The waiting room outside the military hospital was originally non-smoking.

At the moment, the whole waiting room, including the corridor, was filled with smoke.

Governor ye turned into a big smoking gun.

At one o'clock in the morning, Gu Qingzhou and ye Shan arrived at the military hospital.

At the parking place at the gate of the governor's mansion, ye dujun smashed open the trunk of a car and found Aunt Liu from there.

Aunt Liu seems to be taking poison.

At that time, all the guests were in the flower hall, but they had not yet left the venue. There was no one else at the gate except two military government guards.

Before the news came out, Gu Qingzhou and ye Shan stayed in the governor's office.

"The governor was drunk and had already lain down to sleep. He is so happy today. " Ye Shan said.

The guests muttered in their hearts, but no one dared to talk.

Gu Qingzhou helps Ye Shan to send the girls.

The two of them, in an orderly manner, sent all the guests away without any difference.

The guests were a little surprised, but most of them drank too much. They didn't wonder what ZiChou Yinmao came, and they were taken home by their drivers.

After that, Gu Qingzhou and ye Shan arrived at the hospital.

They both came in, choked by the smoke.

Si Xingfu is back.

After finding Aunt Liu, someone told him to take up the team. He arrived first than Gu Qingzhou.

"Don't go in and choke you both later." Si Xingfu took the shoulder of Gu Qingzhou and said, "let's sit outside."

He said to Yeshan again, "let your father be quiet, and you can come here."

Ye Shan nodded.

The lounge next door is quiet, with a warm floor and a basin of daffodils on the table.

After sitting down in the light boat, Gu was stunned.

Ye Shan couldn't help but ask Si Xingkai, "you have a close relationship with the governor's office. Do you know what happened? Why can father find Aunt Liu as soon as he hears that she wants to commit suicide? "

Gu Qingzhou looks back and sees him.

Si Xingfu pulled out his cigar, not cut it off, but took a sip at the palm of his hand.

He was thinking about whether to say it or not.

After thinking about it, I felt that it was not related to these two women, so I said: "not long ago, I got a list of Japanese spies.

It's a top secret. I've done a little business with your father with it. Later, I gave him the list. Your sixth aunt is one of the lurkers. "

Ye Shan is astonished.

She was shocked beyond belief.

The heart swayed down, she only felt the cold wind transit, blew her through the heart.

"She... How does she..." Ye Shan couldn't say for a moment.

That's her brother's mother. Yeshan has a good feeling for her.

"Everyone has a past." Si Xingfu road.

Ye Shan is not particularly smart, but her experience in the past seven months has increased her wisdom and insight.

After the initial shock, she suddenly put the whole thing in her mind and pondered it over.

Aunt Liu got her passport and pretended to run away, which was a trick. She asked the governor and other people to follow her running direction.

She herself was in the car of a Japanese general who attended the wedding.

"That person, what is Yamamoto, is her online?" Ye Shan asked suddenly.

The Secretary nodded.

Ye Shanmin fills the roof.

Aunt Liu is a spy for information. Once her identity is revealed, she is a capital crime, and governor ye cannot protect her.

At that time, not only will she be punished, but also her family will be investigated.

Her mother's family is not sure what's going on. If she digs deep, she will suffer.

What's more, her identity will affect her son.

From then on, the child will lose the favor of governor Ye. In the future, when I grow up, I won't get the heart of the army and do nothing.

Ye dujun's love for his eldest son can't stand such consumption.

So she must not expose herself.

The only way is to kill herself in his car when she went online to the wedding before she did anything.

When Yamamoto found her body, he would not dare to speak up, because he could not explain clearly.

In order to protect her life and spy plan, Yamamoto will clean her body without any trace.

So far, the task of Aunt Liu is over.

When she stayed, everyone knew that she was favored. The Japanese must start her latent chess piece. If she is not obedient, the Japanese may have to deal with her; if she is obedient, it will damage the interests of the military government.

She escapes and will be caught.

Whether it is captured by governor ye or by the Japanese, there will be no good end.

Only death.

She disappeared. In order to clean up the suspects, the Japanese would never provoke her mother, younger brothers and sisters again. Governor ye would send people to find her, even pity her motherless son, and take care of her more.

And governor ye will also realize that it will not be so easy for the Japanese to send nails to come back later. She will protect governor Ye as well.

Ye Shan stands up and shakes.

She has mixed feelings.

In spite of the dissuasion of Si Xingfu, she went to governor Ye's side.

"Father, what did the military doctor say?" Asked Ye Shan.

"Wait until she wakes up. If she wakes up tonight, there is hope. " Governor Ye spits out a smoke ring, which suddenly seems to be ten years old.

Ye Shan silently reaches out and holds her father's hand.

For the first time, she comforted her father with an adult attitude.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu did not follow.

"Shall we go home?" "This is an emergency treatment for her. You can't help her," he asked Gu

The initial rescue of taking poison needs to be timely and fast, which is impossible for traditional Chinese medicine.

Only after we clean up the remaining poison can we help.

Now, sitting in a military hospital doesn't help.

"Well, let's go back first." Gu Qingzhou said, "when there is good news, governor ye should tell us."

After getting on the car, I thought for a moment.

"Si Xingfu, how could Aunt Liu get involved with the Japanese?" "Is she voluntary?" Gu asked

"Her brother killed people." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou is stunned.

"It was a Japanese expatriate who was killed." As you can see, her younger brother is always flirted with by men.

To this end, she entrusted the relationship, and finally joined the military government as an aunt. Ye inspected the case and found that the case of her brother's killing was terminated.

I found out not long ago that her brother killed people because he was a spy himself, but unfortunately he couldn't go deep. Six aunt too march into the government, on the surface is for her brother's lawsuit, in fact is to save her brother out of the fire pit

Gu Qingzhou sighed: "this unlucky brother!"

"It's all debt." "The young child is not sensible and has caused a lot of trouble. Elder sister has read books and is beautiful. She is not helpful. Who can save her younger brother? "

In this way, Aunt Liu joined the military government.

Her attitude towards this matter is cautious and negative.

She never wanted to help the Japanese, but she didn't dare to fight back.

When she was favored, she knew that she could not escape, and the Japanese would not allow her to turn back unless she did not want the lives of her mother, brother and sister.

Tell ye dujun, the result is also estimated to be executed secretly. Even ye dujun will hate her son.

In a dilemma, the woman went out for her mother's family, her son and even for governor Ye. She set up a dead end to fight for the survival of the Jedi. "Very brave." Gu Qingzhou said, "if she is really a spy, she is a spy with courage and plan."

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