Joan Ying refused to sleep.

When he was full, he began to cry again, louder.

The nurse had to carry him to the ear room nearby.

However, the child is full of anger, and the cry can also be heard from the ear chamber, which is similar to life-threatening.

Ye dujun's brow was blue, his lips were tight and his face was blue.

He seems to be able to jump up and kill at any time.

Ye Shan's breathing is weak, and her heart is in a state of confusion.

No one thought Aunt Liu would run away.

Even governor Ye firmly believed that she would never escape, so he did not guard against her.

The reason why he believed this was that he had been told a secret not long ago.

"Can I look around?" Gu Qingzhou suddenly made a noise and asked governor Ye.

Governor Ye looked back and nodded slightly.

Gu Qingzhou went to lie in Aunt Liu.

The inner bedroom is very simple and elegant, which is totally different from the last time I saw it.

Since the Spring Festival, as long as he is at home, he will spend the night in Aunt Liu's house, so Aunt Liu's room is replaced with the furniture that governor Ye likes.

Gu Qingzhou looks at the past one by one.

There was always a bad feeling in her mind.

After reading it, she felt something was wrong and turned over Aunt Liu's wardrobe.

In addition to the clothes of the sixth aunt and the governor ye, they were the shoes, socks and clothes of children.

After watching the boat, Gu got nothing.

Because she didn't know Aunt Liu and the reason for her escape.

"Inspector, would you like to sit at the front table?" Gu Qingzhou added, "I'm here with miss two. You don't have to worry about the children."

But governor ye did not move.

He sat, his expression still iron.

Seeing that he didn't mean to get up, Gu Qingzhou asked him, "do you know why Aunt Liu wants to escape?"

Governor Ye frowned slightly.

Ye Shan's heart was raised to remind Gu not to hit the gun at this time.

However, ye dujun said, "it may be that she is afraid of beating the grass and startling the snake."

Ye Shan and Gu Qingzhou are stunned.

What makes the grass scare the snake?

"A few days ago, Si Xingfu found out her past and specially came to tell me." Ye dujun said, "I didn't take it seriously. Thinking about this, I plan to take her out to meet the guests today. Who knows..."

Ye Shan's mind hummed.

The past?

What's the past?

She quickly made up a big play, and then she shivered. When she saw her father again, she felt that his head was a little green.

Is Aunt Liu eloping with others?

Gu Qingzhou's heart is inexplicably pulled.

At the first time, she thought that Aunt Liu ran away with her lover, and then she thought that the immoral ghost of Si Xingkai would tell her as a conversation if his aunt had a past love affair.

However, Si Xingfu didn't even say it, which means it's very complicated and it needs to be kept secret.

"What is her past?" Gu Qingzhou asks governor Ye.

But governor Ye didn't mention it.

He waved and tried to stand up for the feast before him, but his legs were heavy and he could not lift them.

He doesn't know what his mood is at the moment.

It may be the crying of the child in the ear room, which makes him particularly sad.

He's all that old.

"Inspector!" Gu Qingzhou suddenly thought of something. He reached for governor Ye. "It's ok if you don't say it. Come and have a look."

Governor Ye was dragged by her.

He did not expect that his body was so weak that he was easily pulled by the light boat.

Then he was towed to the door of the wardrobe by the patron's boat.

Open the wardrobe, in addition to clothes, governor ye also saw a row of socks in the corner, neatly stacked. The upper part is small, and the lower part is large.

Ye Shan also came in.

She didn't quite understand when she saw these socks.

However, there seems to be a string in governor Ye's mind, which makes a ferocious and harsh sound.

"What's wrong with these socks...?" Ye Shan came over and was surprised when she saw it. Then she suddenly asked, "how does it look like from small to large..."

and then she shut up.

Aunt Liu wanted to leave so much that she made qiongying's socks. She grew up as if she could accompany him and grow up with him.

"Inspector, Aunt Liu is so ready to never see qiongying again in this life." Gu Qingzhou said, "it's not like the mentality of escaping, but like......"

it's like suicide.

A mother can't have no expectation of her children.

I hope to see him again one day.

Six aunt too but did not have this kind of expectation, explained her today's departure, is not only the escape.

"Father, what's the matter with Aunt Liu?" Ye Shan asked in a hurry.

However, governor Ye suddenly turned around and rushed out.

Aunt Liu feels so cold.

The iron sheets around her.

She changed into servants' clothes and trousers for convenience. These clothes and trousers are mixed with cotton. They are not cold when they are used to activities or in the house.

However, at the moment, lying still, under the body is iron, cold as water, rushed to her in all directions.

She had just drunk the poison, and it was very painful in her stomach.

She controls her limbs, does not let herself send out any convulsions, does not disturb anyone.

Far away, she could hear the sound of gongs and drums.

In those sounds, she also vaguely heard Qiong Ying's cry.

It must be an illusion. Joan is in the backyard.

Aunt Liu thinks a lot.

Her father left early, and her mother was very unreliable. When she was young, such an unreliable mother still tried to provide her with education.

So, her sacrifice for her family is nothing, even a concubine.

Later, in the governor's mansion for five years, except for the first night, ye had hardly seen her.

Those days were the most peaceful of her short life.

After giving birth to qiongying, everyone thought that governor Ye doted on her and her good days were coming.

But she knew that the disaster was coming.

She will not die, and she will suffer in the future.

"Joanne." She thought of her child's name, his face, and unconsciously shed tears.

She really hates Qiong Ying.

She got her passport. Tomorrow or tonight, inspector ye will find out. Then he will follow her false image and think she fled to Hong Kong.

When qiongying grows up, she may follow this line of thinking and go to Hong Kong to find her.

Her mother and her brothers and sisters thought she had a good life in Hong Kong.

Even governor ye will probably look for her.

Let's all hope that they can get through the most difficult times.

Consciousness, she thought, was more lax.

Just then, she heard a muffled sound.

It seemed that the hammer hit her ear.

The metal voice was more intense, and she tried to open her eyes, only to find a blank in front of her.

She saw the light.

Someone pulled her up and shouted in her ear: "bead!"

At this time, Aunt Liu did not know whether it was her own illusion or whether she was really found.

No, it won't.

She thought that her plan was perfect. At the moment, governor ye should set up a vast network at every station or at the gate of the city.

He won't find her.

The poison she bought can kill her in half an hour. It seems less than ten minutes have passed?

"Beads, beads!" Her lax consciousness, with such a voice, gradually gathered.

She began to be afraid.

No, she can't be found.

Once found, she will be involved with many people, including governor Ye. She tried to struggle.

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