Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1309 secret thoughts

Ye Wu made her own dessert and invited Gu Qingzhou to have afternoon tea.

Such an invitation is still to accompany Ye Shan.

Gu Qingzhou went.

"... why is it not sweet?" Ye Shan tasted a white sugar cake and was a bit disgusted.

Leaf Charm also ate a mouthful: "really."

She would like to say that sugar cake has always been like this, sweet but not greasy, not so heavy taste.

Ye Shan seems to have forgotten.

She called out to the servant, "bring a can of honey."

The servant said yes.

She scooped up several big spoons, put them in a small dish, then dipped them in thick honey with sugar cake and stuffed them into her mouth.

Ye Wu and Gu Qingzhou look at each other.

Eating honey like this will be disgusting for a while.

Ye Shan's taste is not so strong.

After a few mouthfuls, ye Shan seems to have noticed it. She has a little meal with her hands.

She left the sugar cake.

"Why not?" Ye Wulin asked, as if to remedy.

"I'll have dinner later." Yeshan said, "forget it, or you won't be able to eat later."

Leaf charm is no longer more words.

Ye Shan is absent-minded.

She suddenly thought of Hua Yunfang.

Hua Yunfang has only two major pursuits in his life: first, he has honey that he can never eat; second, he goes to Nanjing County and gets the woman Liu Tangtang that he yearns for.

Half a year after he met Ye Shan, both his wishes were fulfilled.

He has accumulated a huge wealth. He has occupied Nanjing County and found his dream lover, Liu Tangtang.

Honey is really sweet and delicious, and Begonia is also very beautiful.

Ye Shan thought of it and sighed.

Maybe her sighing voice is a little loud. Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu both look at her.

She is also a spirited, hurried mind. "When I was just caught, my head broke. I didn't remember who I was for a while. Hua Yun defends those two goods. He thinks honey is the most nourishing in the world. He has devoted his life to infuse me with honey. " Ye Shan suddenly explained, "I have formed the habit that the taste buds are not so sensitive to sweetness, and they have to be heavy to feel it."

Ye Wu's heart thumped.

It was the first time she heard her second sister mention the name of the man.

"He... Is he... Hua Yunfang?" Ye asked.

Ye Shan knew what she wanted to ask. She nodded her head: "well, his name is Hua Yunfang."

"Who broke your head?" Ye Wu asked again, "are they his men?"

"His subordinates..." Ye Shan is stunned and then returns to her senses.

She smiled and said, "no, Hua Yunfang is not the leader of the bandits. He is the same woman as me who was abducted to the mountain."

"She's a woman?" Ye Wu is completely confused.

Ye Shan smiled again. "Haven't you seen him?"

Ye Wu shakes her head.

"He is more beautiful than a woman. You can't see that he is a man unless he speaks. I'm not used to it at the beginning. I can't get used to it until I see it for a long time. " Ye Shandao.

Ye Wufu to the heart: "like Cai Changting, isn't it?"

Ye Shan shook her head again. "It's not the same."

She didn't elaborate on what was different.

"I can't possibly live without him taking care of me." Ye Shan continued, "before I recovered, I conspired with Hua Yunfang to kill the bandits in charge and take over the gang."

Ye Wu is shocked.

"It's not me, it's him." Ye Shandao, "when a man approaches him, he doesn't pay attention. That's the beauty's advantage.

He slaughtered six heads of household in one breath, covered in blood, with two guns in his hand, pointing to where to fight. He was also the son of Huashuai, but he could also serve the public. "

This is totally different from what ye Wu expected.

Although born in a warlord family, ye Wu and ye Shan have seen only a handful of bloody.

However, when ye Shan talks about killing people and setting fire, she is relaxed.

However, in that case, if you don't kill people, you will become a plaything of others. If you change it into Ye Wu, you can also do it.

Ye Wu's heart was heavy, and she picked up an unimportant question: "who is Huashuai?"

"They guard the Qinghe River with qianzhen." Ye Shan said, "little place, someone who has a gun dare to call himself a commander-in-chief. Hua Yunfang's father is only the head of the military government, but he is called Hua Shuai. "

"I didn't expect him to be a general." Ye Wudao.

"His family has been defeated for a long time. He has been eating and drinking in the streets until he was taken away by bandits." Ye Shan said, "what kind of generals, little gangsters."

Ye Wu can hear that when ye Shan talks about Huayun defense, although the words are not so pleasant, the delicious kiss is maintained, and she has no hatred for him.

Ye Shan doesn't go home all the time. Maybe in the past, Hua Yunfang made her feel safe, so she dared to follow them all the time.

Now, what is it?

"Second sister, why did you break up?" Ye asked.

Ye Shan is surprised.

She suddenly stood up and said, "I'm not a bandit. Can I get back to Taiyuan if I don't break up?"

Then she turned back to her room and slammed the door.

Ye Wu and Gu Qingzhou are photographed outside.

"Teacher..." Ye Wu lost her head, as if she had been walking carefully through the cliff, but at the safest time, her foot was empty.

She was scared and a little reluctant.

"Let's go. I don't think you can catch her in the next half month." Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye Wu had to go out with Gu for a while.

She is still brain mending the experience of lower Ye Shan in that period. She always feels that there are many things she didn't say. It's not particularly miserable, but it seems very interesting.

"I'm curious, sir." Ye Wudao.

Gu Qingzhou said, "it's good that you have such curiosity."


"You're curious, not subconsciously trying to escape, or you feel a little bit better. In that case, keep curious. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye Wu nodded.

Gu Qingzhou said the same thing. Ye Shan didn't talk about it anymore.

By chance she would be alone.

She loves sweets very much, which she didn't have before, especially honey with the taste of Sophora.

However, she never said "Huayun defends those two goods". That memory was deeply buried by her.

Governor ye also heard the implication of his daughter's words. He didn't want Ye Shan to hate him all his life, so he didn't kill Hua Yunfang. He also made him the Brigadier and gave him the support to control his people.

As for what the future will be, ye dujun and ye Wu dare not press.

Ye Shan is back. It's over.

Before the Ye family, the most important was Ye Wu's marriage.

Even taking care of the light boat is busy.

In a bustle, the sixth aunt of Ye dujun is quietly cleaning up her things.

She got a passport from Hong Kong.

"March 20, Joanne is exactly six months old." She calculated.

After six months, there was a miracle doctor in town, and it was unlikely to die in the future. She was relieved. As a mother, it's time to leave a way for herself and her children.

During the wedding of the third lady, when ye dujun was most happy and relaxed, the whole Taiyuan mansion was immersed in the wedding feast, and everyone would relax their vigilance, especially for Ye's family. This is the best chance for Aunt Liu.

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