Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1310 flirting

In the middle of March, a peach blossom snow fell in Taiyuan.

Snow white, like to the peach core flutter layer of thin powder in early spring, more charming and moving.

The weather has been fine since the light snow.

On March 20, when ye Wu was officially married, the sky was clear and the air was warm for several days.

The peach blossom in the yard of Gu Qingzhou, the blooming of a tree.

"It's a fine day." When Gu Qingzhou got up early, he walked to the secretary.

She changed her dress, too.

Ye Wu's wedding ceremony, with old-fashioned etiquette, is solemn and festive.

Those who attend weddings often wear old-fashioned clothes.

Gu Qingzhou made a robe for Si Xingfu.

And she herself is a crimson cheongsam with a snow coat on the outside.

"It's beautiful." Gu Qingzhou stood on tiptoe, buttoned the last button for him, and looked at the sky blue robe, only feeling that he was happy at the moment.

"When I first met Mr. Huo, this was how he was dressed..."

she said to Mr. Shih: "so you were interested in it then

Gu Qingzhou chuckled: "at that time, I thought that men could look so good dressed. Once upon a time, I had no general idea about men's clothes. "

Huo Yue's temperament is gentle, and his robe is elegant.

"So I always like men to wear robes?" Si Xingfu leers at her, "a little higher pursuit, Mrs. Si?"

"I have." Gu Qingzhou put his arms around his neck and pecked him on the chin. "Isn't this pursuit high enough?"

The laryngeal knot of Si Xingfu was fretting, only the hot and dry heat of his whole body was ignited.

This woman, who was so awkward that she would not even admit to thinking of him, now flirts with him openly!

As expected, it's growing!

"I'm used to doing my own iniquity and not living." He thought in the heat of his heart, and then put his arms around her.

Gu Qingzhou shouted, "don't don't, my hair is going to be loose. It's too late."

Si Xingfu kissed her hard.

His lips are stained with her lipstick. Gu Qingzhou needs to make up while he wipes them carefully. He is not happy to stare.

"What are you staring at?" "You ticked it," said the secretary

Gu Qingzhou: "...

the man's skin is thicker than the wall.

In such a disturbance, Gu Qingzhou was a little late when she went out. She and Si Xingfu still walked to the governor Ye's mansion.

At the gate of the governor's mansion, there are all kinds of luxury cars, blocking the streets at the gate.

According to the old custom, the bride will be picked up by her husband's family before the auspicious time, and her mother's family will hold a banquet to entertain all the people who send her off.

The brother wants to send the bride to her husband's house, and all the others stay at her mother's house.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu are the guests of the governor's office. They only attend the first half of the wedding banquet.

"It's true that governor Ye's wedding is more troublesome than the new one." "Young people who don't want new style, he has too wide management..."

GU Qingzhou coughs hard.

Si Xingfu cares about the mess and asks, "what's the matter with you? Is the wind choking?"

Gu Qingzhou stares hard.

Si Xingfu understood that his daughter-in-law was not ill, but was reminding him that when he was there, governor ye had stood behind him and said, "what are you scolding me for behind?"

Si Xingfu: "...

it really means that people face.

However, he had no sense of shame and did not move his face. He said to governor ye, "what do you say? Today's sending off relatives is so busy. The governor has given us a lot of blood. What can I gossip about such a kind father? "

Ye dujun is in a good mood and doesn't care to have a common understanding with him.

Gu Qingzhou is very happy.

"Are you so happy to see me make a fool of yourself?" Si Xingfu asked

What a daughter-in-law!

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

The guests came in an endless stream. Someone knew Gu Qingzhou. Gu's smile converged, showing her demure and quiet, and followed him.

When they exchanged greetings, they asked the youngest son of governor Ye.

Ye dujun looks at all the guests and suddenly whispers something to his second daughter ye Shan.

Ye Shan smiled, then got up and left the seat.

A moment later, ye Shan came back and whispered to the governor, "she won't come, saying it's against the rules."

The instant expression of Ye dujun was a little embarrassed. He cleared his throat and said, "let her do it."

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu are sitting in the chair. They both heard the expression and words of governor Ye.

Gu Qingzhou knew that governor ye had sent for Aunt Liu, who refused.

Aunt Liu, who is in the inner courtyard, is already sweating.

She brushed her sideburns.

The third lady's wedding, such an important occasion, the aunt is not qualified to appear in the public. She knew it at first and planned it in her mind.

I don't think so. Second Miss came to invite her in person.

There is a little smile on the second lady's face, which is very kind to her, even a little funny.

She was half scared.

Her panic was in line with common sense. The second young lady just smiled and didn't notice her abnormality.

On such an important occasion, governor ye asked her out to sit at the table, and only asked her. There were two aunts in the backyard who were not invited...

I'm not surprised.

"I... I can't leave. Joan just made a scene. If he cries and can't find me, he will be in trouble." Aunt Liu said to Ye Shan.

"Father, please." Ye Shan said with a smile, "Aunt Liu, please don't be too polite. If Qiong Ying makes a scene, please take him with you. "

Ye Shan, who is missing and returning, has a kind of natural kindness to his younger brother who has never been masked.

That's her brother.

With brothers, no matter how their father is, the Ye family will be supported by their sisters.

At the first sight of qiongying, she had expectations for the child.

With Aunt Liu, ye Shan is full of good feelings.

"It's cold these days. The guests are smoking and drinking. People come and go. Don't scare him." Aunt Liu refused too much.

Although she is an aunt, she has a good idea.

Ye Shan doesn't like the yes man. Aunt Liu is so opinionated, but she is very popular with her.

"Well, I'll tell my father." Ye Shandao.

After ye Shan left, Aunt Liu's forehead was sweating all the time.

She thought, "do the overseers know?"

Is this invitation a kind invitation or a test?

Aunt Liu thought over her plan too quickly in her mind. There is no possibility of her making mistakes.

If the inspector were really testing her, it would not have been miss two.

This is the governor's private affairs. How can I let my daughter get involved and watch my father's jokes?

Father's little wife ran away, daughter saw, don't feel father incompetent?

So, ye Shan's intention is more like a pure invitation.

Six aunt too think through this layer, slowly settle down.

Outside, the child woke up and was crying. The nurse coaxed him for a long time, but he didn't see the child stop, so she murmured, "I'm afraid that the firecrackers were too loud and scared.". Call the soul. "

When I was a child, Aunt Liu's younger brother and sister were frightened, and she would also learn the way of adults to cry their souls.

"I'll do it." She said.

She took over her son, who was a little heavy, from the nurse.

The nurse was surprised.

Since half a month ago, Aunt Liu was a little cold, she didn't hold her baby deliberately.

Although her cold had been better, but she was particularly indifferent to her son, only looked far away, but did not start. "Slow down, please." The nurse subconsciously said.

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