Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1304 Ye Shan's news

Cheng Yu and Zhuo Mozi have resumed their contacts, and the alliance between the two countries has begun rapidly.

The end of this alliance is for other Zhuo family to play tricks and try to win Zhuo Mozi, so as not to catch up with him.

The unrest in Zhuo's family is not a day or two.

This time, marshal Zhuo went to Yunnan in person, with an extremely sincere attitude.

The political alliance is based on interests.

"Is zhuomozhi's dissociation better?" Gu Qingzhou asks Cheng Yu again.

Cheng Yu doesn't really want to answer this question.

By the middle of February, sixingfu, who had been back for more than a month, returned to Taiyuan mansion again, and took his junior brother Er Bao, who was Gu Qingzhou's junior brother.

Kang Han is very happy.

When sending Er Bao away, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu stay at Kang's house for dinner. Kang Han has been confused all day, with a smile on his face.

The rest of the Kang family joked, "this kid is going crazy."

"Han Han, little girl, be reserved." Kang Nuan even made fun of her.

Kang Han doesn't say, "I like Er Bao!"

The crowd laughed.

Two treasure can't see, only heard the laughter, also silly follow smile.

Gu Qingzhou thinks that Cheng Yu and Zhuo Mozi are sincere at last. Ye Wu is going to be married on the 20th of next month. Er Bao and Kang Han are mixing oil. Her marriage with Si Xingfu is smooth.

Everything is going in the best direction.

She was very pleased.

So, under the advice of Mrs. Kang and the ladies, Gu Qingzhou had a few more drinks. The wine has a strong aftereffect. The car back drove half way. Gu Qingzhou quickly asked Si Xingfu to stop the car and said, "I want to vomit!"

The driver pulled over.

Gu opened the door of the light boat and fainted beside the trees.

Si Xingfu patted her on the back and took a water glass to rinse her mouth.

"I'll carry you home. It looks like you can't take a car." Si Xingfu road.

Gu took hold of his hands and put them on his cheek.

She used the back of his hand.

The back of her hand was cold, and her cheeks were as hot as a fever.

"Good." She said, "how long do we have to get home?"

Si Xingfu smiled and crouched in front of her.

Gu Qingzhou lies on his body and blows the cool wind for a moment. People are a little more energetic.

"I can go by myself. I want to go by myself." She said, and put her hand into the collar of Sixiang to keep warm.

"Madam, don't play hooligans in the street," said the secretary

"... how can you say that other people are playing hooligans?" Gu leaned over his head, put his lips to his ears, and breathed with the mellow smell of wine.

Si Xingfu smelled this kind of breath, and his heart trembled. He wished he could not eat her.

At the same time, Gu took out his hand.

"You don't drink well, you don't drink well, and you take advantage of me!" "Is it easy for me to touch?"

Gu Qingzhou is limp and weak.

Whenever she has a little bit of strength, she wants to make him look bad.

The hand that goes deep into his clothes, Gu Qingzhou also wants to cut it off.

Night is more and more full-bodied, Gu Qingzhou snuggles up to Si Xingfu and hears footsteps from afar.

She couldn't help but open her eyes.

More and more footsteps, more and more heavy, even Si Xingfu is also a coagulation.

He dodged to the side.

Soon, the lights of the car illuminated the road from far to near.

After a few cars, there were gun carrying guards running fast, all of whom were close friends of governor Ye.

"What is this for?" Gu Qingzhou asked, waking up more than half.

The Secretary also frowned: "who knows? I'm afraid something happened. "

He looked at the troops passing in a hurry. They were all the guards of governor Ye.

"What happened to governor ye?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

The eyebrows of Si Xingfu are tighter.

"I'm all right. Get in the car and go to the governor's office." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu is concerned: "it's really OK?"

"It's all right."

They got on the car again, the adjutant stood on the pedal outside the car, and the car quickly drove back to governor Ye's mansion.

Gu Qingzhou did not get carsick again.

As soon as I stopped the car, I saw a man standing under the light at the gate, looking forward to him in a cloak.

The adjutant kept saying, "three miss, it's so cold. Please sit in it and don't blow."

"I'm not cold." Ye Wu's eyebrows are rarely cold, and she is not polite to her adjutant.

Gu got out of the car.

She was still intoxicated. She stumbled and almost fell down. She was caught by the driver of the car.

"Teacher." When ye Wu saw Gu Qingzhou, she was like a lone wild goose, rushing to Gu Qingzhou for consolation.

Then she also smelled the wine smell of Gu Qingzhou.

"Have you had a drink?" "Where have you been drinking?" said Ye

Gu Qingzhou took her hand and did not answer her question, but said, "what's the matter? I just saw the guard out of the city. "

Ye Wu's body trembled involuntarily: "in the suburb of 30 Li, there was a phone call to say that a woman claimed to be the second miss..."

Gu's body slightly stiffened.

Even Si Xingfu's expression stopped.

Ye Wu is shaking. She is too nervous to control herself. Her skin is tightened inch by inch. She wants to bite her fingers and chew all her nails.

She was no longer a child, so she was born to resist such an impulse and took care of the boat by the arm.

"My father got a call and went to see it in person." Ye Wu said, "he won't let me go, i.. I......"

the reason why Ye Du Jun won't let Ye Wu go is very simple.

If the garrison mutinies, they use this method to deceive ye dujun in the past, which is to catch turtles in the urn, and ye Wu goes with them to die.

However, when the news came, it was impossible for governor ye not to go.

Even if he died, he should confirm the truth of the news.

Ye Shan has been missing for seven months. Governor Ye's men cast a net in the northwest without any clue. It was once said that ye Shan appeared in Sichuan, but later he knew it was a fake.

These seven months are very difficult for ye dujun and ye Wu.

Now, the news is in governor Ye's own territory.

"Nothing, nothing!" Gu Qingzhou hugs Ye Wu's shoulder. In this moment, she is also a little shaken, as if she was infected by Ye Wu.

"I'll go and have a look. You stay at home," said Si

"Can I go with you?" said Ye

"If your father doesn't take you, he's thinking about it." "I'll take a few people to meet governor Ye. You two are safer in the governor's office, and we have no worries about it."

Gu Qingzhou's trembling stopped in a moment. Her eyes, which were drunk and dyed through, were firm and resolute: "go quickly, we will wait for you to come back."

Si Xingyao pinched her hand hard, turned around and left.

Gu Qingzhou said to Ye Wu, "it takes two or three hours to go back and forth. Let's go in and wait. No matter what it is, we can't change the result if we freeze ourselves. " Ye Wu is moved by her and nods hard.

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