Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1319 disgrace

Cheng Yu and Zhuo Xiaoyun were obedient this time. They came back before 8 p.m.

also sent a bottle of perfume to the light boat.

"It's new. It's delicious." Cheng Yudao.

Gu Qingzhou spews out a little. There is a kind of faint orchid fragrance, not rich.

"That's good." Gu chuckled.

"It's hard for you to be filial," said the secretary

Cheng Yu said: "I don't want to get to know you. Let's go and go to bed early. "

smiled at the boat and asked people to put away the perfume.

Speaking of Cheng Yu, Gu Qingzhou said to Si Xingfu, "she is so obedient, you encourage her more. There is a degree of reward and punishment. It's no good to disparage her

Shi Jie pinched her face: "a bottle of perfume has bought you?"

Gu Qingzhou: "...

it sounds that she is quite spineless.

Things had been smooth and smooth. Cheng Yu was obedient, and Gu Qingzhou was relieved.

I don't think so. At noon the next day, sister-in-law Hsin said to Gu Qingzhou, "madam, it seems that Siya is missing."

Gu Qingzhou frowns a little.

Siya is in the service of Cheng Yu.

"You didn't ask Miss Cheng?" Gu Qingzhou's heart was filled with uneasiness. "What did Miss Cheng say? Did she send her out to do something?"

"Yes. Yesterday, Miss Cheng asked Siya to send clothes to the racecourse. Then Siya said that she wanted to buy a piece of material for her brother to make a new dress. Her brother is about to have his birthday.

Miss Cheng took Siya to the city and put her down in a cloth shop. Miss Cheng also said, let the driver wait to see Siya home.

Siya said that I'm afraid my wife or teacher's seat needs to use a car. Miss Cheng has already driven out one, and asked the driver to come back first. She will take the rickshaw back. " Xin sister-in-law.

Taiyuan government is not the site of Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu. They only have three cars.

Cars are expensive, and they can't be taken away in the future, so they won't buy more.

Among the three cars, another one belongs to Huo Yue.

A few days ago, there was a problem with one of the engines. I took it for maintenance. I haven't come back yet.

There are two cars in and out of the house. It's not good to be outside all day.

Siya is a sensible person. Gu Qingzhou and Cheng Yu are kind to her, but she is very measured and not proud to be spoiled.

After listening to her, the driver thought that she was just a servant, and that she was a bit contemptuous at first. He also thought that there was no one at home to listen to her. In case the wife could not call anyone, the teacher would be angry.

After repeated confirmation, the driver came back first.

"... with Siya, she didn't come back last night. I went to ask Miss Cheng this morning and the driver again. They all said they didn't know. " Sister Xin is a little anxious.

Gu Qingzhou said, "don't panic, send someone to look for it."

Sister Xin said yes.

Although it's called sister-in-law Xin don't panic, she is worried about the boat.

Siya was saved from the devil's grasp of the goddess cult. She is considered to be Gu Qingzhou's confidant.

She and the dog brothers and sisters are very dedicated in the family, especially taking care of Cheng Yu. When Cheng Yu was in the most difficult time, she was served by Siya.

Siya is sensible and will not disappear for no reason.

The night passed, and there was no news. Gu Qingzhou was suddenly in his heart.

She called out the adjutant and asked them to find all the people in Taiyuan.

And she herself went to the cloth shop, where Siya finally settled down.

She took people with her.

The boss saw it, only when she was a smasher, she was scared half to death first.

"... Oh, I remember her, the one with long pigtails, wearing a small silver red jacket." The boss said.

Gu Qingzhou nodded, "yes, she is."

"She waited at the door for the rickshaw, and after a while she left on her own." The boss said.

"Why do you want to go?" Gu asked

The boss's legs and stomach are a little cramped: "this lady, the guests in and out of my shop, the girl picked out a piece of cloth for a long time, I remember her.

She's not a big customer. She's gone out of the store. Do I have to leave my business to pay attention to her? She went on, I couldn't see, I didn't see. "

This is logical.

Gu said sorry, but he didn't embarrass the businessman.

She stood in the street, stopped for a moment at the place where Siya stood, and then she went on.

Go ahead, it's a small alley.

The alley looks very dark during the day.

Siya bought the cloth. It's almost dusk. It's not early. Will she go to the alley?

Although the girl has one tendon, she is very timid.

Gu Qingzhou can't see that. However, looking forward to any miracle, he goes home first.

"Are you back?" As soon as she entered the house, she asked sister-in-law Xin, who was waiting at the door.

From sister-in-law Xin's face, Gu Qingzhou saw the melancholy cloud and understood the answer.

She sighed.

Sister Xin asked, "madam, can't Siya have an accident?"

"No way." Gu Qingzhou didn't know whether to comfort her or herself, "Taiyuan mansion is so magnificent that a person will not lose it for no reason."

Cheng Yu and Zhuo Xiaoyun also heard the news.

The two of them went to the yard of Gu Qingzhou.

"Four ya really didn't come back?" On Cheng Yu's face, there was a kind of unspeakable consternation, "I clearly let the driver send her."

Gu Qingzhou sighs again.

The driver was already frightened.

He didn't think so much at that time. He just felt like a servant. There was nothing to be proud of.

Siya urges him to leave first. He thinks that he will be scolded if he can't be found in the car.

He has no friendship with Siya, and is not worth delaying his work for her, so he comes back first.

He was also called to the yard of Gu Qingzhou.

"Subordinates... Subordinates see rickshaws everywhere... And trams..." the driver said incoherently, "subordinates..."

"it's not your fault." Gu Qingzhou said, "it's OK. Don't be afraid. Go out and look for it, and come back to me as soon as you have any news. "

The driver is pardoned.

After he left, Siya's brother, Gouzi, came in.

Early in the morning, he knew that Siya was gone. He thought she ran home.

Afraid of being blamed by his wife, Gouzi went back to his hometown first.

"Madam, Siya didn't go back. I've asked all the people in the village. I haven't seen her." Dog way.

The foreboding of taking care of the light boat is becoming stronger and stronger.

By three o'clock in the afternoon, Gu couldn't wait to go down and report the case.

"Servants?" Inspector ye asked, "are you a very important servant?"

"Yes." Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye dujun said: "that line, let the military and police all look for it. No one is missing from Taiyuan. "

He spoke big, but at eleven o'clock in the evening, there was no news.

He went out to find it himself, but it didn't work out.

He took tea, took a sip, and said to Gu, "boat, it has been more than 30 hours."

Gu Qingzhou's heart thumped.

"It's a good thing to have hope, but you have to be prepared," said Si

"I understand," Gu said. Look for it again. She's a big living person, strong enough not to be quiet. She can always be found. "

"I hope," said the secretary

At 4 a.m. the next day, Siya was found by the spies of Si Xingfu.

However, none of them wanted to report the news to the teacher and his wife.

After ten minutes of prevarication, a man was chosen to report back. Gu Qingzhou didn't sleep, just waiting for the news.

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