Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1303 reconciliation

At the end of February in Taiyuan, willow trees began to sprout, which dotted the green shoots with goose yellow spring.

The long and short willows are placed with the wind. They stir the heart lake and stir up ripples.

Cheng Yu stood under the willow tree at the gate of the martial arts school, motionless, and became a statue. Only her red cloak was like a fire, like a tree full of flowers: bright and burning eyes, which opened the whole magnificent scene.

Zhuo Mozi heard the report from the guard. He was confused at that time.

He thought it was a mistake, or the other side deliberately reported Cheng Yu's name.

Rao is so, he still put down his gun in a hurry, let a group of students practice, he flew to the door.

There is nothing wrong.

The woman has delicate eyebrows and eyes, red clothes and black hair. The tree shadow falls on her face, and her eyes are calm in the light.

She went to zhuomozhi.

No mouth, no voice.

"... Zhuo Xiaoyun, give me a hug." She raised her face and stopped at dromo.

Zhuo Mozi's face is still, his limbs are stiff. Cheng Yu's words seem to be hammered one by one, knocking open his nerves as hard as stone, and every word has penetrated into his mind.

He raised his arm, clumsily pulled the man and hugged her.

she has perfume, strong but not pungent, is her favorite perfume.

she never concealed her publicity and lived in a lively manner. Even perfume had more than a few drops of perfume than others.

He hugged her and Cheng Yu hugged his neck.

"You are mine." Cheng Yu stood on tiptoe, hung it on him, and leaned close to his ear.

Zhuo Mozi's arms are tighter and his blood flow is intensified. It's a long time before he feels his heart beating like a drum.

"What do you say?" She asked.

Zhuo Mo Zhi picks her up and shoves her into the car next to her.

The adjutant was stunned, and the car key had been stolen by zhuomozhi.

The car is gone.

In the hotel near the south gate, the guest rooms on the fourth floor are moving from the guests' entrance. It's a full storm.

Cheng Yu, who was swept by the storm, was tired and lying on Zhuo Mozi's chest. Her body was soft and her temples were sweaty.

Zhuo Mo kisses her forehead, and her long fingers slowly rub her back to feel the coolness and smoothness of her skin. He could not help but tighten his hand again.

He and Cheng Yu are like: aloof, stubborn, unwilling to bow first.

Unexpectedly, Miss Cheng was soft.

Zhuo Mozi hugged her at the moment, still feeling unreal, like countless dreams in two months, making him virtual and unstable.

"... you're lighter. I can't breathe." Cheng Yu reminds him.

Zhuo Mozi's hand is slightly loose.

He touched her hair again, and the words in his heart blurted out, "why?"

Why would you like to come back to him?

He regretted after asking.

He didn't want to know why she turned around, it didn't matter. It was a gift to him that she could come back.

Cheng Yu, however, is expected to turn his face.

Zhuo Mozi wants to describe and mend, how to throw out this sentence and how to pick it up, but he doesn't want Cheng Yu to catch it.

Cheng Yu said, "I've got a new friend. She's made me understand a lot."

Zhuomozhi's face changed.

Cheng Yu saw it for the first time: "it's a woman."

Zhuo Mozi's expression was immediately embarrassed.

For the first time, Cheng Yu saw him so embarrassed that he couldn't help laughing.

When she smiled, the whole house was like being covered with sunshine, becoming bright and warm.

"... what did she say?"

"Not what she said, but what she did." Cheng Yu said, "it turns out that everyone will be confused or even cowardly. It's human nature that I despise my weakness.

Just hold on, you can carry those things over and get what you want. "

Dromo looked at her.

Her words sounded confused, but they fit in with Zhuozi's mood, and he understood them all.

"I don't want to drive you away, I'm too guilty. Once I feel guilty, I'll subconsciously hide myself, pretend to be nothing, and wait for other people to accommodate me. " Cheng Yu said again.

Her hands are shaking.

She pressed her strength against Zhuozi: "I did it wrong. After I'm wrong, I'm afraid to admit it. I'm afraid of your accusation... "

Zhuo has heard it clearly.

He understood it all.

So he hugged Cheng Yu and kissed her on the forehead: "I'm wrong, too."

From each other's eyes, they see the certainty, and Cheng Yu hugs him.

The next day, they returned to Gu Qingzhou.

Cheng Yu is full of energy. On her plain face, her eyes were shining.

Gu Qingzhou saw it and asked in surprise, "how happy is it?"

Cheng Yu laughed.

She always wanted something extraordinary. Before the accident happened to the child, she realized that she had been thinking about Zhuo for a long time.

However, once something happened, she lost the courage to undertake it.

Weak enough to be slapped in the face by a man, Wang Chen's persistence in divorce seemed to shine into Cheng Yu's heart.

It turns out that women also need a strong backbone.

No matter how much suffering, this backbone does not fall, even a soft woman can support the heaven and earth, which is admirable.

Wang Chen is shining in Cheng Yu's eyes.

Looking back at himself, Cheng Yu finally finds the sense of responsibility that he left behind.

She and zhuomozhi should not end like this.

She found Zhuo Mozi and exposed her guilt, weakness and even pride in her character to him.

"Then..." Gu Qingzhou pondered, "are you reconciled?"

"Well." Cheng Yu said, "he is afraid to come to see me. Zhuo's marriage with Cheng's ended because other brothers in their family played tricks.

At that time, he was dejected, ignored this point and began to talk. He also felt that he was incompetent, lost me, and made such a big stand that he dared not come to see me. "

Gu Qingzhou said, "then you two can understand each other and have a similar mind."

Her words hit the nail on the head.

It's because I understand that when Cheng Yu breaks, Zhuo Mozi catches her so eagerly.

Cheng Yu was very emotional. She said to Gu Qingzhou, "I was spoiled by my father since I was a child, and my brother and brother will let me.

Even if my mother wanted to control, she was always disturbed by my father and other people, and developed a lot of my problems. I didn't know until I saw Wang Chen this time.

I gave up my position and thought about Wang Chen. If I met such difficulties, I would walk away. It's like a snail, shrinking its weakness into its shell, waiting for others to solve all the problems for me.

When the problem is solved, I will reach out and enjoy the sunshine and rain. It's light to hide, but without a backbone, you can never stand up. "

Is Wang Chen not weak?

Of course, she was weak. When Yu Zhen hit her, she didn't even dare to fight back.

Even if it was so soft, she held up her chest and ran for a future for herself.

She got the support of the Wang family from the newspaper office.

She seems to slap Cheng Yu in the face.

Cheng Yu has feelings for Zhuo Mozi. She doesn't know the depth, just like she had a good feeling for Gao Qiao and Xun.

She wanted to be extraordinary, she just didn't dare to take responsibility. "Just stand up." Gu Qingzhou patted her hand.

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