Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1315 marriage

Si Xingfu stands next to governor Ye.

Ye drew out another cigar and cut it off.

"Will it make people laugh when I get married suddenly at my age?" Suddenly, governor ye asked the Secretary to go.

"Certainly," said Si Xingfu

Governor Ye glared at him with discontent.

People who can talk like this really want to die with a slap.

Si Xingfu slowly spits out a cigarette ring and says: "people like us will make a mess of comments when we do anything.

Even if you breathe, someone will scold you. This is the back of the high position. However, I dare not speak in your face even if I scold you again. "

Governor Ye was relieved.

Indeed, there is no point in looking forward.

"I never thought about marriage," he added

Governor Ye looked at him.

"I was such a jerk that I wanted to find a warlord girl. I have no kindness to marriage or to my wife. Marry back, put it there, dare to tell me how to kill her family. " Si Xingfu road.

Ye almost choked himself with a smoke.

He rolled his eyes. "You bastard!"

"Yes, it's a bastard. Then one day, I was shot and the light boat saved my life in the gunfire. " He said.

He still remembers this scene.

She came down from the sky, fell in front of him, and filled herself in his life.

"At that time, I thought that everyone cherished his life and it was an instinct to survive. Women are weak. Such a weak girl is willing to work hard for me. What else can I ask for in my life? " Si Xingfu road.

"So I made up my mind from then on that I wanted to marry, to be loyal, to put my wife in the highest position of worship." Si Xingfu road.

Governor Ye listened in silence.

He paused for a moment, then patted him on the shoulder: "how many women have you met in your life? What's the difference between this and a fool? "

This time, governor ye did not lose his temper.

"If you want to get married, I'll bless you." "Of course, everyone's situation is different. If you feel that you can't do what you want..."

if you have a good talk, you'll have all your contributions here.

Si Xingfu was beaten out of the military hospital by Ye dujun.

Two days later, inspector ye took Aunt Liu out of the hospital.

She's not very well, she's breathless when she walks.

Governor Ye carried her back to the room.

The servants at home didn't know about this. They were very careful when Aunt Liu was hospitalized because she was temporarily ill.

After all the people left, inspector Ye sat next to Aunt Liu.

Aunt Liu is too afraid to look into his eyes.

Her mood was so full that it almost exploded.

But she was sure she had picked up a life.

That day the governor's words, in the end is he really said, or her own dream?

This problem bothers her when her head is clear.

"What do you think?" Governor Ye opened his mouth and asked her as seriously as he treated his subordinates.

Aunt Liu's tense spirit made her look up.

Looking at governor Ye's eyes, she thought it was meaningless to escape.

"I... Thank the governor for saving my dog's life." She said, "I'll do whatever you want me to do."

"What about being Mrs. ye?" Inspector ye asked her.

Aunt Liu is too ignorant.

This sentence, words clear, fell into her ears, no word is fuzzy.

She didn't understand.

Her brains, it seems, have become a paste. When she needs to move her brains, they will not be stirred for half.

So she looked at governor ye with wood: "I didn't understand."

"Literally." You can either refuse or agree. It's very easy to refuse. Later, she was still the aunt of the back house, hiding for a little time.

If you agree, it will be more troublesome. Ye's family has a big business and trivial matters are enough for you to be busy every day. Since Mrs. Ye is also the mistress of the governor's office, we must be careful in everything. "

Aunt Liu's lips slightly open, it seems that they can't close.

She thought of Yeshan's words again.

Is it true that she will be blessed if she doesn't die?

However, Aunt Liu has never been lucky in her whole life and has suffered countless hardships since she was a child.

When the god suddenly gave her a big cake, she didn't feel real, and she didn't feel so lucky to bear it.

"Oh." She answered randomly, just like when she was called by the teacher at school, asking her to choose one from the other. She didn't know how to choose one at a time, so she decided to choose one that looked more real. "I'm still living a little life."

After that, she remembered that this was the rejection of the governor.

Aunt Liu's forehead was sweating.

It was more anxious and uncomfortable than she had decided to commit suicide.

Governor Ye sneered.

He said: "you are not afraid to die, even the Japanese dare to calculate. Even I dare to play with my passports and things to escape. Now, they dare not take the burden? "

Is that the same thing?

Aunt Liu doesn't think so.

For the first time, Aunt Liu, who was so lucky, seemed to step on stilts.

Although it's very high, she can't walk steadily.

This is not her way.

"For you!" Governor ye took her hand and said, "no? How dare you! "

Then he stood up and left.

When his footsteps go far, Aunt Liu returns to her senses. The blood rushing to her mind slowly retreated, and her brain seemed to be a little more flexible.

She then realized later and asked herself, "did the governor just go mad?"

There is a small flannelette box in the palm of her hand, which is diaphragmatic to her.

The cold light of the diamond ring pierced her eyes without warning.

Her head exploded again.

After a long time, she slowly leaned on the bedplate, ten thousand thoughts ran through her heart, and only one thought slowly stopped: "I'm going to make progress."

For the first time in my life, I'm so lucky.

Joy in that messy mood, slowly, timidly, stretched out his head, looked at her.

Governor ye came out from Aunt Liu and went to Yeshan.

At the same time, ye Wu and Kang Yu are here.

"I have an important word for you." Ye dujun said.

Kang Yu stood up and did not know whether to avoid.

Governor Ye waved his hand and motioned for him to sit down: "listen to this, you all have something to do with it. The military doctor said that Aunt Liu had to rest for another three months. I calculated the time. It was summer at that time. It was not suitable.

Wait another half a year, it's autumn. It's a nice day in autumn. I'm going to marry Aunt Liu formally. During this time, Ashan helped to buy everything. "

This sentence seems to be thundering in the ears of Ye Wu and Kang Yu.

They were both stunned.

Ye Shan smiled.

"Father, did you decide so soon?" Asked Ye Shan.

"Now that we have plans, we need to be quick. We need to be quick." He said.

Is that how speed is used?

After a shock, ye Wu thought that it was also a good thing for her father to have another home. She said, "congratulations to her father."

"Congratulations to father." Kang Yu also said.

Governor ye did not hide it. It soon spread.

It was not a rare thing to support his concubine, but the news of Ye dujun was even more interesting.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu also heard about it. "Autumn." Gu Qingzhou whispered to Si Xingfu, "I don't know that we were not in Taiyuan mansion at that time..."

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