage.

Qin Sha wrote for him: "you know that? Eleven younger sister is afraid that you are worried. She didn't send someone to tell you. She is very careful about this. "

"Yes." Yu Zhen Dao.

After his initial agitation and surprise, he gradually calmed down.

His little lover is now less than two months pregnant.

Pregnant women need four or five months to be pregnant. He has two or three months to divorce. He doesn't believe that Wang Chen can get sick for two or three months.

Qin Sha takes Yu Zhen to Wang Chen's room.

There were other visitors in her room, two beautiful young women and Wang Jing.

Yu Zhen looks at the one who wears the red cloak in his eyes. His eyes are straight. He only feels that the woman is too charming.

Wang Chen's face was gray, his eyes were chaotic, his lips were a little blue, and he was indeed ill.

Wang Jing is also in the room.

He also remembered Yu Zhen's beating his aunt before. Seeing Yu Zhen, he immediately raised his face.

Yu Zhen keeps looking at Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu asked, "what are you looking at?"

She was born with a burning style, but her words were pungent. Like pepper, she was not soft and cowardly.

"Er..." Yu Zhen is embarrassed.

He just appreciates beauty.

"This is Miss Cheng." Qin Sha introduced, and then introduced Gu Qingzhou, "this is Gu Shenyi, they come to see eleven younger sisters."

Yu Zhen nodded, saying hello, and dared not stare at Cheng Yu again.

Wang Chen propped up the sick body and said weakly, "are you here?"

Yu Zhen is embarrassed and haggard when he sees her like this. Compared with the two ladies next to her, she is a yellow faced woman. Even Qin Sha, the fourth sister-in-law, is more beautiful than Wang Chen.

He wanted to dump the woman more.

When he pursued Wang Chen, he didn't find him so bad.

It can be seen that when you dislike a person, flowers will become weeds.

"When are you ready?" Yu Zhen is impatient, "how can you get sick well?"

"It's the weakness caused by anemia. The wind is cold." Gu Qingzhou said, "it will take about a month or two."

"So long?" Yu Zhen is astonished.

If Wang Chen delays for two or three months here, and she gets well after her illness, and then she gets divorced for a while, his little lover's stomach will not be concealed. How can he hold the wedding?

"The disease comes like a mountain, the disease goes like a thread." Looking at Yu Zhen, Gu Qingzhou said with a light face, "I'm in a hurry."

Yu Zhen immediately returned to his mind: "you are......

introduced by gang Qinsha, who said that you are Gu Shenyi. How can people in Taiyuan, especially the press, not know how to take care of light boats?

"I can do some medicine." Gu Qingzhou knew that he knew what he was asking, and wrote lightly.

"Are you a traditional Chinese medicine?" Yu Zhen's mind became flexible, and then he said to Qin Sha, "sister-in-law, I will take her home and ask Western doctors to have a look, or go to the hospital, maybe it will be better soon."

"Eleven younger sister is weak, western medicine is urgent effect, irrelevant, still need Chinese medicine to recuperate slowly." Qin Sha is not in a hurry. "Your fourth brother said that eleven younger sisters are here to cure the disease and then go back to Yu's house."

All Yu Zhen's words are blocked.

How dare Wang Youchuan retort?

Qin Sha put Wang Chen's hand into the quilt and said, "you have a good rest. I have everything else."

Wang Chen made a sound. As expected, he closed his eyes and planned to sleep for a while.

Before Yu Zhen had a word with Wang Chen, he was taken out of the guest room by Qin Shai.

He has nothing to say to Qin Sha. Next to Qin Sha, there are two ladies with sharp eyes, as if they have nothing to hide.

Yu Zhen couldn't stop being looked at by them, so she quickly found an excuse to leave the Wang family. Even the Wang family refused to let him have lunch.

Seeing Yu Zhen's departure, Gu Qingzhou said to Qin Sha, "we have also returned. Aunt Xi is OK. She can have a rest for two or three days. "

Qin Sha nodded and sent Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu out.

She couldn't help but ask, "canoe, how come eleven sister's illness is so strange?"

Wang Chen became so ill overnight. It was frightening to watch.

"Acute diseases are sudden." Gu Qingzhou road.

Qin Sha jumps from the corner of her eyes.

She didn't ask more.

Most of the time, she knew that the other party was playing tricks, but Qin Sha didn't want to stop her, so she covered her ears and pretended that she didn't know anything.

When Wang Chen was ill, Yu Zhen didn't want to go to the Wang's house all the time. He simply put his time on the pregnant lover.

At first, the girl student was very happy to see him carefully accompanying herself. But after several days, the girl student was not happy to learn that he had not told Wang Chen about the divorce.

Quarrel, cry, fast, when a woman is angry, he can't fight with any of them, especially a pregnant woman.

Yu Zhen is so frustrated by the female students.

If it was in the past, he simply left the female student, but now, he takes a fancy to the child in the female student's belly, and can only coax her carefully.

Although I never told anyone, Yu Zhen doubted that his fertility was weak.

He had made friends with other women before the little lover, but never left blood. Now the little lover has his seed in his stomach, and he will never give up the child.

The little lover is easy to raise. Maybe he can have more when he marries home.

Save this thought, he coax female student more attentively.

It's a pity that the female student is not very interested in the child in the belly. After several times of trouble, the fetal appearance in the belly is a little unstable.

Yu Zhen took the female students to see traditional Chinese medicine and also went to the western medicine hospital for examination. Both sides told Yu Zhen that pregnant women need to stay in bed and rest, and they need to maintain a relaxed and happy mood.

When the little lover heard the doctor's words, he immediately took the sword of Shangfang.

She gave Yu Zhen a deadline. Within a week, Yu Zhen had to divorce the Yellow faced woman in his family.

Yu Zhen agreed to appease her.

At this time, Wang Chen is still in the Wang family for recuperation, and the medicine has not been finished yet.

"If only Wang Chen died!" In a state of anxiety, Yu Zhen suddenly thought so.

However, with the help of a good doctor, it is impossible for Wang Chen to die of illness!

"If she dies, it's better than divorce. Divorce needs to be pointed out, and I can get sympathy for her death. " Yu Zhen's mind is like an evil snake. Once it's wrapped around him, it's tighter and tighter, showing its fangs. Yu Zhen's heart turned a thousand times and made a poison plan.

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