Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1305 vitality

Gu estimated the time of entering and leaving the city. He thought that governor ye could bring back the news in two hours.

Unexpectedly, just after an hour, there were footsteps and car engines at the door, which made the cold night noisy.

Gu tried to stand up, but he didn't. She drank some wine, though she vomited, but the alcohol anesthesia has not completely passed.

Leaf Charm also did not move.

She had a stiff knee for a moment. I don't know what the news is that governor ye brought back.

She waited for Gu Qingzhou to help her, and Gu Qingzhou also waited for her. They looked at each other.

At this moment, it seems that ye Wu has infinite courage. She stands up slowly and helps Gu to take care of the boat.

Before the two of them had crossed the threshold, someone came in.

Governor Ye is at the front. Behind him are Shi Xingfu and his subordinates.

Ye Shan is the one who goes side by side with him.

Ye Wu's explosive power comes out at this moment. She rushed away and rushed to Ye Shan's arms.

She wanted to call the second sister, but her voice was blocked by tears and sadness. No one called, she cried first.

Ye Shan's tears also shed.

Half an hour ago, she met her father who had been away for seven months. When her father pressed her head on his chest with a strong hug, she felt like she had lost her way back when she was a child.

At that time, her tears burst down, thinking that she was in a hurry enough to see her sister. Her tears were more urgent than all her senses.

They didn't talk at all, just hugged their heads and sobbed.

Gu Qingzhou stands by in silence.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu had not left, but sat at Ye's house for a snack.

Ye Shan has bathed and changed. She took off her rags. She changed her clothes, but her appearance changed.

Governor Ye didn't blink at her for fear that she would disappear again.

"Father, look at me. I can't eat." Ye Shandao.

When she spoke, Mali pulled a bowl of chicken soup three times, five times and two times, and there was no soup left.

Everyone: "...

Miss Ye Er's eating phase is similar to the birth of a hungry ghost. She can't see where she can't eat.

Ye dujun started by himself, brought the dish of dim sum in front of Gu Qingzhou, and handed it to Ye Shan: "eat slowly, don't worry."

Ye Shan's answer is vague. She continues to munch.

Gu Qingzhou and others are all looking at Ye Shan.

Ye Shan has changed.

First of all, she was tanned. Her once delicate skin is now a healthy and tight wheat color, full of vitality and vigor.

Second, she lost weight. The old clothes that fit her are loose and loose.

However, she has not changed.

There were no signs of injury, no painful recoil.

Her body language and expression look, but she was lively a bit, especially the eyes are very smart smart.

Ye dujun is a personal elite. He sees everything of Ye Shan and knows that the child has encountered many things. As for whether it is good or bad, it is not easy to guess, but there are more good things than bad ones.

All the people want to ask.

However, ye Shan put down the dishes and chopsticks after she was full and said with a faint smile, "I am starving. I haven't eaten well after running for half a month. "

"Second sister, where have you been these days?" Ye Wu asked everyone what they wanted to know.

Where to go, what happened, why not go home, etc.

"I'm in the south, Guangdong." Ye Shan said, "it's not cold there in winter. The sun is very hot. I'm black."

She put out her hand and compared with Ye Wu.

The color is totally different.

"Why did you run so far?" Gu Qingzhou also said, "did you go by yourself?"

"No." Ye Shan said, "when I left, I ran around, and then I met bandits. The gang of bandits were beaten and scurrying around. They took me with them. After a lot of changes, I finally landed in a small place in Guangdong, called Nanjing County. "


governor Ye's heart thumped.

He started to get angry and wanted to find out all the bandits who had taken his daughter.

Later, ye Wu could not ask, and ye dujun dared not ask deeply.

Only the wicked ghost of Si xingxu said to Gu Qingzhou when he left the Ye family: "Ye Shan must have been a bandit woman, otherwise why do those people take her?"

Gu Qingzhou frowns slightly.

Ye dujun and ye Wu just thought of this layer, so they didn't continue to ask.

"Division division division seat, you also accumulate points of morality." Gu Qingzhou is helpless.

Si Xingfu held her by the waist.

He would not be pleasant to talk to. After a pause, he added, "I should have followed the leader, not like he was used in turn. She's so beautiful. If it wasn't for the boss to guard her, she would have beaten him hard.

"Si Xingfu!" Gu Qingzhou bites his teeth.

"Why?" "I am analyzing the life in danger. Are these words not enough to comfort governor ye? "

Gu Qingzhou: "...

Si Xingfu is mean to talk to Gu Qingzhou about ye Shan's various things. He also wants to tell Gu Qingzhou not to worry too much.

Ye Shan's mental injury should not be serious.

A person's spiritual world can be observed through his eyes.

Si xingxu is a personal elite. If ye Shan is tortured badly, he will not use such a joking tone to make fun of her.

It's a blessing to find the missing daughter; if the other party no longer has physical and mental trauma, it's the ancestral tomb smoking.

Ye Shan's case is a good thing for ye dujun.

Si Xingfu felt that governor Ye didn't mind that he owed a few words.

"You're right about everything." Gu chuckled.

Two people went home.

Gu Qingzhou didn't go with Ye Shan.

Ye Shan was not very familiar with her at first, but just came back. Gu Qingzhou was also disturbed.

She and Si Xingyao have not seen each other for more than a month. They want to tell him a lot, but they meet Mrs. Hirano who is ill again. They ask her to see a doctor. Gu Qingzhou has no time to go to Yeshan.

On the fourth day of Ye Shan's return, ye Wu calls Gu Qingzhou to invite her to have tea together.

Gu Qingzhou went.

They both went to Yeshan's yard.

Ye Shan is reading a book.

"What are you looking at?" Gu asked with a smile, "I am so absorbed."

Ye Shan turned the book over and showed the cover to Gu Qingzhou. It turned out to be a military foundation.

"What do you think of this?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Ye Shan said: "suddenly I want to know something. I didn't expect to see it. It's really interesting. "

She asked Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu, "what do you want?"

"I'm getting married, second sister. Your dress hasn't been made yet." "Today, let's go to the tailor's shop and measure your size, or it will be too late."

Ye Shan's face lit up.

She seemed to think of something and her eyes were dim.

Ye Wu thought she was speechless and explained in a flurried way: "it's because of the Kang family that we decided the wedding date... We should wait for you to come back... But..."

Ye Shan is back to her senses.

She beat the next leaf: "what are you doing? Do you think I'll come back from a trip and have a blind guess? "

She paused and said, "you just want me to have a good life, don't you think I am?"? No matter where I am, you have a good life, I will be happy. "

Ye Wu pours into Ye Shan's arms. "How did you become coquettish?" Ye Shan cried and laughed, "get up, you're dead."

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