Yu Zhen is forced to have a surprise.

But after the idea was finalized, he felt that it was a good idea, better than divorce.

Yu Zhen plans to give Wang Chen a last chance before carrying out the poison plan.

After all, if a normal person wants to kill someone, there is a psychological bottom line. It's not easy to go over.

He came out of the schoolgirl and went directly to the Wang family.

It was Qin Sha, the fourth wife, who received him.

Qin Sha said to Yu Zhen, "eleven younger sister seems to be in a bad mood these days. She is probably too bored with illness. Your husband and wife love each other. She will be very happy if you come to see her."

"I miss her, too." Yu Zhen looks embarrassed. He lowers his head and says shyly to Qin Sha, "I have saved a lot of self-respect words. I can't help it. I want to say it to her."

Qin Sha is the private conversation between husband and wife.

She nodded her head and said very considerately, "then you can talk to sister Xi later. I'll ask the servants not to disturb you."

Yu Zhen thanks Qin Sha.

When she arrived at Wang Chen's room, Qin Sha took the servants away, leaving a private space for Wang Chen and Yu Zhen to talk.

As soon as Qin Sha left, the expression on Yu Zhen's face changed.

He looked at Wang Chen with cold eyes, without any emotion on his face.

Wang Chen was half lying in bed, looking at Yu Zhen silently, but he didn't speak.

After a long time, Wang Chen heard Yu Zhen's cold voice and said, "let's divorce!"

"Yu Zhen, I'm sick." Wang Chen looks at Yu Zhen and is disappointed.

Yu Zhen frowned and said impatiently, "I know you are ill. We divorce. It's up to you to offer me a alimony after the divorce. "

He was really afraid of the little lover, and was afraid of the baby in his belly. When facing Wang Chen, he was already firm hearted.

Wang Chen shook his head, looked at Yu Zhen and sneered, as before: "you are not a thing!"

Yu Zhen gets angry and wants to hit people.

"I'm not a thing? How about you, a hen that doesn't lay eggs! " Yu Zhen spat.

"Where do you know I can't have a baby?" Wang Chen's eyes flashed, but he spoke fiercely.

Yu Zhen sneers.

"Don't want me to know?" He asked coldly, "then you should not take medicine to see a doctor."

After a pause, he continued, "you'd better divorce. Didn't you make it yourself before?"

"I don't divorce." Wang Chen said without thinking.

What else does Yu Zhen want to say.

Wang Chen said calmly, "do you think I don't know? The girl named an Qian is pregnant. Once upon a time, I asked for a divorce. Now you ask me. "

Yu Zhen is in a hurry to defeat Wang Chen.

Wang Chen said in a cold voice, "my fourth sister-in-law and others are waiting for you outside the door. This is the territory of the Wang family. You have the ability to try."

Yu Zhen is really incapable of beating Wang Chen in the Wang family.

He closed his hand, clenched his teeth and asked, "what do you want?"

"I don't want anything, just to make you unhappy and to make your children illegitimate! I want that bitch to be my aunt! " Wang Chen road.

Yu Zhen dare not hit her, but he is very angry.

Before the viper, completely stable in his heart, he knew that he had only one way to go.

Wang Chen must die!

"Well, Wang Chen, you are really powerful. Your ancestors must be proud of you!" Yu Zhen said.

He pushed the door out.

When I came out of the room, it was empty outside. Qin Sha didn't take anyone to guard it.

How could he not find out before that Wang Chen is such a cunning woman!

Wang Chen is in a good mood.

She walked steadily step by step.

She thought she couldn't do it and would make mistakes, but she didn't think she was more powerful than she expected.

Since then, Wang Chen has confidence.

Just then, Qin Sha knocked on the door and came in.

Qin Sha said to Wang Chen with a smile, "my uncle is leaving so soon? I think he's in a hurry. Is something wrong? "

"There's something urgent for the newspaper. He's in a hurry." Wang Chen said with a smile that there was no difference in her face.

When Yu Zhen sent someone to bring the soup stewed with lotus seeds and dates in the evening, Qin Sha thought they were just as loving as they seemed.

Wang Chen looked at the soup, but didn't dare to drink it. He said that his body suddenly felt uncomfortable. Yang Qinsha sent a car to pick up the light boat.

Gu Qingzhou is coming soon. Wang Chen shows Gu Qingzhou the soup.

Qin Shaxin is like a mirror, but it doesn't break. As expected, she goes to take Gu Qingzhou, saying only that Gu Qingzhou should see a doctor.

"No poison." "I thought he would be in a hurry." Wang Chen pushes away the soup.

Even if there is no poison in the soup, it will be good for her stomach. As long as she thinks that it is sent by Yu Zhen, she can't eat it.

As if there were no lotus seeds or dates, they had to be sent!

Wang Chen said to Gu Qingzhou in some distress, "he has to send food here constantly during this period of time, which is beyond defense. Is there any way to let him directly enter the main topic, and do not fix these empty heads and brains?"

"He is more anxious than you." Gu chuckled, "you should be patient again. If you work for three or four days at most, he can't help but get to the point."

Wang Chen nodded.

She was a little cold in her heart. She thought about her husband and wife's kindness for a hundred days in a night. Yu Zhen should not be so unruly as she calculated. However, what Yu Zhen did completely met her expectation.

It's really terrible that men are merciless.

"But I can't call you here every time. It's too much trouble for you." Wang Chen road.

If Yu Zhen sends things frequently, isn't Mrs. Gu Qingzhou always going to rush between the royal family and the Secretary's office.

"No need. You don't have to eat anything he gives you. " Gu Qingzhou road.

"But Don't you say we're going to paralyze him and reduce his defensiveness? " Wang Chen was puzzled.

"He has already divorced on the premise of your hospital bed. You still eat what he sent in this case. It's so strange that he may be on guard instead." Gu Qingzhou road.

Wang Chen thought it was her fault.

They've finished their 10th mission to Yu Zhenbu, just wait for him to get hooked.

Now, Yu Zhen has been hooked. They only need Yu Zhen to bite the hook firmly.

In the next three days, Yu Zhen delivered food and food to Wang Chen frequently.

At first, the Wangs praised their husband and wife for their good relationship. Yu Zhen loved Wang Chen very much, but many of them had gossip.

"Does he think our royal family will treat his daughter-in-law badly?"

"Can we still lose these dates in the Wang family?"

"Although Wang Chen is a side branch, but in the end, she is the Wang family. Can we mistreat her when she is in her mother's home?"

"Yu Zhen despises us too much. Since he is so worried about Wang Chen's suffering here, why don't he take people back to support him?" "Is something wrong? Look at this posture, he seems to be low-key, not very normal. Send someone to check and see what he has been doing recently. "

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