Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1316 results of consultation

In mid spring, the weather in Taiyuan is warm, dry and pleasant.

Si Xingfu returns to Pingcheng.

After he left, Gu went in and out of Mrs. Hirano's residence frequently.

Compared with her previous avoidance, she is a little over enthusiastic now, almost trying to stick to Mrs. Hirano.

Such excessive intimacy has frightened Mrs. Hirano.

"What's the matter recently?" Mrs. Hirano asked her.

Gu Qingzhou said: "I feel it. I met many things, especially the sixth aunt of the governor's office, which made me feel brave to be a mother. "

If she fooled Mrs. pingye when she first arrived in Taiyuan two years ago, she might have three points to believe it.

Now, she knows that Gu Qingzhou's tone and sigh are all loaded, but she can't laugh or cry: "you are a little far fetched."

"Emotion and reason are contrary. True feelings often sound far fetched; only false pretences can be made up to fit perfectly. " Gu said.

Mrs. Hirano.

However, in two or three words, she was taken care of the light boat around the circle.

Gu Qingzhou ordered a Mao in front of Mrs. Hirano and turned to go home.

Cheng Yu went to Peiping, Yunnan and even Hong Kong not long ago, and returned to Taiyuan.

She brought a gift to Ye Wu, who was newly married.

"Have a good time?" Gu Qingzhou asked her.

Cheng Yumei said, "I'm not happy anymore. We are planning to go to Singapore, but we left for a long time, worried about something in Peiping, so we hurried home. "

She paused and joked, "did you use the fake identity of overseas Chinese in Singapore when you were married?"

Gu Qingzhou hit her and said, "speak well, what do you want to know about me?"

Cheng Yu doesn't think so.

She is in a very good mood.

Gu Qingzhou is acutely aware of something from her route to play.

She asked Cheng Yu in a low voice, "you have studied hypnosis before. This time you are going to Hong Kong to find your teacher or friend?"

Cheng Yu is stunned.

Her expression, in this moment is very unnatural.

Gu took her hand and asked her, "are you afraid?"

Cheng Yu has never been serious. When asked by the patron of the light boat, she rarely tightens her cheeks.

"A little." Cheng Yuru said, "sometimes I dream back at midnight. I'm empty and always afraid..."

this is called worrying about gain and loss.

She still remembered that the man who was going to abandon her and run away on the ship was Zhuozi she met at first; later, the man changed his mind and carried her back because he became Zhuo Xiaoyun.

A sunny but thin cold selfish, a cold but resolute resolute.

What Cheng Yu wants is the one who carries her back.

During her pregnancy, Zhuo Mozi showed a lot of clues. Cheng Yu understood that Zhuo Xiaoyun had control of his body.

Zhuo Xiaoyun knows his illness and the existence of Mo Zhi. He is the main personality.

That's why Cheng Yu is willing to make up with him.

However, he is very protective of that personality, that is, the sunny endless.

"I'm trying to find a way." Cheng Yu said, "if you can kill another person forever, it will be once and for all."

Gu Qingzhou frowned a little: "did you tell him?"


"Are you not afraid of his objection?" Gu Qingzhou said, "Cheng Yu, you need to be honest. Misunderstandings are like mould in the dark. If you cover it and don't see the sun, it will only grow stronger and stronger. "

Cheng Yu thought about it. That's good.

It's just that Miss Cheng's unwillingness to be long winded and courteous is making trouble again at this time.

"Say it again." She said perfunctorily, "he hasn't been ill for a long time. Maybe he has cured himself without medicine?"

Nature is impermanent.

The next day Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu talked about it, ZhuoZhi woke up early in the morning, a little confused.

He seems to be confused about the weather, the environment and even Cheng Yu.

"Is it so fine?" He asked Cheng Yu.

His voice, completely out of tune.

A person's voice line changes when his personality is dissociated.

This is a cheerful and gentle vice personality, which is the original zhuomozhi, not Zhuo Xiaoyun.

"Yes, it's sunny." Cheng Yu looks at him quietly and smilingly. "Where are you going to play today?"

Zhuo Mozi felt that Cheng Yu was laughing badly.

"Whatever you want, where do you want to go?" he said

Cheng Yu tilts his head and ponders for a long time.

She didn't think of it, but she kept shouting that she was hungry. She wanted to eat this and that.

She also went to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee for zhuomozhi.

The coffee was refreshing, but when he finished, he fell to the ground.

Cheng Yu calls for the maid Siya to help him and carries zhuomozhi to the bed.

"What's the matter with Zhuo Shao?" The maid was a little worried that something might happen to him.

Cheng Yu waved.

Sitting beside zhuomozhi's bed, Cheng Yu wants to tie him up twice and three times, and then forcibly correct his illness.

That method, her friend taught her, although very dangerous, but can try.

She tried it on Wang Cui last time, and the effect was excellent, but Wang Cui died.

Although Cheng Yu is sure of it, he has no reason to sweat.

She thought of Gu Qingzhou's words: "misunderstandings arise in the dark because they are hidden."

She and Zhuo Xiaoyun are struggling and suffering. Cheng Yu doesn't want to destroy them.

She hesitated and listened to Gu Qingzhou.

Sitting by the bed, Cheng Yu is silent.

At dusk, people who had been sleeping all day woke up.

He rubbed his head and shouted, "ah Yu?"

His voice was low and mute, which restored Zhuo Xiaoyun.

Cheng Yu's chest was heavy and heavy, but he was relieved and hugged him.

Zhuo Xiaoyun asked, "what's the matter? How can I......

he slept too long and was stiff.

Zhuo Xiaoyun's sleep is not heavy. He will never sleep so unknowingly.

Cheng Yu hugs him tightly.

He understood vaguely.

He patted Cheng Yu on the back and asked, "what's the matter with me..."

Cheng Yu said: "well, it's him when I get up in the morning. I put sleeping western medicine, which makes you sleep to now. "

Zhuo Xiaoyun's arm is slightly tightened.

For a moment he didn't know what to say.

He was a little confused and a little guilty, as if he had inadvertently revealed his original face and scared Cheng Yu.

"I'm so tired recently. I'm a little relaxed." Zhuo Xiaoyun said, "once I'm too relaxed, I'll... I'll remember. I'll try my best not to..."

but Cheng Yu let him go.

She corrected her posture and asked Zhuo Xiaoyun, "you know, this is not a common situation, right?"

Zhuo Xiaoyun nodded.

"It's a disease. It needs treatment. Do you understand?" Cheng Yu said again.

Zhuo Xiaoyun's brow frowned, and immediately stretched.

He said: "how to treat? In fact, he is not only a good boy... He......

Cheng Yu looks at him in amazement.

Zhuo Xiaoyun can't go on talking behind him.

And Cheng Yu understood.

He is very protective of another personality, which is more intimate than anyone, and he will never give up.

Cheng Yu no longer mentioned it.

She didn't want to scare people.

"Talk about it!" She thought, "I knew that I would tie it up directly. What am I hesitating about? I missed this opportunity. Pig brain! " Cheng Yu made an unknown decision.

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