Gu Qingzhou never slept.

She is not tired or sleepy.

In this night, her heart always beats the law, which makes her very uncomfortable.

It's not a premonition, it's a speculation.

Take care of the boat think everything, good, bad possibilities, all in her mind.

So when it happened, the bad side rushed to her and couldn't be thrown away.

She couldn't sleep, and she was still quietly looking at the courtyard not far away when she was sleeping on the sofa.

When the servant opened the door and the footsteps sounded on the path of the main courtyard, Gu was the first to stand up.

"Ma'am..." the adjutant who came back said it was very difficult, "I found... In the river..."

Gu's legs suddenly pulled off.

She could not stand for no reason.

Sister-in-law Xin didn't take care of the light boat. She first leaned on the gate, then she didn't fall on the ground. Tears rolled down and sobbed, "that... That..."

the truth is in front of her, but sister-in-law Xin dare not open the veil.

The adjutant licked the dry lips of his hair. Each word weighed like a kilogram. It was hard for him to utter because it was pressed on the base of his tongue: "we have to wait for the people in the police station to test it before we know how and how long we died."

Sister-in-law Xin could not help but slide to the ground and sob.

Si Xingfu woke up at the moment when the adjutant came in.

He stood behind the boat and put his hand on her shoulder.

Gu Qingzhou is suddenly excited.

Si Xingfu found that she was shaking all over, gently, restrained, shaking all over.

"Help sister Xin up." Si Xingfu is right to the deputy.

The deputy said yes.

Si Xingfu is here. Sister Xin feels that someone can take care of her wife, so she indulges her mood and cries: "how can I explain to the dog? Siya told me a few days ago that she would buy a piece of cloth, make a dress for the dog, and make a pair of shoes with the rest of the cloth... "

the adjutant would almost be red eyed by sister-in-law Xin.

Gu Qingzhou's shivering body is even colder.

"Let's go out first," Si Xingfu said to the deputy

Gu Qingzhou sat in the sofa for a long time before he realized that Si Xingfu was holding her tightly.

She returned to her senses and patted Paisi Xingfu on the arm, because nale made her breathless.

"I want to see Siya," she said

Si Xingfu hesitated: "really want to see?"

"Take a look." Gu Qingzhou road.

In the Dark Dawn, Si Xingfu drove to the police station.

Gu Qingzhou sees Siya.

The police inspector said to Gu, "it was drowned. There was no other injury."

Gu Qingzhou's voice is hoarse.

"Is it painful?" she asked

The man was stunned and immediately said: "no pain, it will soon pass. She's gone, my wife

Gu Qingzhou nods.

"Make sure again," she told the lab. If it is confirmed that it was drowned, there is no doubt that we will bury it in the ground. "


When she came out of the police station, it was already in the morning. The morning sun slowly climbed from the blue gray sky and dyed the sky white.

Gu took a step when he went down the steps.

Her mood, when she received the news of Siya's death, moved a little bit. She felt a lot of thumping in her heart and shook her body.

Si Xingfu held her up: "are you ok?"

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head: "I sprained my feet, I'm ok..."


"I know what you want to say, I don't want to cry." Gu Qingzhou said, "if I wanted to cry, I would have cried. What am I pretending to do in front of you?"

Si Xingfu brushed her back gently.

When getting on the bus, Si Xingfu holds her hand, which makes her feel cold and sweaty.

Her mood, like a secret and heavy, can not vent.

It's not that she doesn't want to vent, it's that it hasn't found a way to vent.

"Go home first. Siya won't disappear for no reason, and she won't go to the countryside so far to jump into the river. " Gu Qingzhou said, "find the murderer."

After that, she felt empty again, as if she had stepped on another foot.

"I'm looking for it," said Si Xingfu. As long as it is man-made, it will leave traces. You can rest assured. "

Gu Qingzhou nods.

When they got home, Siya's brother Gouzi also went to the police station.

He fainted then.

After the police check, they return Siya to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou said to the awakened dog, "when your parents come, they will bury her. Who is the murderer? Let's check it slowly. "

What the dog son wants to say, Gu Qingzhou has finished saying, so he nodded in tears, sobbing.

Gu Qingzhou stroked his head, his short hair, poked her in a trance: "don't worry, I will give Siya a justice."

The dog's scalp touched the palm of Gu's boat, and his cold touch made him shiver a little.

In the sadness of all over the sky, he suddenly thought: "my wife's hand is so cold, as cold as Siya's hand."

Then he began to cry again.

The back of the young man collapsed. No matter how many emotions, they are all drowned in sadness.

He cried out of breath.

Gu Qingzhou looked at him at this time and found that he was extraordinarily small.

She also just remembered that when the dog came to work beside her, she was just 15 years old. But the country boy often goes hungry. He didn't look thirteen or fourteen at that time.

In the past two years, he has grown up a little bit, but he is still a minor child.

And Siya......

GU Qingzhou is watching. Her skin is tightening inch by inch. She feels her rigidity in advance.

At this time, Siya's parents came.

They once foolishly wanted to sell their daughter to the goddaughter cult, but their love for their children would not be reduced by foolishness.

They also cried out to no one.

"No, I can't take Siya back." Dog son in great grief, so that the full strength of his parents roared, "wait for her grievances to find out, and then pick her up home."

Siya's parents have no idea.

This is the worst idea for the elderly. Otherwise, the Shinto cult could not have fooled them to send their daughter out.

At the moment, they feel sorry for their daughter and admit that it was their daughter who fell into the water.

They didn't dare to ask for the master's house, but they just wanted to be as docile as possible and not make trouble. After that, the master's house showed great kindness and offered some money to bury Siya.

This kind of submissive and careful hurt Gu's eyes.

Her heart was shaking again, and her palms were sweating more.

"If you trust me, Siya will stop working in the backyard. I'll give her a funeral. Before the funeral is over, I'll find the murderer for you and pick her up to go back home. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Her voice is hoarse.

She wanted to work hard, but it didn't make her voice clearer.

And Siya's parents have heard.

They cried without regulations, just nodded vaguely, I don't know if they agreed.

The adjutants reorganized the backyard, set up a spirit hall, and placed Siya among them.

Gu Qingzhou never spoke.

Siya has no enmity with others. If she really offends anyone, it's someone else who also annoys her because of her relationship with sixingfu, or Cheng Yu, or other people.

Gu Qingzhou arranges all this in silence and makes everything orderly.

Until Cheng Yu a word, let Gu light boat almost collapse.

Cheng Yu asked Gu Qingzhou, "how old is Siya?"

In a word, it pierced all the rigidity of Gu's boat, and her tears came up without warning, blurring her vision.

From take back four ya to start, that broken line mood, finally took on.

Gu had a normal reaction.

How old is Siya? She has just turned 15 this year.

She's tall and a little grown-up, but she has light fluff on her cheek. She's a little girl with yellow hair.

She has a strong sense of death, but she is diligent, intelligent and practical.

Friends get together and leave with each other. Sometimes when they get married or go abroad, they are naturally separated, just like the four seasons, normal and normal.

Servants often work in good masters' houses all their lives, unless they are old or dead.

In this way, servants are more permanent.

Gu Qingzhou has seen the old servants around Si Xingfu. They are loyal all their lives. Si Xingfu also attaches importance to them and regards them as elders.

Siya and Gouzi are the first confidants of Gu Qingzhou.

Before that, there was an adjutant named Tang Ping, but he was a person in charge of Xingfu. What really belongs to Gu Qingzhou is probably Siya and Gouzi.

Gu Qingzhou burst into tears.

Cheng Yu is shocked.

It's nothing to cry, but Gu Qingzhou is very calm all the time, as if she died of an insignificant role, which makes her indifferent.

Until now, her mood burst.

Cheng Yu quickly hugs her and comforts her in a low voice. She thought that she could not hear the answer, but Gu Qingzhou told her with a thick nasal sound: "just 15."

These four words are simple, but they want to be a brand iron, which is printed on Cheng Yu's heart.

At that moment, it was hot and painful. Cheng Yu couldn't help shivering.

He did not know when he appeared, so he broke Cheng Yu's arm forcibly, because Cheng Yu was holding Gu Qingzhou, more like trying to strangle Gu Qingzhou, so that Gu could not breathe.

After holding the boat steady, he heard Cheng Yu say, "I'll cut him to pieces, and I'll chop his family to feed the dog!"

Zhuo Xiaoyun picked her up in time.

After she left, Gu Qingzhou's tears were all collected.

She asked Si Xinghe, "how is it? How is it checked?"

He was silent for a moment.

Gu Qingzhou raises her eyes and looks at him quietly.

Si Xingfu waited for her to focus her attention, and then said: "light boat, you should understand that I am well-informed. There are two situations in general: first, the other party is very important, and I will send someone to stare at him very early, even before things happen; second, on my own territory."

He said, looking at the boat.

Sometimes the truth is hard to accept.

But Gu Qingzhou is always reasonable, she nodded: "I know."

The stone pressed on his chest slowly fell to the ground.

"Siya is just a servant in my family. She is never in my sight. Taiyuan is not our home." Si Xingfu road.

He seems to be omnipotent in Taiyuan mansion, but in fact, he puts those who need attention into his pocket early, and their every move is in his eyes.

It's seamless. It needs to be in Pingcheng and Yuecheng. In Taiyuan mansion, it's not that he doesn't want to or can't do it, but that ye dujun doesn't

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