Aunt Liu woke up the next evening.

The residual poison in her body has almost been cleaned up, and then she will be hospitalized for a slow rest.

Governor Ye sat on a chair beside her bed.

When he saw her wake up, he took her hand and sighed slowly for a long time: "little girl, I am so old, don't bother me."

Aunt Liu's tears fell in a flash.

In tears, she looked at governor ye, who wanted to speak but could not speak because her vocal cords were damaged.

But governor Ye understood: "I already know."

Aunt Liu's expression is slightly restrained, and she wants to listen to the following.

What to do with her?

It turned out that she was still worried about it. She is not afraid of death, only afraid of identity exposure, implicating her parents and children.

"Since I dare to put you by my side, I naturally don't worry about you hurting me." Ye said, "it's not what I'm going to do, it's what you're going to do."

After a pause, he put a little effort on his hand. "Do you want to continue to be a running dog or my woman? You have to choose one, not one dead."

Aunt Liu was so shocked.

He actually...

the wily ye dujun, the man who regards power as the first, promised to let her go and even left her behind.

Is this a dream?

Aunt Liu is too energetic.

When she woke up, it meant she had passed the dangerous period.

When ye Wu returned to the door in the three dynasties, the Ye family was busy again. Even ye Wu did not know that there was a woman whose life was in danger on the day of her wedding.

After that, governor ye did a good job.

He went to Tianjin in person and met with the Japanese army.

Gu Qingzhou also went to the hospital to see Aunt Liu. He gave her a lot of medicine and took it with the consent of the military doctor.

On the tenth day, Aunt Liu was finally able to speak.

She has a vague memory of what governor ye asked her when she woke up.

She's a little unreal.

She wanted to make sure that she had a chance to live.

After waiting for a long time, governor Ye didn't come, but ye Shan did.

"You can't eat anything recently, except rice porridge." Ye Shan said, "I didn't bring you anything delicious."

She took Aunt Liu's expectant eyes as her expectation for food.

Aunt Liu smiled very well.

Yeshan sat by her bed.

After a few words, ye Shan's face suddenly rose.

Aunt Liu's heart was suddenly raised. She thought, "miss two is going to lecture. Whatever she says, I deserve it. "

She first made such psychological construction for herself.

It's expected that ye Shan's speech is unpleasant. She wants to keep herself calm and don't show embarrassment.

Although I think so, I feel uneasy, as if someone who has been beheaded is waiting for the knife.

Aunt Liu involuntarily curled up her fingers and clenched the quilt corner.

"When we were little, my mother got sick." Ye Shan's face was tense. "When she got sick, she tossed us and my father, so that we could understand what life is like.

In addition to these on the surface, she also plays a charm behind her back, tormenting the young one into a disgrace. If it is not for the careful care and cultivation of these young boats, you will not see the normal charm.

Do you remember what miss three looked like when you just arrived at the governor's office? "

Aunt Liu nodded too subconsciously.

The third lady smiles at everyone.

However, her smile did not reach the bottom of her eyes, and she always felt a little strange.

"Later, my father met Fang Youran. Although I just came back, I also heard about Fang Youran. She has specifically seduced men into her own business. " Ye Shan said again.

Aunt Liu's lips are a little white.

I have made countless psychological preparations, but I still can't bear it. I don't want Ye Shan to go on talking.

Just then, inspector Ye arrived at the door of the ward.

He stood in silence.

Ye Shan's words, he also heard, he was thinking about whether to go in or leave quietly.

Six aunt too this matter, the daughter has the temper is should. Let her scold Aunt Liu for a few words. It's not bad to expose it.

If ye Shan's anger has been tolerated, it is not good for Aunt Liu.

When governor ye thought so, he did not move.

Just when Liu Yitai and ye dujun thought that ye Shan was going to scold Liu Yitai, ye Shan's voice turned: "so these years, I have no intention to my father, do not torture him, betray him, or even sacrifice myself for my family, only you."

Aunt Liu was surprised.

She was so shocked that she opened her eyes wide and looked at Yeshan.

Ye dujun felt the same shock.

Ye Shan didn't seem to see her surprise and smiled: "you won't betray my father, you won't let my little brother suffer, you'd rather die.

You are loyal to your country, responsible for your family, and kind to your children. You are a very good person. Ye family is full of loyalty. You deserve it. I admire your bravery and loyalty.

My father is nearly fifty. It's lucky to have you in such a year. From today on, I recognize you as a common mother and a member of the Ye family. "

Aunt Liu's hand is too tight. Let it go slowly.

She didn't know where she came from. She held Ye Shan tightly.

Tears ran down her cheek and fell on Yeshan's shoulder.

Yeshan patted her on the back.

Ye dujun stood at the door, mixed feelings, eyes inexplicably a little astringent.

Instead of entering the ward, he walked away quietly and smoked in the pavilion not far away.

There is a peach tree beside the pavilion. The peach blossom has withered and the tree is full of lush new leaves.

"Can the old page be turned over in her mind?" Inspector ye took a cigar and thought slowly.

Ye Shan's remark was quite unexpected.

He saw how ye Shan treated Fang Youran and thought she would not treat other women.

I don't think ye Shan's attitude is that you are good to my father and my brother, and I will be good to you.

"The child has grown up." For the first time, governor ye had such an insight.

His previous marriage, to say the least, was not a success. His ex-wife tortured him and his children, which made them all fall into shadow.

And Fang leiran, from her first door, attracted the children's siege.

Governor Ye is so old that he never thought of making any more troubles. His house is restless.

Aunt Liu is just his aunt.

But nature will push everyone forward, including governor Ye himself.

"It's time for me to take another step." He thought.

Far away, inspector ye saw several people coming to the hospital.

It's Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu.

"Father, are you here?" As ye Shan said, it took her a long time to get out of the shadow.

The happiness of the new marriage is covered with luster on the child's face. For the first time, governor Ye looked at his child with the eyes of an adult. He only felt that his daughter was really beautiful and that Kang family boy was cheap.

"I just arrived." Ye dujun said.

Kang Yu respectfully called for his father and stood beside him.

"Are you here to see Aunt Liu?" "Go in," said Ye. "She's in there, and so is Ashan."

Everyone nodded.

The company is one step behind. He said to Gu, "go ahead, I'll have a cigarette."

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