Si Xingqi returned to the main courtyard.

Gu Qingzhou hasn't got up yet.

He came back in the early morning and didn't let her sleep until after seven in the morning.

She seems very tired.

Sikongchu leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

She was aware, trying to open her eyes and see the people around her.

Si Xingfu's hand, however, covers her eyes and whispers, "go to sleep, and ask you to eat at noon."

He had just come back from smoking, and his fingers were clear with light tobacco.

Gu Qingzhou's eyebrows are stretched out, and he gets what he depends on. His lips are still raised, and he falls into a deep sleep.

She sleeps like nobody knows.

At lunch time, Cheng Yu and Zhuo Xiaoyun came to make up for each other.

Cheng Yu's delicious food on the table can't stop her mouth.

"Kang Nuan is here, you know? Of course you don't know. You sleep like a pig. Servants dare not call you Cheng Yu said, "it's not that I said, you should also control yourself. When you get old, you will be empty."

If you go back two years, Gu will meet red eared and fight with her.

At the moment, she just scooped out a bowl of soup and drank it slowly. Her charming eyes glanced a little: "envy me?"

Cheng Yu stops.

Si Xingfu assists nearby: "how envious? Tut, Xiao Yun, try your best. If my wife envies others, I must have no face to live. "

Zhuo Mozi: "...

he didn't know that the head teacher still had a face.

He is eager to stop Cheng Yu and let her stop trying to challenge Gu Qingzhou, because it will lead to the collapse of both of them.

Be aware of current affairs.

As for the thick black skin, they are not as good as Si Xingfu.

They have no chance to challenge the two of them.

What else did Cheng Yu want to say? Zhuo Mozi touched her foot under the table, and she just shut up.

After guqingzhou had a bowl of soup, he asked Cheng Yu, "what is kangnuan doing?"

"Not only her, but Kang Han and your younger martial brother Er Bao." Cheng Yu said, "how long does it take to see you. Who knows if you sleep in the daytime, it's easy to make people think more, embarrassed or not embarrassed? "

Gu Qingzhou: "...

do you think more about it?

Normal people, why think more?

Cheng Yu plans to take advantage of the victory and chase after her. He sees that Si Xingfu gives her a warning look.

If we fight again, we will lose both sides. Cheng Yu has calmed down and plans to let go of the light boat for a while.

After dinner, Gu Qingzhou calls Kang's home.

The phone was transferred to Kang Han.

"Elder martial sister, it's me and ER Bao who miss you." Kang Han said, "are you sick?"

Gu had to lie face to face: "no, I lost sleep last night. I fell asleep in the morning."

"Are you ok?"

"It's OK. I just drank coffee before I went to bed and forgot about it." Gu Qingzhou road.

Kang Han believes it.

She didn't have anything to do, just said that Er Bao hadn't seen the light boat for a long time.

"I'll invite you out some other day." Gu Qingzhou road.

Kang Han says yes.

When he was about to hang up, Kang Han said again, "by the way, elder martial sister, my eight elder sister's watch has been lost. Please let the servants at home pay attention to it and see if it's on your side."

Gu Qingzhou says OK.

She asked the servant if she had seen the watch.

The servant on her side said no.

But Cheng Yu has news.

"It's in the sofa. I thought it belonged to Miss Cheng, so I put it in Miss Cheng's jewelry box." Four, Ya way.

Cheng Yu opened the box and saw a strange watch.

The watch is a soft leather strap. The dial is inlaid with diamonds. When the lights shine, they shine. It's very expensive.

"No wonder I have to find it." Cheng Yu said, "this watch is very delicate."

Gu Qingzhou said, "since we have found it, let's send it back."

Cheng Yu hands Siya: "you run."

Four Ya way is.

She changed her clothes, took Kang Nuan's watch and went out to Kang's house.

I can't imagine. Within two hours, Siya came back.

She excitedly said to Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu, "it happened that I saw Miss Kang in the street. She seemed to come out of the side lane..."

GU Qingzhou frowned a little.

Siya said again, "I gave her my watch back. She was nervous and looked down the alley."

When Cheng Yu heard this, he felt something was wrong and said, "who is she with?"

"I didn't see it." Four, Ya way.

"You silly girl." Cheng Yu stabs Siya's head. "She's obviously going on a secret date. If you don't get away from her, call her!"

Siya is surprised.

"Really?" She was a little confused. "I don't know. I just saw her and thought that I didn't have to run to Kang's house. "

Gu Qingzhou patted Siya on the shoulder and said with a smile, "it's OK. I ran into her. Can't I see anyone?"

They didn't care much about it, even Siya herself didn't care about it.

Later that day, Kang Nuan called Gu Qingzhou and said with a smile, "sister Qingzhou, thank you for sending me your watch."

"I should have gone there myself."

"Don't be so polite. We are a family. Do we need such a false story? " Kang Nuan said with a smile.

After a few pleasantries, she hung up.

Gu Qingzhou listened to her carefully. She didn't ask for anything, just a very common thank you, and didn't mention Siya.

It seems that Siya did not break her whereabouts, which worried her.

A very small thing, Gu Qingzhou was not very interested in.

After another two days, Cheng Yu couldn't stop at home.

She thought of the warning from Si Xingfu, but she didn't dare to hang out.

So she begged Zhuo Xiaoyun, "shall we go riding? What are you doing hiding at home? Besides, how can we avoid past disasters? "

Zhuo Xiaoyun is in a dilemma.

Cheng Yu said again, "it's safest to ride for two hours to the horse riding field of Si Xingfu."

She wronged, "I'm going to get moldy at home. If I delay any longer, I'll lose my temper."

Zhuo Xiaoyun hesitated and asked, "how about the division seat?"

He is too careful.

Cheng Yu couldn't help it, so he sent someone to ask Si Xingfu.

The secretary was very happy: "go. It's not going to jail. You two should be smart when you go out. It's not going to be in the house every day. "

Cheng Yu is very happy. It's a lot easier to see that bastard.

She changed into a new riding suit.

In April, the racecourse is green, and the woods nearby are lush. The path nearby is full of flowers. The colors are so gorgeous that the butterflies are lingering.

After two laps, Cheng Yu felt bored.

"Go to a movie later?" She asked Zhuo Xiaoyun.

Zhuo Xiaoyun said: "if you are really tired, let's go and have a good meal. It's not good to stay in the cinema for a long time

Cheng Yu said: "I'm dressed as a horse. I'll be despised by the waiter when I go to eat. I will go back and change my clothes. "

But time is too late.

When she comes home to change her clothes, I'm afraid it'll be seven or eight in the evening.

"Ask the servant to bring the clothes." Zhuomozhi said, "in this way, we can go straight to dinner, eat early and go home early." Cheng Yu nods.

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