Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1317 clarity of context

Cheng Yu doesn't want to lose anything.

She studied the problem of dissociation more deeply than Gu Qingzhou, and she succeeded.

Zhuo Xiaoyun knows Zhuo Mozi's existence, but he doesn't know when and why he will appear.

So, if the man died, he would not know.

They are two separate personalities, and no one is in the way.

She was in a trance when someone burst in and coughed heavily.

Cheng Yu returns to his spirit, looks up with Zhuo Xiaoyun, and sees Si Xingfu.

Didn't he go back to Pingcheng?

When did you come back?

"I'm going to talk about it," he said

Cheng Yu is angry: "when did you come in? In case we're making out, are you polite enough to understand * *? "

"Don't bullshit. This is my house." He said, "you have a bullshit * * haven't I met you before?"

Zhuo Xiaoyun: "...

to be honest, he always feels that the bandit spirit of this commander in chief is very strong, even more shameless than that of the commander who is a real bandit.

"It's OK. I'm not afraid to be blind." He continued.

Cheng Yu: "...

seeing that the two of them are speechless, Si Xingfu turns the topic back to the main thing:" be careful when you go out recently. "

"Teacher, what is it..." Zhuo Xiaoyun frowned a little. "Let's talk in private?"

The Secretary nodded.

But Cheng Yu said, "no, I want to listen. I'm not an idiot. Can't I understand?"

Si Xingfu looks at Yan Zhuo and Xiaoyun again.

Zhuo Xiaoyun nodded.

He sat down on his own and said to the two: "I also heard a bit of news, but there is no real evidence.

The alliance between Zhuo and Cheng, together with governor ye and I, will be decided sooner or later. However, not everyone wants unity. "

This, Cheng Yu can understand.

Cheng jia'an is in the southwest corner. It's the emperor of the earth. No one is bigger, free and proud than her father.

In case of national reunification, with a president on his head and a group of government cabinet, warlords will be tied up.

Isn't it brainless for a good emperor Laozi not to do it and run to be an official of the government?

The warlords with a little foresight all know that the country is not going to be the country, and there is a complete egg under the nest.

But not everyone has such awareness.

Even governor ye, who had been harassed by the Beiping cabinet for disarmament at the beginning, secretly tripped up the cabinet and destroyed it so that Zhuo family could take advantage of the situation.

Once the alliance between Zhuo's family and Cheng's family is completely completed, and with the help of the power of Si Xingfu, the pace of unification will sooner or later spread across the Chinese soil.

Who can be against the big trend?

"To prevent reunification, it is the first priority to prevent the alliance between Zhuo and Cheng. Cheng Yu, when you were born, I can't find those little ruffians. Zhuo Mozi, you will be calculated when you go home. There is someone behind your brother. " Si Xingfu road.

The faces of Cheng Yu and Zhuo Xiaoyun all changed.

The two of them saw each other's white faces, as well as their eyes full of rage.

"I came back at 4:00 a.m. and happened to meet someone sneaking around outside. After catching it, the man committed suicide. It's a signal. " Si Xingfu road.

Cheng Yu stands up suddenly.

Si Xingfu is still indifferent, waving at her: "what are you afraid of? I'm back. This house is a wall of iron. It's just that you two should be careful. This time, it's not about me and the boat, but about you. "

Zhuo Xiaoyun supports Cheng Yu.

"Can you find out who the other side is?" he asked? Are they royalists

"No." "This is not the strategy of the royalists. You can see their recent trends and the policy of the Japanese military department."

Zhuo Xiaoyun's face is very ugly.

"Teacher, let's go out and talk, shall we?" Zhuo Xiaoyun said again.

He repeatedly wanted to talk to Si Xingfu alone.

The Secretary nodded.

Cheng Yu said, "why? I am also a warlord family, OK? "

Zhuo Xiaoyun patted her hand, then kissed her forehead out of time: "darling."

Cheng Yu's heart beat like a drum because of the sudden kiss.

For a while, she wanted some private space to savor the kiss.

Zhuo Xiaoyun and Si Xingfu went out, not far away.

In April, the weather was warm. Two people stood under the eaves. The secretary gave Zhuo Xiaoyun a cigarette.

"Why are you back?" Zhuo Xiaoyun lit the cigarette, but did not ask anything else, but first asked this sentence.

"I've spent a lot of time here in the last half year." "Pingcheng is my old nest, my own nest is solid and indestructible, even if you leave for a long time, you can do it."

Zhuo Xiaoyun heard the meaning of this saying: "the situation will change, right?"

"Of course." Si Xingfu road.

"When it comes to unification, the following questions are very big. Have you considered them?" Zhuo Xiaoyun asked Si Xingfu, "Si shizuo, when do you think the war will start in an all-round way, and how long will it take to be completely unified?"

Si Xingqi looks at him and suddenly smiles.

Zhuo Xiaoyun did not understand.

"There has been a saying since ancient times that separation and cooperation are important matters in the world, and they are related to the will of heaven," said the secretary

"Do you believe this?" "Of course. Sometimes it's bad luck to fart. Great history, how small we are, you know? If you want to push the wheel of history, you need to see if God gives you a chance. " "So, when will the war start, when will it end, and whether it can be unified or not? If you ask me, I'd better go to the temple and have a cigarette."

Zhuo Xiaoyun listened to him.

Then he said, "haven't you ever read a book?"

Si Xingfu was eager to spit at him: "I have countless advisers under me, but I still need to read it myself? Listen to them. They can hear calluses. "

Zhuo Xiaoyun: "...

after smoking a cigarette, Zhuo Xiaoyun's mind was in a mess of emotions, which was slowly suppressed.

He asked Si Xingqi, "did those little ruffians really disappear from the accident of a Yu last time?"

There is no end to looking into it.

At first, he didn't believe in Cheng Yu, then he went home and was calculated, so that the marriage between Cheng family and Zhuo family was temporarily terminated.

It has been several months since he made up with Cheng Yu.

He wanted to find, and he couldn't find anyone.

didn't think so. The Secretary has already secretly investigated.

"Governor Ye really trusts you." Zhuo Xiaoyun suddenly said.

Si Hang in Taiyuan everywhere to put on the eyeliner, what news can not escape his ear, not that he is much more powerful, but is the leaf commander's connivance.

It's beyond Zhuo Xiaoyun's imagination how much trust ye dujun can tolerate Si Xingfu to establish his own vein under his own eyes.

"Governor Ye believes in his own judgment." "The enemy is the friend, he is very clear. Because of his vision, he has been guarding Shanxi for more than ten years

Shanxi's geographical location, rich media iron, who does not covet the world?

However, Hebei Province, near Shanxi Province, is full of gunfire, but Shanxi Province can't afford the smoke of gunpowder. This can't be done with a strong army.

Here is the strength of governor Ye.

"Yes." Zhuo Xiaoyun said, "can you give me the information about the little ruffians, division master?"

"Of course." "I'll ask someone to bring it to you later," said the secretary

When he left, he said to Zhuo Xiaoyun, "I'm the middleman of the alliance of chengzhuo and Zhuo. Don't blame me for my trouble. I'll often talk to you two recently. "

Zhuo Xiaoyun said, "yes, I can understand." The Secretary nodded.

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