Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1300 killing with a knife

The Wangs are talking.

Others went to inquire about Yu Zhen's recent situation, and then they heard that Yu Zhen might have made a girlfriend.

It's not the point to make a girlfriend. The point is that the girl may be pregnant, but she doesn't want to be an aunt.

Wang Jing heard these words and secretly told them to Wang Chen.

He reminded Wang Chen: "aunt Xi, you should also let your uncle restrain some, or they will go too far. 11. Didn't uncle find a girlfriend

"No, it's all nonsense." Wang Chen is not angry or angry. "And early, I can't stand this kind of gossip. What can I do later?"

"Later? What happened in the future? " Wang Jing was puzzled.

"Nothing. I said it casually." Wang Chen said, "little ten, I'm tired. Go back. I'll have a rest."

Wang Jing nodded, "Auntie Xi, I'll talk with you when your spirit is ready. Don't take gossip to heart. "

Wang Jing said and left Wang Chen's room.

As soon as he got out of the room, he saw a maid coming this way and stopped her: "what are you doing? Aunt Xi is going to have a rest. "

The maid said: "I just saw that the sandalwood in the room was burnt out, so I took a new one to replace it. Grandma Xi has insomnia. Only when she has a good smell can she sleep well. "

"Then you should be lighter." Wang Jing said.

The maid answered and went into the room.

She quickly replaced the censer and wanted to have a word with Wang Chen. Can see her lying on the bed, it seems to have fallen asleep, so left lightly.

As soon as the door closed, Wang Chen suddenly sat up from the bed.

When she got up, she couldn't even hold her shoes, so she walked quickly to the table, took a cup of cold water and poured it on the censer.

Wang Chen's heart was pounding. She immediately opened the door of the room and told a maid who was sweeping outside: "hurry up, tell the fourth lady, let her send a car to get the doctor."

She said this quickly and hurriedly, and the maid was shocked. She thought she was ill and lost her broom, so she went to see the fourth wife Qin Sha.

Soon, Qin Sha came. She saw Wang Chenguang sitting on the stool with her feet on, her cheeks still flushed. She asked quickly, "what's the matter? Is your body uncomfortable again? Why don't you go to bed and lie down? "

"No, sister-in-law, I don't lie down. I'm afraid. I need to calm down." Wang Chen can't breathe.

She is not sure if there is any poison in the incense, but Gu Qingzhou told him that Yu Zhen would not send it to her in a fair way if he wanted to poison her.

Therefore, he is most likely to change the fragrance or tea in the room.

Today, no one has changed tea, but someone has come to change incense.

She was about to go to bed. If the maid came in after she fell asleep, if the fragrance was really poisonous, would she be dead?

"What are you afraid of? "Four sisters in law are here," she said Qin Sha looks at Wang Chen with a little trembling. She jumps in her heart and shakes her hands a little.

Is it playing off?

Did the plan fail?

"Nothing." Wang Chen shook his head and clenched his teeth. "Sister-in-law, have you sent for the doctor?"

"Already." Qin yarn road.

Wang Chen refused to say anything. Qin Sha had to accompany her to wait for Gu Qingzhou.

After waiting for about an hour, Gu finally arrived.

After entering Wang Chen's room, she saw Wang Chen and Qin Sha sitting on chairs in front of the table, which was no surprise.

After greeting Qin Sha, Gu Qingzhou asked Wang Chen, "what is it? Tea or fragrance? "

When she came in, she closed the door of the guest room. Qin Sha thought it was wrong.

"It's incense." Wang Chen said, "I doused it with water."

Gu Qingzhou nodded, no more words, and went straight to the censer.

She opened the censer, picked up a piece of wet sandalwood, put it under her nose, smelt it, and then changed it.

The incense in the censer is small. There are four pieces in total. Gu Qingzhou's brow is relaxed when he smells the last piece. "It's incense," he says

"Teacher, you have to send someone to the police station." Gu Qingzhou said to Qin Sha.

"Report to the police?" Qin gauze's eyes are moving. "Why report the case?"

Wang Chen took a look at the boat and said, "sister-in-law, today, the maid came in to change the incense. After the change, I smelled something uncomfortable, so I poured the incense out with water. Please take care of the doctor to identify it. It's poisonous. Someone wants to kill me. "

Wang Chen was murdered in the Wang family?

Qin Sha's heart was so cold that she couldn't care to ask any more questions. She quickly sent someone to report the case.

At the same time, he found the maid who changed the incense and waited for the police to interrogate her.

Before the police station arrived, Wang Chen changed his clothes and put on his shoes.

She is about to get rid of that scum, but she can't be really cold sick at this time.

The men from the police station came quickly.

It's said that it's a murder case. They dare not take it lightly. When the reporter said that sandalwood was poisonous, they brought a doctor over.

"Four incense, one of which is poisonous." After the doctor checked the censer, he came to the same conclusion as Gu Qingzhou: "this drug is very strong. If you inhale a little more, you will lose your life. Fortunately, this lady reacts quickly."

Wang Chen couldn't say how it felt.

Obviously all guessed, a heart still unceasingly sinks, sinks into the boundless darkness.

No matter how bad the marriage is, it shouldn't end like this.

Yu Zhen can kill his wife, so he has no conscience. Fortunately, she met Cheng Yu. Cheng Yu begged Gu Qingzhou to help her. Otherwise, she would die quietly now. Would the Wang family have to compensate Yu Zhen in turn?

"I want to have a closer look." Qin Sha is beside her. She has a tense expression and is ready to get angry.

"Don't worry, Mrs. four." The man in the police station promised, and then asked, "what about the maid who changes incense?"

"It's tied up." Qin Sha said, let the servant hurry up and take the maid.

Wang Chen was poisoned at the Wangs' house, so they are all suspected.

Therefore, Qin Sha specially told the police station's humanity: "murdering people's lives is an important matter, which should not be tolerated. Just say what you find. "

People in the police station are clear about what they see.

The Wangs didn't plan to settle down.

Qin Sha added: "ah Xi has been working in our house for a long time, and she knows a few words, so we usually take care of her a lot.

Aunt Xi has no enmity with her. She should not poison her. She must have done it because someone was behind her

Ah Xi, the maid who changes incense, is honest and dull.

"Don't worry, Mrs. four." The humanity of the police station.

A thin face, all is flustered and unidentified so, already scared shiver. She was tied up for no reason, and was taken to the military police, only to feel the big thing.

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