The tailor's shop is quiet.

The ten adjutants brought by Ye Wu are ferocious. They stop at the door of the shop. All the other customers go out in the spirit of "more is better than less".

There were people outside, but they didn't come in, just pointing.

Ye Wusu has a good reputation. The onlookers just appreciate the demeanor of the governor's lady, but there is no abuse.

After ye Shan measured the size, she sat with Gu Qingzhou at the top of the shop for tea.

Ye Wu tries some new styles next door.

"... she's worried about you." Gu Qingzhou said, "after you disappeared, the governor never gave up looking for you."

Ye Shan looked at her. "I know."

"But you ignore a little bit, even if you come back, they are still very guilty." Gu Qingzhou said, "such guilt will crush them. If you really know, be more honest. "

Ye Shan is stunned.

Then she smiled bitterly: "the boat, only seven months gone, I always thought you changed. In fact, no, you are still like this, and so are they. "

"And you?"

"I..." Ye Shan struggled, and finally it was difficult. "I'm still like that."

Gu Qingzhou's words did not move Ye Shan.

Ye Wu is careful in front of Ye Shan; ye dujun's men follow Ye Shan's words to find her past trace.

In addition, ye Shan refuses to talk about the seven-month experience.

She doesn't say that ye Wu and ye dujun dare not ask, and other people are not qualified to ask anything.

The atmosphere of the Ye family is different.

Ye dujun went home on time, accompanied Ye Shan to eat, and even asked people to prepare a lot of Ye Shan's favorite food.

Three or five days later, ye Shan can't support her.

"Father, why is it so strange?" Her voice choked. "What do you want to ask, just ask me? You don't want to torture me like this. "

Ye Shan put down her chopsticks and sobbed.

Governor Ye's heart seems to have been dug up by something.

That night, Yeshan opened her heart to yedujun for a short time.

"... when I met the bandits, I pretended to be Japanese and was beaten by them. At that time, my head was broken, which was very serious." Ye Shandao.

She took her father's calloused hand and touched the back of her head.

The back of the head did sink in.

Governor Ye's warm and broad hands trembled a little.

Ye Shan said: "one of them, I look pretty good, secretly bandaged me. When I wake up, I don't remember who I am for nearly four months. "

Ye dujun's heart, suddenly mentioned, almost changed color on his face: "now? Do you want to go to the hospital for examination? "

"No problem. I don't have a headache. I'm in good health. Later, the memory is easy to recover. " Ye Shan said, "I've thought a lot about it myself. I think it's false amnesia."

"False amnesia?"

"I want to forget myself, dislike my identity, and abandon my memory with the help of illness." Ye Shan said, "at that time, when I think about who I am, I am inexplicably upset and helpless.

That feeling, let me always want to avoid, and I know that I do not want to recall. I don't ask about the past, I just want to get a new one. "

That's why governor Ye looked around, and ye Shan didn't respond.

She didn't know who she was, and the bandits were very mobile. They had already run from the grassland to the southwest, far away from the territory of Ye dujun.

"I... I'm with someone." Ye Shan had a hard time for a while.

Governor ye had already thought of it.

"It doesn't matter." "Ye dujun said," Ye family's daughter, do not worry about the future. "

Yeshan obviously didn't take the comfort.

She sighed and continued: "it's the bandit leader. Bandit nest is like that. The best woman is the leader, and I am the best. "

At this point, she could hardly go on.

She stooped in pain, her head on her knee.

Governor Ye got up and patted her on the back.

For a long time, when governor ye thought she was not going to talk about it, did ye Shan have difficulties: "father, I have done a lot of bad things for them.

The weapons they looted along the way, as well as the territory they later fought down, are all my ideas. They are a group of reckless people. I give them advice. I...

this is something that governor Ye didn't expect.

Ye Shan's pain is not because she followed the bandit leader, but because she became a bandit herself.

He also thought that his daughter was just the bandit's oppressive lady, who did not want to become a military division.

"They beat three counties, from the first two hundred to the next twenty thousand, all of which I helped them to adapt and gather." Ye Shan said in pain.

Governor Ye was stunned.

He couldn't help laughing: "there is no tiger girl in the gate. I didn't know you are so powerful."

Ye dujun loves his daughters. As a child, ye Shan often did homework in ye dujun's study and held meetings in the small conference hall of the study, without avoiding her at all.

Sometimes when ye saw the generals, he would not let his daughter avoid him.

When things fall on her head, the memory in Yeshan's mind jumps out.

Military taboos and tactics were all at her fingertips.

So under her decision, the two hundred bandits gradually occupied the villages and towns, then entered the county town, and became a regular army with great momentum.

As a result, the bandit leader became a small warlord.

"... did you lose the battle when you came back this time?" Asked inspector ye in a low voice.

Ye Shan shakes her head.

"No loss. However, it's far away from Shanxi. You don't have to worry about that army. " Ye Shan gets up her spirits. "I think of you and ah Wu, and I think of Taiyuan mansion.

New year's day, I completely remember who I am. In fact, before that, I......

she never really lost her memory.

Her heart seems to have a door, the memory of the past behind the door. The key to the door was in her own hands. She knew that with a little push, the past would come back to her.

She didn't know.

Until the new year...

so, what happened during the new year?

"I followed Huayun defense and volunteered at the beginning. At that time I don't remember very much, only he can rely on. But we only have husband and wife, and we have no fame. Now that I'm home, I'm going to make a clean break. " Ye Shandao.

Governor Ye jumped around the corner of his eyes.

In his mind, his daughters are children.

Suddenly one day, his little child spoke of his "reality of husband and wife", which made governor Ye extremely harsh.

Gouging away all kinds of gorgeous words, his little girl was humiliated by Huayun Fang.

Just, how is the name familiar?

Ye dujun must have heard about it recently, but it's not very important. It seems that he just wore it in his ear.

"Go home and have a good rest." "Ye dujun clapped his daughter's hand," Ye's family is not short of anything. It's a chance to start from scratch and grasp a lot of things

Ye Shan nods hard.

Governor Ye talked with her so much that he felt a little relieved.

Ye Shan has always been in control of power, not a vassal or plaything of her own.

"Go to check Hua Yunfang, I want to know everything!" Ye dujun told the deputy.

The deputy said yes.

Within five minutes, the adjutant came back. He had already found it.

"Inspector..." the adjutant stopped.


The vice official said: "no need to check, others are in the city. In the morning, someone comes to visit you. It's Hua Yunfang who wants to join you. "

Governor Ye suddenly realized. He finally remembered where he had heard it.

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