Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1301 family support

Ah Xi's eyes fell on the censer on the table when he was shaking. Several pieces of incense in the censer were taken out and put beside the censer with oil paper.

This is the censer she just brought in.

"Why did you murder aunt Xi?" The police and the army haven't spoken yet. A young man nearby is angry and asks the maid.

Poor maid, with a buzz in her mind, could hardly stand still: "I... I... Murdered aunt 11? How dare I? Aunt Xi is very kind to me... "

she keeps shaking, too frightened, and her ears are ringing.

She could not hear what others asked her, but thought that she was going to die.

"How could it be? The fragrance was handed over to me personally by my uncle. I will not harm my uncle, and I will not harm aunt Xi."

She said to herself.

She didn't hear a word of other people's questions.

However, her words were clearly heard by the people beside her.

There was a frying pan in the room.

"What's the matter, you say it from the beginning to the end, in its original form!" Someone shouted to the maid.

The maid heard this in the noise.

What she's going to say, she's going to argue, she can't go to jail.

So she said to herself.

Earlier today, she heard that someone was looking for her outside. For a moment, she was curious and went out to see her.

Who knows that the man who came to find her was Yu Zhen, the husband of Aunt Wang Chen!

Uncle Yu told ah that he frequently sent things to Wang's house during this period of time, which caused a lot of gossip. He was not afraid of anything, so he was afraid to block Wang Chen's heart.

Now he got some good incense. If he wanted to send it to Wang Chen, he didn't dare to put on a big show like before, so he had to ask ah Xi to come out and secretly ask her for help.

Without incense, my aunt can't sleep well and her condition is more difficult to recover.

My aunt is very good to the maid. The maid thinks that my uncle loves my aunt and asks her to send something. Naturally, she will not refuse.

She was going to tell her aunt, but she didn't expect to fall asleep at that time.

Who would have thought that a loving uncle like my aunt would murder her?

The maid said it over and over again.

But they all heard.

"Yu Zhen is Wang Chen's husband, and their husband and wife have always been very loving. Why murder Wang Chen who is still ill?"

The question was raised.

When they heard this, they were surprised, so they all turned to Wang Chen.

Wang Chen's eyes were straight, and she thought, "the other day, Yu Zhen came to see me. He said he would divorce me and ask me to come forward."

"Then he really has an outside room and children?"

"Yes, he wants to help the bitch." Wang Chen road.

There was an uproar.

Wang Chen raised his head and looked at the people in the police station. He said, "I didn't agree at that time. He was very angry."

Almost understood, the people of the police station turned to look at Qin Sha: "this maid involved, we will take it to the police station."

"No problem." Qin Sha nodded, and then said to ah Xi, "what do you say when you arrive at the police station? I'll let someone guarantee you to come out."

A Xi's whole life was a little broken. She didn't expect to help herself or help her. She almost killed her Aunt Wang Chen.

Qin Sha, the fourth wife, said nothing and she didn't hear it clearly. The crying was taken away by the police station.

After Yu Zhen gave incense to the maid, she was very nervous.

On the one hand, he was confident that there would be no problem with his plan, and on the other hand, he was afraid of the news from the Wang family.

For a long time, he didn't go home and find his lover. Instead, he went to the newspaper office alone and took a shift in the office.

Yu Zhen is not in the mood to deal with the newspaper's business. He sits on the sofa and keeps thinking about his whole plan and how to congratulate his little lover.

Wang Chen ordered incense to help him sleep, as we all know. When the incense was burnt out, there was no trace left. Even if there was doubt, he could not be caught.

At that time, he can push it to the servants of the king's family and rake it upside down.

"Wang Chen is dead, and I will marry another one anyway. My parents are old-fashioned people. Maybe they won't agree with Anqian to enter the door so soon. But Anqian has my children in her stomach. Maybe my parents will give in."

"Even if my parents are afraid of upsetting the Wang family and don't agree with me to marry another so soon, I can persuade an Qian to marry after the baby is born. At that time, Wang Chen had been dead for almost a year. Even if he married another man, there was nothing else to say. "

"As long as Wang Chen is dead and I am single again, there should be no problem persuading an Qian to come in later.

Yu Zhen thinks more and more about his future.

Just then, a small editor knocked on the door of the office.

"What is it?" Yu Zhen asked impatiently.

The editor said through the door, "editor in chief, people from the police station are here."

The police are here?

Yu Zhen didn't react at once.

Before he could say anything, the door was pushed open.

Two military police strided in and stood in front of him without straying. "You are Yu Zhen, Wang Chen's husband?"

"Are they here to inform me of Wang Chen's death?" Yu Zhen thought.

But when he thought about it carefully, he thought it was wrong. Even if it was to inform of the death, it should be the Wang family to inform. How did the two military police come?

No matter how many soldiers and policemen there are, Yu Zhen admits his identity, and immediately takes people up: "please come to the police station with us, and there is a murder case to be investigated with the help of young master Yu!"

With that, they left the newspaper with Yu Zhen struggling.

The newspaper looked at each other.

Yu's eldest son was arrested by the military police. He also said that he was related to a murder case, which is social news.

Everyone is doing news work, and they are very excited.

But when I was excited, I suddenly thought that Yu Zhen was their boss and was disappointed again.

Such a big news is also exclusive. If the party is someone else, even in governor Ye's house, they dare to write, but the party is their boss, so it's not good to spread the scandal.

"Alas, it's a pity."

The editors, regretting in their hearts, gathered together to discuss what they had done?

Gu Qingzhou and Qin Sha accompany Wang Chen and wait for the news of the police station.

The rest of the Wangs are here. The guest room is full of people inside and outside.

Wang Chen's face was still a little white. She sat beside Gu Qingzhou and said nothing, but she held Gu Qingzhou's hand to death.

As you don't need to discuss, Wang Chen and Yu Zhen are leaving this time.

Wang Chen paid a quiet attention to the third brother and the third sister-in-law. As expected, they didn't scold her like they did last time.

Everyone else was so angry that no one objected to Wang Chen's divorce.

Such a play seems funny, but in fact, it blocks the royal family.

Marriage is to be divorced from Yu Zhen, and people are to be killed by Yu Zhen. Wang Chen has no mistakes from beginning to end. Who can say what can Wang Chen do?

Gu Qingzhou's plan is to pick Wang Chen out of the muddy water and make him clean.

Soon, news came from the police station, and the matter was found out.

Yu Zhen falls in love with an Qian, a female student, and enlarges the female student's stomach. The female student makes a fuss to marry Yu's family. Yu Zhen is afraid that others will accuse him, so he asks Wang Chen to take the initiative to mention the divorce. Who knows that Wang Chen won't divorce, Yu Zhen is killed.

First, he constantly sent things to Wang's house, saying it was for Wang Chen. In fact, it was paralyzing all the people of Wang's house, making them think they were very kind.

Then he quietly gave the poisonous incense mixed with the good incense to the maid Axi. The poisonous incense was very small and soon burnt out. The poison drifted away with the smoke. Wang Chen would lose his life if he smoked a little more.

Even if we check the ashes, we can't find the traces of the poison.

He kills people with a knife. He can also find trouble with the royal family.

After all, Wang Chen died in the Wang family.

This mind is not vicious!

"Beast!" Wang Youchuan is furious.

Another person said: "according to Yu Zhen, the reason why he wants to divorce his aunt is that she has the problem of Gong Han and can't have children. He can't do without offspring. The girl student has another boy in her belly... "

"I have a problem with Gong Han?" Wang Chen's face was blank. "When did I have the problem of palace cold?"

Gu Qingzhou also said, "I have pulse for Aunt Xi. She has no palace cold problem."

"But he said he found the doctor you asked for." Wang Chen thought for a while, and suddenly realized, "I went to see the doctor because Yu Zhen's little aunt had this problem. She was embarrassed to see the doctor, so she asked me to ask for help."

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